Metadata Registry is a tool which helps you manage metadata within your organization.
You have to have Docker installed to run Metadata Registry. Please, follow the instruction for your system - OS X, Windows or Linux if you don't.
You have to have Docker Compose installed to run Metadata Registry. Please, follow the instruction for your system.
You can either clone the Metadata Registry repository with Git
git clone registry && cd registry
or download the latest release archive from and extract it.
Rename the file docker.compose.override.example.yml
to docker.compose.override.yml
mv docker-compose.override.example.yml docker-compose.override.yml
Run the Metadata Registry with Docker Compose command:
docker-compose up -d
Now you can follow the server bootstrap:
docker-compose logs -f mc
When you see line org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in XXX ms
, you can open your browser at
There are some default users with different roles initially (username/password)
- user/user - regular read only user
- curator/curator - metadata curator with ability to read, create and update data models
- admin/admin - user with admin access to the application
- supervisor/supervisor - user with supervisor access to the application (can reindex catalogue, see server stats)
You can customize the application by editing the docker-compose.override.yml
file. See the comments inside this file for the
You can use
script to upgrade to latest version of the model catalogue.
Put your MySQL dump file inside the data
folder of this repository if you want to preload the Metadata Registry with existing data.
If you preload the database you need to reindex the search engine by running Reindex Catalogue action from the admin menu (cog).