Dockerfile for Stardog
Due to Stardog licensing scheme the image can't be published publicly.
docker build --tag stardog .
Optionally, the build argument VERSION
can be specified in the build command to declare the desired version.
docker build --tag stardog --build-arg VERSION=5.2.2 .
Note: Stardog started publishing their binaries on their repositories since version 5.0.3
so this is the oldest
version that can be requested.
The image is designed to be very flexible. Any command you can normally execute on a Stardog server is available on the image.
Obtain a license file for the Stardog instance. This is normally provided on the email received while requesting the binary file. You should end up having a file with a name similar to
Recommended: Although not needed, it is recommended to create a Docker volume or a local directory so Stardog's data can survive container restarts or re-creations
docker run -dit \ --name stardog \ -p 5820:5820 \ -v /path/to/directory/created/or/docker/volume:/stardog \ -v /path/to/stardog-license-key.bin:/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin \ stardog \ stardog-admin server start --foreground
Note: The parameters provided to the container are the actual command used to run a Stardog server
stardog-admin server start --foreground
Any parameter sent to the image will be executed as if it was executed inside of the STARDOG_INSTALLATION/bin
directory. This allows Stardog CLI tools with the image.
The CLI tools normally behave as clients to a Stardog server so a running server will need to be created before using the tools.
After a container is running a server other containers can be used to communicate with it. This is achieved by linking the server container to the client containers through the --link
parameter and specifying the server to the Stardog CLI tool.
docker run -it --rm \
--link stardog:stardog \
stardog \
stardog-admin \
--server http://stardog:5820 \
db create -n myDB -v -o versioning.enabled=true preserve.bnode.ids=true strict.parsing=false --
docker run -it --rm \
--link stardog:stardog \
stardog \
stardog-admin \
--server http://stardog:5820 \
user passwd -u admin -p admin --new-password $@#$%234fSDF admin