Refactoring with Confidence - Creating and proving the correctness of a refactoring to add arguments to a function in a functional language
This thesis was part of the 2022/2023 edition of the CSE3000 (Bsc Research Project) course at Delft University of Technology.
This repository contains the source code for my bachelor thesis on correct-by-construction of functional code. Specifically, my focus was on creating, and proving the correctness of, a refactoring to add a new argument to a function definition and updating its call sites to include the default value for this argument. An example of the desired effects of this refactoring can be seen below.
-- Before the refactoring is applied
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add a b = a + b
add 1 2 -- Returns 3
-- After the refactoring is applied with a default argument value of 0
add :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
add a b c = a + b
add 1 2 0 -- Still returns 3
This project was originally compiled with version 2.6.3 of the Agda compiler. The version of the Agda standard library used is added as a git submodule to this repository.
When clone this repository locally make sure to clone with submodules, otherwise the Agda standard library will not be downloaded.
git clone --recurse-submodules
This source code is licensed under the MIT license. The full license text is available in the file