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3. The calculation

McBen edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 4 revisions

Lets fill the plugin with the real magic. I prefer to solve things top-down. So we start with the expected result:

    doCount(): void {

        if (!window.plugin.drawTools) {
            alert("DrawTools are required");

        const portals = this.findHackablePortals();
        alert(`Portals in Hack range: ${portals.length}`)

We check if the drawtool-plugin is installed. Then we need something that will give us a list of portals. And last-but-not-least print the result to the user.

One step deeper: Loop through all portals and check if they are in range:

    private findHackablePortals(): IITC.Portal[] {

        const result = [];

        for (const guid in window.portals) {
            const portal = window.portals[guid];
            const position = portal.getLatLng();

            const closestPoint = this.findNearestPoint(position);

            if (closestPoint && position.distanceTo(closestPoint) <= 40) {

        return result;

window.portals is the object IITC stores all portals. IITC.Portal is a helper type defintion IITCPluginKit provides you. Maybe you want to take a look at all type definitions resikit included? see: ./node_modules/iitcpluginkit/src/types/iitc It's still incomplete but should cover most function and types you need for a plugin. ".distanceTo" is a Leaflet function and will calculate the distance between points in meters.

Another step deeper: Loop through all drawed polylines.

    private findNearestPoint(pos: L.LatLng): L.LatLng | undefined {

        const drawnItems = <L.LayerGroup<any>>window.plugin.drawTools.drawnItems;

        let bestPosition;
        let minDistance = 1;

        drawnItems.eachLayer(layer => {
            if (layer instanceof L.GeodesicPolyline) {
                const lls = (<L.GeodesicPolyline>layer).getLatLngs();

                for (let i = 0; i < lls.length - 1; i++) {
                    const cp = this.closedPoint(lls[i], lls[i + 1], pos);
                    const distance = this.distance2(pos, cp);

                    if (distance < minDistance) {
                        minDistance = distance;
                        bestPosition = cp;

        return bestPosition;

"drawnItems" is the layer DrawTools puts all it's stuff. The "<L.LayerGroup>" tells Typescript what type it is. It's not only removing a warning. It's also helps with code completion. Long story short: We loop through all drawn items. Pick every item which is a GeodesicPolyline. Get all positions of the line. Then loop through the positions to find the nearest point on the line to the portal position

And finally some math suff:

    private closedPoint(a: L.LatLng, b: L.LatLng, x: L.LatLng): L.LatLng {

        const dx = -;
        const dy = b.lng - a.lng;
        const d = (dx * dx + dy * dy);
        if (d === 0) return a;

        let r = (dx * + dy * x.lng - (dx * + dy * a.lng)) / d;
        if (r < 0) r = 0;
        if (r > 1) r = 1;

        return L.latLng( + r * dx, a.lng + r * dy);

    private distance2(a: L.LatLng, b: L.LatLng): number {

        const dx = -;
        const dy = b.lng - a.lng;
        return dx * dx + dy * dy;

To make things easy we assume that these geolines are straight lines. This is not correct and may lead to some error for long polylines. But it safes a bunch of calculation stuff and most people won't hardly ever recognize it. "closedPoint" calculates the point on the line a to b which is closest to x. "distance2" returns the squared 2d-distance between two points.

One last thing: lets replace the constant "40" in findHackablePortals with a more descripting word. if (closestPoint && position.distanceTo(closestPoint) <= HACK_RANGE)

and place the definition at the top of the file:

    import * as Plugin from "iitcpluginkit";

    const HACK_RANGE = 40;

Not only this is easier to change. It's also easier to read and understand.

Next: 4. The Dialog

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