This is a doge meme generator. It is, obviously, very important.
This project uses the MIT License.
The following packages are required:
- Python 2.7.x
- Flask
- nltk
To install all requirements, please run the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger treebank maxent_treebank_pos_tagger wordnet wordnet_ic
You must also go into the dogegen/ file and change the NLTK_PATH variable to wherever your nltk files are stored.
Run the following from within the project root:
python "input_text" "image/output/path.jpg" "path/to/resources" max_phrases
An image will be generated with Doge phrases interpreted and translated from your text.
python "Hello there, my good friend." "../images/result.jpg" "./resources" 5
Generally, the resources directory can just be left as "./resources" if you are inside the root of the project directory.
Because ntlk must load over 10mb of language data into memory when initialized, running a server and sending it many requests is also possible. Run the following:
python --server-start "path/to/resources" "" port
The server will then run on http://""/"port". On another terminal / process, run:
replacing content within <>'s appropriately.
The first meme will be slow to generate due to nltk initialization, but the rest should take under half a second.
To close the server, run
curl -X POST <your_host>:<your_port>/shutdown
To run as a systemd service, put the dogegen.service file in the /etc/systemd/system directory. Then, copy the contents of this repository into /usr/local/bin/DogeGen.
After this, you can run
sudo systemctl start dogegen.service
using start, stop, restart and status commands as needed.
This will start the server, and it can be used as described above. (Sending the shutdown POST request will now kill the service.)
please not, such independent, wow