An app that takes all of a users transactions in a given week and rounds them up to the nearest pound, providing the option to add this amount to a savings goal.
Built using Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1
- Create a Starling API developer account (link)
- Create an API application (the details you provide do not matter) (link)
- Create a sandbox customer (link)
- Scroll to "Simulator" and click "Auto-simulate" to generate transactions for your customer
- Add your customers "Access Token" to
in the:network
Android Studio -> Settings/Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Set "Gradle JDK" to '11'
- Code that launches the app & integration tests:buildSrc
- Gradle configuration used across all modules (e.g. dependencies, versions, plugins, etc.):data
- Repositories that fetch data (using data sources) & map the responses to "clean" models:network
- Data sources that fetch data over the network:features
- Parent of submodules that represent application features:features:roundup
- Parent module of the round up feature:features:roundup:ui
- The UI layer of the round up feature (Composable's, ViewModel's):features:roundup:domain
- The domain layer of the round up feature (UseCase's)
- Parent of submodules that contain logic that is used throughout the application:core:ui
- UI constants/extensions:core:models
- Model classes:core:factories
- Factories used to construct & provide platform classes (eases testing):core:test
- Unit test utility classes, also exposes all required unit test dependencies
Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flow, Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi, JUnit5, MockK, Turbine