This repository contains a collection of R code for working with Metropolitan Council Travel Behavior Inventory Household Survey data.
If you came for a pretty R Data object of the TBI survey data, check
out the data
folder or source from URL:
Other things you might find useful in here include R scripts to create complex cross-tabs that require funky joins, some scripts for appending auxiliary datasets & geographic information to the datasets, and more.
This repository is in active development, and anyone can contribute 🤝. See the CONTRIBUTING page on the right to learn more.
All TBI survey years (2019, 2021, and 2023) are combined in the same
object, distinguished by the survey_year
: Read the documentation 💘data
: compiled datasets generated from raw TBI data, that live in the Council’s database.tbi.rda
is a compressedlist
object containing:dictionary
of variable names, values, survey questions, and logic;- person-level records (
); day
records, for analyzing daily trends;trip
table;- household (
) records; - vehicle (
) records, including fuel efficiency data; and trip_purpose
, for working with trip purpose data. This table has been specially weighted to attribute weights to either end of non-home-based trips, and to the non-home based end of home-based trips;mode_conflation
tbi.rda is the only data we store in this GitHub repository. Git
(even Git LFS) is not ideal for storing
data. If you generate additional datasets in your work, please add them
to the .gitignore file. If you need to work with .csv data, please see
the script
, and
add the .csv’s to your gitignore
file. If incorporating a new dataset,
write it to the database first (see @eroten for write access).
: scripts to generate datasets. Work here if you want to add a new variable to the dataset(s) or incorporate a new dataset to the database and/or .RData object. You will need access to internal databases for this work and have certain environment variables in your.Renviron
. Contact a project manager (@eroten, @Brandon-Whited) for
is the main script that sources all numbered .R scripts in this folder.derive-var-[variable-name].R
: derive new variables from TBI datasets.get-[dataset-name].R
: incorporate auxiliary datasets (e.g., fuel efficiency data). If external to the Council, they are added to the database. Wherever possible, spatial datasets are loaded from the Council’s internal GISLibrary.
: collection R code to access and perform analyses.R\previous_code
deprecated code best used as a starting point for new analyses.xtab-[unit of measurement]-[variable1]-by-[variable2].R
: custom[does-this].R
: functions or processes.fig-[description].R
: create a figure or plottable-[description].R
: create a tablevar-[description].R
: create a new variabletrim-[description].R
: reduce/filter the dataset based on a variable.
- Note that there are no folders for specific TBI-related projects/analyses. These should live in their own GitHub repositories, and source code from this repository.
We generally use the tidyverse
-friendly package srvyr
to create
weighted summaries and crosstabs from the TBI data. A simple example,
calculating average vehicle age by household income, follows:
library(bit64) # for looking at big integers, like the person_ids
# load dataset
# create 2021 only dataset
tbi21 <- purrr::map(tbi,
survey_year == 2021)
tbi21$vehicle %>%
select(hh_id, veh_age) %>%
left_join(tbi21$hh) %>%
as_survey_design(weights = "hh_weight") %>%
group_by(income_broad) %>%
summarize(veh_age_avg = survey_mean(veh_age, na.rm = T))