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0. Prerequisites

  • First make sure to install example Docker images located in docker-images directory.
  • You can do it via standard Docker commands, or just run the devops file located in each subdirectory by running the command:
  • These two images will be used as examples for this Kubernetes learning documentation.

1. Getting Started


The goal here is to master Kubernetes from A to Z.

1.1. What is Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the world's most popular open-source container orchestration engine.

It offers the ability to schedule and manage containers.

1.1.1. Origin

  • Originated from Google.
  • Started with a system called Borg which allowed them to deploy billions of containers every week.
  • From Borg, they developed Omega.
  • From Omega, Kubernetes was born.
  • Kubernetes is written in Golang.

1.1.2. Kubernetes AKA K8S


  • Kubernetes means Helmsman or Pilot in Greek.
  • You can imagine it as a ship carrying cargo (containers).
  • Kubernetes, or K8S (8 because there are 8 letters between K and S in Kubernetes) is an application orchestrator.
  • Basically, Kubernetes orchestrates all the applications.

1.1.3. Application Orchestrator


  • When we are talking about applications, we mainly refer to containers.
  • Kubernetes deploys and manages applications (containers).
  • It also scales up and down according to demand.
  • Performs zero downtime deployments.
  • Allows rollbacks.
  • Much more.

1.1.4. Cluster


  • To understand how Kubernetes works, we first need to understand what a cluster is.
  • Cluster is a set of nodes.
  • Node can be a virtual machine (VM) or a physical machine, which can be run on AWS, Azure or Google Cloud.

1.1.5. Kubernetes Cluster


  • In Kubernetes Cluster, there is a difference between the Master Node and the Worker Node.
    • Master Node:
      • Brains of the cluster.
      • Place where all the control and decisions are made.
      • Master Node runs all cluster's control plane services.
    • Worker Node:
      • Place where all the heavy lifting stuff happens, such as running the applications.
  • Both the Master Node and Worker Node communicate with each other through something called a kubelet.
  • Within a cluster, there is usually more than one worker node.

1.2. Master Node and Control Plane


  • Master Node contains something called a Control Plane.
  • The Control Plane is made of several components:
    • API Server
    • Scheduler
    • Cluster Store
    • Controller Manager
    • Cloud Controller Manager (talks to underlying cloud provider API such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure etc)
  • All of these components within the Master Node communicate via the API Server.
  • Worker Nodes are outside the bounds of the Control Plane.

1.2.1. API Server


  • API Server is the Frontend to the Kubernetes Control Plane.
  • All (both External and Internal) communications go through API server.
  • Exposes RESTful API on port 443.
  • In order for it to talk to the API, authentication and authorization checks are performed.

1.2.2. Cluster Store (state etcd)


  • Contains all of the state for our application.
  • Stores configuration and state of the entire cluster.
  • Kubernetes currently uses etcd which is a Distributed Key Value data store.
  • In essence, etcd is a single-source-of-truth (like a database).

1.2.3. Scheduler

  • Watches for new workloads/pods and assigns them to a node based on several scheduling factors.
  • Is the node healthy?
  • Does it have enough resources?
  • Is the port available?
  • Affinity and anti-affinity rules.
  • Other important factors.

1.2.4. Controller Manager


  • Daemon that manages the control loop.
  • Basically it's a controller of controllers.
  • In Kubernetes there are a bunch of controllers, such as Node Controller.
  • Each Controller Manager watches the API Server for changes, with goal to watch for any changes that do not match our desired state. Node Controller


  • Whenever the current state doesn't match the desired state, Node Controller then reacts to those changes.
  • For example, if a node dies for whatever reason, the Node Controller is responsible for bringing another node. ReplicaSet Controller

  • Responsible for ensuring that we have the correct number of pods running. Endpoint Controller

  • This controller assigns ports to services. Namespace Controller

  • Provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Service Accounts Controller

  • Provides an identity for processes that run in a Pod.

1.2.5. Cloud Controller Manager


  • Responsible for interacting with the underlying cloud provider (such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).


  • The configuration shown above, ingress.yml file, contains an Ingress and this gives us a Load Balancer.
  1. First, this request goes through the API Server.
  2. That request gets stored in etcd.
  3. And then Cloud Controller Manager kicks in.


  • Depending on where the Kubernetes is run, lets say AWS for example, then it creates a Load Balancer on AWS.
  • Just how it takes care of Load Balancers, it does the same for Storage and Instances.

1.3. Worker Node


  • It is a VM or physical machine running on Linux.
  • Provides running environment for your applications.
  • Inside a Worker Node, there are Pods.
  • Pod is a container in the Docker world.
  • When deploying applications, we should really be deploying Microservices.


  • The Worker Node has 3 main components:
    • Kubelet (agent)
    • Container Runtime
    • Kube Proxy

1.3.1. Kubelet


  • This is the Main Agent that runs on every single node.
  • Receives Pod definitions from API Server.
  • Interacts with Container Runtime to run containers associated with that Pod.
  • Reports Node and Pod state to Master Node through the API Server.

1.3.2. Container Runtime


  • Responsible for pulling images from container registries such as:
    • Docker Hub
    • GCR (Google Container Registry)
    • ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry)
    • ACR (Azure Container Registry)
  • After pulling the images, it's also responsible for starting containers from those images and also stopping containers.
  • Abstracts container management for Kubernetes.
  • Within it, we have a Container Runtime Interface (CRI).
    • This is an interface for 3rd party container runtimes.

1.3.3. Kube Proxy

  • Agent that runs on every node through a DaemonSet.
  • Responsible for:
    • Local cluster networking.
    • Each node gets its own unique IP address.
    • Routing network traffic to load balanced services.
  • For example
    1. If two Pods want to talk to each other, Kube Proxy will handle that.
    2. If you as a client want to send a request to your cluster, Kube Proxy will handle all of that.

1.4. Running Kubernetes Clusters

There are a couple of ways to run Kubernetes Clusters.

1.4.1. Running Kubernetes

There are two ways to start Kubernetes:

  1. Run it yourself – which is super difficult.
  2. Managed (Kubernetes) solution – this is what most companies use.
    • EKS – Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • GKE – Google Kubernetes Engine
    • AKS – Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Other cloud providers

1.4.2. Managed Kubernetes


  • What does it mean to be "managed"? It means you don't have to worry about Master Node as well as all the services that are run within the Master Node, such as the Scheduler, API Server, Cluster Store, Controller Manager etc.
  • All we then need to focus on are the Worker Nodes, which is where all the applications are run.

1.4.3. EKS


  • Managed solution from AWS.
  • They give you a cluster, and then you decide how you want to run your applications.
  • Currently, there are 2 ways:
    • AWS Fargate
      • Mainly for serverless containers (applications that don't need to be running all the time).
    • Amazon EC2
      • This is the place where you deploy your Worker Nodes for your EKS cluster.
      • Used for long-running applications.

1.4.4. Running Kube Cluster Locally


  • You shouldn't be using Managed Services via Cloud Providers because it's expensive – use it only for production.
  • For development use a local cluster.
  • To create a local cluster, there are 3 main solutions:
    • Minikube
    • Kind
    • Docker
  • These solutions are for learning Kubernetes.
  • Used for Local Development or CI.

1.4.5. Minikube


  • Has great community.
  • Add-ons and lots of features.
  • Great documentation.
  • Installation: Docker + Minikube.
  • The goal is for our machine to interact with our cluster.
    • The way to do this is to use a command line application called kubectl.

1.5. Installing Docker

The goal is to install Minikube. But prerequisite to that is to have Docker installed.

  1. To install Docker navigate to
  2. Create a Docker Hub account and make sure you can create repositories here
  3. Test Docker version with command:
docker --version
  1. Pull a starter Docker image:
docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started
  1. Test if the container is pulled:
docker ps
  1. To see what was pulled navigate to:
  1. To stop a container:
docker stop <container-id>
  1. To remove a container which was stopped:
docker rm <container-id>

1.6. Installing Minikube

Once you have Docker installed, it's time to install Minikube.

  1. To install Minikube navigate to
  2. Open Get Started tab
  3. To get Minikube installed on a Mac use command:
brew install minikube
  1. Test Minikube version with command:
minikube version
  1. Start a Minikube cluster with command:
minikube start
  1. Check Minikube status with command:
minikube status
  1. Now you should successfully have a Kubernetes Cluster running on your local machine.

1.7. Installing KUBECTL

  • What we want to do is to interact from our machine with the cluster.
  • A way to do it is by using a command line application called kubectl.
  • kubectl is a Kubernetes command line tool.
  • Run commands against your cluster.
    • Deploy
    • Inspect
    • Edit resources
    • Debug
    • View logs
    • Etc
  1. To install kubectl navigate to
  2. For Mac go to
  3. Follow the docs. But in short, to install it use this command:
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
  1. Make the kubectl binary executable:
chmod +x ./kubectl
  1. Move the kubectl binary to a file location on your system PATH:
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  1. Chown it to root privileges:
sudo chown root: /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  1. Test the details and version:
kubectl version --output=yaml

1.8. Kubernetes Hello World


  • What we want to do is execute a kubectl command against our API Server, and let the Scheduler and API Server do its thing.
  • Doing this will automatically create a Pod for us.
  • A Pod is a collection of 1 or more containers.
  1. First make sure the Docker is up and running:
docker run --rm -p 80:80 milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world
  1. This is currently running on Docker. To confirm this works navigate to:
  1. To run it via Kubernetes:
kubectl run hello-world --image=milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world --port=80
  1. A new Pod was just created. To verify this use command:
kubectl get pods
  1. To access this pod:
kubectl port-forward pod/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Now the application is deployed using Kubernetes. To confirm this works navigate to:
  1. To delete a Pod:
kubectl delete pods hello-world

2. Exploring K8S Cluster

Let's explore the components that make up the Control Plane, how you can view the Nodes etc.

2.1. Exploring Cluster

Currently, we only have 1 node and that is the Master Node.

  1. To see all available nodes use command:
kubectl get nodes
  1. At this point there should be no existing pods in the default namespace. To verify this use command:
kubectl get pods
  1. To view ALL pods from ALL namespaces use command:
kubectl get pods -A
  1. Let's create a new Pod again:
kubectl run hello-world --image=milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world --port=80
  1. Verify the Pod was created:
kubectl get pods
  1. View again ALL the pods in ALL namespaces:
kubectl get pods -A

2.2. SSH Into Nodes

  1. View all nodes:
kubectl get nodes
  1. To SSH into the available node, use command:
minikube ssh
  1. You can then see the directory you landed in using the command:
  1. Or go to root directory
cd /
  1. List everything from root
  1. See all binaries:
ls bin
  1. Check Docker version which was installed in this node:
docker --version
  1. View Docker containers running in this node:
docker ps

2.3. Starting and Stopping Clusters

Let's see how we can stop and delete a Kubernetes cluster, as well as creating a cluster with 2 nodes.

  1. Make sure the cluster is running:
minikube status
  1. To stop a cluster, while keeping all the configuration and settings, use command:
minikube stop
  1. Check again to verify the cluster was stopped:
minikube status
  1. To start the cluster again, use command:
minikube start
  1. Check again if the cluster is successfully running:
minikube status
  1. If you want to delete the cluster completely (not only to stop it), use command:
minikube delete

2.4. Cluster with 2 Nodes

Let's use a Minikube to start a cluster with 2 nodes.

  1. To create a cluster with 2 nodes, use command:
minikube start --nodes=2
  1. Now verify if there are 2 clusters using the command:
minikube status
  1. Verify there are 2 nodes using the command:
kubectl get nodes
  1. Check the IP address of the Master Node. If we don't specify which node, it will default to the Master Node:
minikube ip
  1. If we want to get the IP of a specific node, use command:
minikube ip --node=minikube-m02

2.5. Minikube Logs

Checking logs of nodes can be used to debug them, or just track the node log information.

  1. Check logs for the Master Node:
minikube logs
  1. Follow the logs in real time as they happen:
minikube logs -f
  1. Check all nodes and make sure there is more than one available:
kubectl get nodes
  1. Get logs of a specific node:
minikube logs --node=minikube-m02

3. Pods

3.1. Pods


  • In Kubernetes, Pod is the smallest deployable unit (not a container).
  • Within a Pod, there is always 1 main container.
  • The main container represents your application, whether it was written in NodeJS, JavaScript, Golang, etc.
  • You may or may not have an Init Container, which are executed before the main container.
  • Next, you may or may not have Side Containers.
    • You can have 1 or 2 or however many you want, and also some side language (python, java, etc).
    • Side containers are containers that support your Main Container.
    • For example, you might have a side container that acts as a proxy to your main container.
  • Within Pods, you can have Volumes, and this is how containers share data between them.
  • The way these containers communicate with each other within a Pod, is through localhost and whatever port they expose to.
  • Every Pod itself has a unique IP address, which means if another Pod wants to talk to this Pod, it uses the unique IP address.
  • So, a Pod is a group of 1 or more containers.
  • Represents a running process.
  • Shares the same network and volumes.
  • Never create Pods on its own – use controllers instead.
  • Pods are ephemeral (short-lived) and disposable.

3.1.1. Smallest Deployable Unit


  • For Docker, smallest deployable unit are Containers.
  • For Kubernetes, smallest deployable unit are Pods.

3.2. Imperative vs Declarative Management

  • Pods can be created using an imperative command such as:
kubectl run hello-world --image=milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world --port=80
  • The other approach is to use a declarative configuration.
  • Declarative configuration defines the exact same command as imperative, but it's using a configuration (usually .yml) file such as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-world
    app: hello-world
    - name: hello-world
      image: milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world
          memory: "128Mi"
          cpu: "500m"
        - containerPort: 80

3.2.1. Declarative vs Imperative Configuration

  • Imperative:
    • Should be used mainly for learning purposes.
    • When you want to troubleshoot something.
    • Experimenting with something within the cluster.
  • Declarative:
    • Reproducible, meaning you can take the same configuration and apply it in multiple different environments, such as:
      • Testing environment
      • Demo environment
      • Production environment
      • Etc
    • Best practices are to use declarative configuration.

3.3. Create Pods Imperative Command

Let's explore how to create pods using kubectl.

First we'll create a Pod using imperative command, and then we'll declare a Pod using declarative configuration.

  1. Pods are created in the default namespace if not specified otherwise explicitly. Make sure the hello-world Pod doesn't exist:
kubectl get pods
  1. Now use the imperative command to create the Pod:
kubectl run hello-world --image=milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world --port=80
  1. Check again and verify this newly created Pod is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Connect to this Pod using the command:
kubectl port-forward pod/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify that you can access:

3.4. Create Pods Using Declarative Configuration

  • Another way we can create Kubernetes objects is using a yaml file.
  • Yaml is a serialization language used to format configuration files.
  1. Example Pod can be found in this pod.yml file.
  2. Check if there is already a hello-world Pod:
kubectl get pods
  1. If there is a hello-world Pod then delete it:
kubectl delete pods hello-world
  1. Now create a Pod from declarative configuration file:
kubectl apply -f pods/pod.yml
  1. Connect to this Pod:
kubectl port-forward pod/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify that you can access:

3.5. Pod YAML Config Overview

Here is an example of a Kubernetes Pod defined in pod.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
# Tells Kubernetes that this is a Pod yml file
kind: Pod
  # Name of this Pod
  name: hello-world
    # Pod label
    app: hello-world
  # Pod is a collection of 1 or more containers
      # This container is named 'hello-world'
    - name: hello-world
      # Image name
      image: milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world
        # This Pod can only access a certain amount of memory and cpu
          memory: "128Mi"
          cpu: "500m"
          # This container is listening on port 80
        - containerPort: 80


Let's learn about the common kubectl commands that we're gonna be using within our clusters.

4.1. Create and Delete Resources

  1. Make sure to delete hello-world pod if it's running. To check all pods use command:
kubectl get pods
  1. To create a pod based on declarative configuration file, use command:
kubectl apply -f pods/pod.yml
  1. Another way to create a pod is to take the output (cat pods/pod.yml) and feed it into kubectl apply:
cat pods/pod.yml | kubectl apply -f -
  1. Verify if the pod was created:
kubectl get pods
  1. Delete an existing pod:
kubectl delete pods hello-world
  1. Verify if the pod was deleted:
kubectl get pods

4.2. List resources

  1. To list all pods from ALL namespaces:
kubectl get pods -A
  1. To list EVERYTHING (not just pods) within the default namespace:
kubectl get all
  1. To list EVERYTHING (not just pods) within ALL namespaces:
kubectl get all -A
  1. To search pods within a specific namespace:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • -n <namespace> targets the namespace name.
  1. Find all existing namespaces:
kubectl get namespaces

4.3. KUBECTL Describe

  1. Verify the hello-world pod is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. To view all details and information about a specific pod use:
kubectl describe pods hello-world
  1. Get a little more information about a specific pod:
kubectl get pods hello-world -o wide

4.4. Formatting Output

  1. Format logs as table:
kubectl get pods hello-world -o wide
  1. Format logs as yaml:
kubectl get pods hello-world -o yaml
  1. Format logs as JSON:
kubectl get pods hello-world -o json

4.5. Logs

Using logs will help to debug pods, applications etc.

  1. To print logs of a specific pod:
kubectl logs hello-world
  1. Follow logs (if an event happens it will be shown in real time):
kubectl logs hello-world -f
  1. If there are multiple containers in a pod, to get logs of a specific container use command:
kubectl logs hello-world -c hello-world

4.6. Shell Access To A Running Pod

Sometimes you may want to jump into container's shell and debug from within.

  1. To enter a pod via terminal in interactive mode (-it parameter):
kubectl exec -it hello-world -- bash
  1. Or if it requires SH:
kubectl exec -it hello-world -- sh
  1. Similarly, if there are multiple containers, to enter into a specific one use the command:
kubectl exec -it hello-world -c hello-world -- sh
  • Entering into containers like this is usually used for debugging purposes.
  1. You can also just execute commands from outside without entering into the container. This is called non-interactive mode. For example:
kubectl exec hello-world -- ls /

4.7. Access Pod via Port Forward

Sometimes when you want to debug your application, or just want to verify if things are working, if you want to access the application that runs within your pod, you can do it using kubectl port-forward.

  1. Connect to a pod:
kubectl port-forward hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify that it works on:
  1. You can change the outer port of the pod, for example:
kubectl port-forward hello-world 8081:80
  1. Verify that it works but on port 8081 this time:
  1. The command kubectl port-forward works for other resources and not just pods (services and others). You can also port forward by explicitly stating that it's a pod:
kubectl port-forward pod/hello-world 8080:80

4.8. List All Resource Types

  1. To view a list of all resources:
kubectl api-resources

4.9. KUBECTL Cheatsheet

Full cheatsheet can be found on

  1. See all available commands:
kubectl --help

5. Deployments

5.1. Don't Use Pods On Its Own

5.1.1. The Truth About Pods

  • When it comes to pods, you should never deploy pods using kind:Pod.
  • As an example, the file pod.yml is of kind: Pod.
  • Don't treat pods like pets, because they are ephemeral (lives for a very short period of time).
  • Pods on its own don't self-heal. For example if you delete a single pod:
kubectl delete pods hello-world
  • We just killed the last pod, and it doesn't self-heal. This is dangerous because if you have a real application, you always want at least one more pod replica running.
  • This is why deploying pods on its own like this doesn't give us enough flexibility.

5.2. Deployments Overview

5.2.1. Deployments

  • We should never use pods on its own.
  • Instead, we should manage pods through deployments.
  • Deployments is a Kubernetes resource which manages releases of new applications.
  • It provides zero downtime deployments.
  • Behind the scenes, it creates a replica set.


  • The way it works is:
    1. You have a deployment.
    2. The deployment creates a ReplicaSet.
    3. ReplicaSet ensures the desired number of pods are always running.
    4. In this case lets say we want to have 3 pods, so ReplicaSet will ensure we have 3 pods at all times.


  • The purpose of deployments is to facilitate software deployments. For example:
    1. Let's say in this scenario we currently have version 1 of the application.
    2. If we want to release a new version, Kubernetes will take care of the deployment for you.
    3. It will give you another version of the ReplicaSet (v2 for example), which will run alongside v1.
    4. Once everything looks good on v2, you will have no traffic going to v1 of your application.

5.3. Creating Deployment

  1. We'll use the file deployment.yml to deploy the pod we currently have.
  2. To deploy it use the command:
kubectl apply -f pods/deployment.yml
  1. View the deployed pod and verify that it's running:
kubectl get pods

5.4. Managing Deployments

  1. To view all deployments:
kubectl get deployments
  1. To view all details and information regarding specific deployment:
kubectl describe deployment hello-world
  1. To delete a specific deployment:
kubectl delete deployment hello-world
  1. Alternatively, you can also target the .yml file and delete the deployment that way:
kubectl delete -f pods/deployment.yml

5.5. Replica Sets Overview

5.5.1. ReplicaSet


  • When you create a deployment, it gives us something called a ReplicaSet.
  • ReplicaSet is a resource in Kubernetes, which ensures the desired number of pods are always running.
  • It is recommended to have at least 3 replicas of the same version.

5.5.2. Control Loops


  • The way Replica Sets manage to do this is using something called Control Loops.
  • ReplicaSets implement a background control loop that checks the desired number of pods are always present on the cluster.

5.6. Listing Replica Sets

  • Never create a ReplicaSet on its own, because when you create a deployment, it will create a ReplicaSet for us – always use deployments!
  • Make sure not to delete ReplicaSet, because it's managed by the deployment.
  • If you want to delete a ReplicaSet, delete the whole deployment.
  1. View all created ReplicaSets:
kubectl get replicaset
  1. To view details and information about ReplicaSets:
kubectl describe replicaset


kubectl describe rs
  1. To view details and information about a specific ReplicaSet:
kubectl describe rs hello-world-5d9b5cdd77

5.7. Port Forward Deployments

  • Important: using port forwarding like this is meant to be used for debugging purposes.
  • In reality services should be used instead of port-forwarding.
  1. Check if hello-world pod is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Verify that a single deployment is running a pod:
kubectl get deployment
  1. Now let's connect to this deployment:
kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify that it works:

5.8. Scaling Deployment Replicas

  1. In deployment.yml, update config so that replicas: 3.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f pods/deployment.yml
  1. Check how many pods are running (should be 3 now):
kubectl get pods
  1. Verify if there are 3 ReplicaSets:
kubectl get rs
  1. Verify the deployment is running 3 pods:
kubectl get deployment

6. Deployment And Rolling Updates

  • To recap: when we have deployment, we have ReplicaSet, and then within ReplicaSet we specify the number of replicas that we want.
  • So far, we scaled our deployment to 3 pods.

6.1. Rolling Updates

6.1.1. Deployments


  • Rolling update simply means you have a new version of the application.
  • For example, if we have a new version of the application (lets say v2), then we want Kubernetes to take care of the rolling update for us.
  • Let's say we have 2 Replica Sets, and in Kubernetes once v2 is up and running or fine, it simply scales down v1 and no traffic is sent.

6.2. Rolling Updates In Action

  1. View all pods and make sure there are 3 replica pods running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Port forward this deployment:
kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Now we'll make v2 of this exact same application. The only thing we really have to change is the image name, because image name uniquely identifies every version of the application:
image: milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v2

Also add this under labels: app: hello-world key:

  # ...
      # ...
      annotations: "milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v2"
    # ...
  1. Now redeploy:
kubectl apply -f pods/deployment.yml
  1. Connect again:
kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify if this time the web page was changed into v2:

6.3. Rollbacks

  • When we deploy a new version (v2 for example), Kubernetes is not actually deleting the old version (v1 for example) ReplicaSet.
  • The reason it works like this is so it can perform rollbacks in case we need it.
  1. To see this, view all ReplicaSets:
kubectl get rs
  1. View history of rollbacks:
kubectl rollout history deployment hello-world
  1. To roll back to a specific deployment, use command:
kubectl rollout undo deployment hello-world
  1. Verify if these changes took effect. The highest number under REVISION column is our currently active deployment:
kubectl rollout history deployment hello-world
  1. Verify on localhost if the older version is now showing:
  1. To review history of deployment for a specific revision:
kubectl rollout history deployment hello-world --revision=4

6.4. Manage Your Cluster Using Declarative Approach

  • Ever since we rolled back to v1, you can notice how in our deployment.yml it still says we have deployed hello-world-v2, so this might get confusing.
  • Updates should be done using declarative approach and not imperative.
    • That's because usually as you work in a team of engineers, they can see all the changes you've done through git version control system.
    • But using imperative commands can't be tracked through git.
  1. Modify deployment.yml file so that it uses hello-world-v3:
# ...
annotations: "milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v3"
# ...
image: milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v3
# ...
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f pods/deployment.yml
  1. Connect again:
kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify if this time the web page was changed into v3:
  1. Check one more time if v3 is the latest revision active:
kubectl rollout history deployment hello-world

6.5. Revision History Limit

  • To view more revisions, increase revision history limit in deployment.yml file:
  # ...
  revisionHistoryLimit: 20
  # ...
  • By default, it's set to 10.

6.6. Configure Deployment Rolling Strategy

6.6.1. Deployment Strategy

  • In Kubernetes, when it comes to deploy a new version of our application, within the deployment itself we can use 2 strategies:
    • Recreate strategy
      • Deletes every single pod that is running before it recreates a new version of your application.
      • This is very dangerous because if you have users using your application, you will have downtime.
    • Rolling Update strategy
      • This is the preferred and default strategy set by Kubernetes.
      • Makes sure the application keeps on receiving traffic from previous version, while the new version is up and running.
      • Alternates the traffic to the new version when the new version is healthy.
  1. In deployment.yml add this within spec key:
  # ...
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 1
      maxSurge: 1
  # ...
  1. Increase the number of replicas to 5:
replicas: 5
  1. Update application version to v4:
# ...
annotations: "milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v4"
# ...
image: milanobrenovic/kubernetes:hello-world-v4
# ...
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f pods/deployment.yml
  1. Verify if these changes have rolled out:
kubectl rollout status deployment hello-world
  1. Verify if there are 5 pods now:
kubectl get pods
  1. Connect to this Pod using the command:
kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80
  1. Verify if the v4 is running on localhost:

6.7. Pausing And Resuming Rollouts

  • Let's say that we are in the middle of a rollout, but now let's say we spotted a bug, so we want to pause that rollout.
  1. To pause a rollout use command:
kubectl rollout pause deployments hello-world 
  1. After fixing the bug, to resume that rollout use command:
kubectl rollout resume deployments hello-world 

7. Services

  • So far we connected to the application using imperative kubectl port-forward command.

7.1. Kubernetes Service

7.1.1. Services


  • Using port-forwarding should be used only for testing purposes.
  • Instead of accessing/connecting to the app using port-forward, we should be using services.
  • To recap, we have a Deployment, which has a ReplicaSet, which manages individual Pods, and each pod has its own unique IP address.
  • Now let's say we have a client who wants to access the application.
  • We can't use the pod IP address because pods are short-lived, they are not reliable.
    • Instead of that approach, we need to use services.
    • If we scale up or down, pods get a new IP address.
    • Never rely on pod IP address.
  • Service IP address is reliable and stable because it never changes.
  • Service comes with a stable DNS name and a stable Port.
  • Clients should be talking to services if they want to use our application, instead of using port-forwarding.

7.1.2. Types Of Services

  • ClusterIP (default)
  • NodePort
  • ExternalName
  • LoadBalancer

7.2. Customer Microservice Deployment

  1. First, deploy two microservices using Docker by running the automated bash script:
  1. In yamls directory create a new customer-deployment.yml file. This customer microservice will be running on port 8080 and will have 2 replicas.
  2. Let's also scale down deployment.yml from 5 to 2 replicas.
  3. Now apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/deployment.yml
  1. Verify there are 2 hello-world pods running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Now apply changes for customer microservice:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. View pods again and make sure there are 2 pods of customer microservice:
kubectl get pods
  1. View logs of an individual customer microservice just to see that it's running on the correct port:
kubectl logs customer-6cb7ff79b6-2ccmv
  1. View all the pods, services, deployments and replicas:
kubectl get all
  1. View all deployments running right now:
kubectl get deployments
  1. Port forward the customer microservice:
kubectl port-forward deployment/customer 8080:8080
  1. Confirm that you can access the GET API route from customer microservice:

7.3. Exercise


To do:

  1. Create a deployment yaml for the order microservice so that we can have these two microservices talk to each other using Kubernetes Services.

7.4. Exercise Solution

  1. Create order-deployment.yml file as a Kubernetes deployment.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/order-deployment.yml
  1. Confirm that you have 2 replica pods of order microservice:
kubectl get pods
  1. Connect with port forward:
kubectl port-forward deployment/order 8080:8081
  1. Check the URL (it should return an empty list because currently order microservice is not talking to the customer microservice):

7.5. Microservice Communication Using Pod IP Address

  • In this example we'll use a direct pod IP address to communicate amongst microservices.
  • This is a BAD approach and in real development should not be done this way.
  1. Show all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. View details of a specific pod, lets say an order microservice:
kubectl describe pods order-778c484f7c-46h2w
  1. Grab its IP address and add it to customer-deployment.yml file for the container customer:
    - name: customer
      # ...
        - name: ORDER_SERVICE
          value: ""
      # ...
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Port forward the customer microservice:
kubectl port-forward deployment/customer 8080:8080
  1. Check if it works:
  1. Here's the problem with this approach. Let's delete the order microservice:
kubectl delete -f yamls/order-deployment.yml
  1. Now let's create the order microservice again:
kubectl apply -f yamls/order-deployment.yml
  1. Try to access the same localhost url. It should not work anymore because there's a new pod IP address assigned to the order microservice:

7.6. ClusterIP Service

7.6.1. ClusterIP


  • Default Kubernetes service.
  • When you create a service, and you don't specify the type, the default is ClusterIP.
  • ClusterIP type is used only for internal access – no external.
  • Let's say there's a scenario within a cluster, you have a pod, and let's say in this case we want customer microservice to talk to order microservice.
    • If the customer microservice wants to talk to order microservice internally, we use ClusterIP type service.
    • This service will send traffic to any pod which is healthy.
  • Services will only send traffic to healthy pods.
  • Customer microservice can then perform a request to the service, and not the pod IP address.
  1. To create a service in the same .yml file, just add 3 dashes and add this is order-deployment.yml file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: order
  # This will tell the service to send traffic to any pod that
  # has a specific set of labels with app name `order`.
    app: order
    - port: 8081
      targetPort: 8081
  # This can be omitted, because it's set by default.
  # ClusterIP is used only for internal communication.
  type: ClusterIP
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/order-deployment.yml

7.7. Inspecting ClusterIP Service And Endpoints With KUBECTL

  • The goal is to get customer microservice to talk to order microservice.
  • But first we have to set the customer microservice to point to the service we created instead, using individual pod IP addresses.
  1. View all available services (should be kubernetes and order):
kubectl get services
  1. Get details and information about order microservice:
kubectl describe service order
  • The Endpoints describe IP + Port of healthy pods.
  1. To verify if this is true, get all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. Grab and describe a specific order pod. Verify if its IP + Port matches one of the service Endpoints IP + Ports:
kubectl describe pods order-778c484f7c-qg6c6
  1. Update order-deployment.yml file so that it has 3 replicas instead of 2.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/order-deployment.yml
  1. Describe order microservice once again to verify the Endpoints now has 3 IP addresses (3 pods):
kubectl describe service order
  1. Update order-deployment.yml back to 2 replicas.
  2. You can also directly view all the available endpoints:
kubectl get endpoints

7.8. ClusterIP Service In Action

  1. Describe the order microservice:
kubectl describe service order
  1. Take the IP address and plug it in customer-deployment.yml file:
        - name: customer
            - name: ORDER_SERVICE
              value: ""
# ...
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. View all services:
kubectl get services
  • There should be kubernetes and order services, both having only ClusterIP and none for ExternalIP.
  1. To check which services can be deployed, run command:
kubectl get deploy
  1. Now port-forward the customer microservice:
kubectl port-forward deployment/customer 8080:8080
  1. Test on localhost. Before we had a connection timeout, but now we're using the service:
  • This should return 1 record.
  • This should return an empty list because there are no orders with ID=3.
  1. In customer-deployment.yml, replace the service IP address with just order. Kubernetes is smart enough to find the IP address for this service:
        - name: customer
            - name: ORDER_SERVICE
              value: "order:8081"
      		# ...
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Port-forward the customer microservice once again:
kubectl port-forward deployment/customer 8080:8080
  1. Test on localhost and make sure everything still works like before:
  1. To eliminate the port as well, just set to "order" in customer-deployment.yml file:
        - name: customer
            - name: ORDER_SERVICE
              value: "order"
					# ...
  1. Then in order-deployment.yml, set port for the service to 80:
	# ...
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8081
	# ...
  1. Apply these changes for customer:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Now apply changes for order:
kubectl apply -f yamls/order-deployment.yml
  1. Port-forward customer again:
kubectl port-forward deployment/customer 8080:8080
  1. Test on localhost and make sure everything still works like before:

7.9. NodePort Service

7.9.1. NodePort


  • This type of service allows you to open a port on all nodes.
  • Port range: 3000032767.
  • NodePort works like this:
    • Within our cluster, we currently have 2 nodes.
    • Allows us to expose a port between the said range on all nodes.
    • So if we have 2 nodes, lets say we set a port of 30001 on both nodes.
    • Now if we have a client that wants to communicate with our application, the client sends a request directly to that node IP address and port.
    • The client can choose if he wants to hit the first or second node (doesn't matter).
      • Let's say the client hits the first node, the request goes through the first node.
      • When the request reaches that port, the service handles that request and then sends it to particular pod.
      • img.png
      • Now lets say in the first node, there are no pods, but the client still chooses to send a request to that specific node.
      • What happens is, this request still goes to the service, but the service is responsible for sending the traffic to the appropriate pod.


  • In regard to .yml configuration, nodePort property needs to be specified with a port value.
    • If nodePort isn't specified, a random port between 3000032767 is chosen.

7.9.2. Disadvantages Of NodePort

  • There can only be 1 service per port.
  • If Node IP address changes, then we have a problem.

7.10. Creating NodePort Service

  1. In customer-deployment.yml add a service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: customer-node
    app: customer
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
      nodePort: 30000
  type: NodePort
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Now check if this service was created:
kubectl get services
  1. View customer-node service details:
kubectl describe service customer-node

7.11. Accessing API With NodePort Service

  1. Use the standard Docker command to check processes running:
docker ps
  • There should be minikube and minikube-m02 running.
  1. The same thing should display when you run:
kubectl get nodes
  1. View IP for default (minikube) node:
minikube ip
  1. View IP for the second (minikube-m02) node:
minikube ip -n minikube-m02
  1. SSH into default minikube:
minikube ssh
  1. Now let's send a request from the default node to the second node as ssh:
curl localhost:30000/api/v1/customers
  1. Try to curl the same API route but with the other node instead of localhost:
  • If both can curl, it means these nodes can talk to each other.
  1. Now ssh into the other node:
minikube ssh -n minikube-m02
  1. Try curling the same API route:
curl localhost:30000/api/v1/customers
  1. Now curl but targeting the other node:
  1. Again, check all existing services:
kubectl get services
  1. To get the service to generate its url, use command:
minikube service customer-node
  1. Open the URL it generated and confirm if the API works:
  • That's it! This is how to access your application using Node Ports.

7.12. NodePort With Random Port

  1. First, lets check the IP address of the customer-node service:
kubectl get services
  • It should say 30000 because that's what we defined in .yml file.
  1. Now delete the nodePort in customer-deployment.yml:
nodePort: 30000
  1. Delete the existing service using the command:
kubectl delete svc customer-node
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Check the services again:
kubectl get services
  • The port should now be random.
  1. Get the 2nd node IP address:
minikube ip -n minikube-m02
  1. Ssh into it:
minikube ssh
  1. Try to curl but using that random port now:
curl localhost:31127/api/v1/customers
  1. Rename it from customer-node to customer and apply the changes:
  name: customer
  1. Run the minikube service:
minikube service customer
  1. Test the API url that was generated:
  1. Set the nodePort back to 30000.

7.13. Accessing NodePort Service Using ClusterIP Address

  • One last thing that can be done with Node Ports is to access the API internally.
  1. List all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into one of the order microservices as interactive mode:
kubectl exec -it order-778c484f7c-hkmt7 -- sh
  1. We need to use the curl command, but it does not exist within this shell script. To add curl, use command:
apk add curl
  1. Use the IP address of the customer microservice that you can find with command kubectl get svc:
  1. Or, instead of IP address we can also say just customer:
curl http://customer/api/v1/customers
  1. Go back to customer-deployment.yml and change the name back to customer-node:
  name: customer-node
  1. Delete the customer because the port is already allocated:
kubectl delete svc customer
  1. Now apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Verify the service is added:
kubectl get svc

7.14. LoadBalancer Service

7.14.1. LoadBalancer


  • Standard way of exposing applications to the Internet.
  • Creates a load balancer per service.
    • This means if you want to expose more than 1 service to the Internet, then you're actually creating a separate load balancer.
  • When we create a service of type LoadBalancer, depending on the cloud provider that we're running on (AWS/GCP/Azure), it creates a Network Load Balancer (NLB).

7.14.2. What Is A Network Load Balancer?


7.15. Exercise



  1. Have a client hit the load balancer that will run with minikube tunnel.
  2. Forward that to the LoadBalancer service type.
  3. The LoadBalancer service type forwards to pod milanobrenovic/kubernetes:frontend-v1, which listens on port 80.
  4. The frontend gets some data from the customer microservice through a new ClusterIP service.
  5. Then that is forwarded to the pod milanobrenovic/kubernetes:customer-v1 (port 8080).
  6. Customer talks to order using ClusterIP service, which forwards it to pods milanobrenovic/kubernetes:order-v1 (port 8081).

7.16. Full Stack App Exposed With LoadBalancer Service

  1. Add frontend service in frontend.yml file of type LoadBalancer.
  2. Add customer service in customer-deployment.yml file of type ClusterIP.
  3. Apply these changes for customer microservice:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. Check if this service was created:
kubectl get svc
  1. Now apply the changes for the frontend:
kubectl apply -f yamls/frontend.yml
  1. Check if a frontend pod was created:
kubectl get pods
  • There should be 1 instance of frontend running.
  1. Let's change this to 2 replicas for the frontend by updating replicas to 2 in frontend.yml.
  2. Apply those changes again:
kubectl apply -f yamls/frontend.yml
  1. View pods again, verify if there are 2 frontend pods this time:
kubectl get pods
  1. View all services now:
kubectl get svc
  • The ExternalIP of frontend should be set to pending.
  1. In a new terminal window, use a watcher command to get real-time changes of all services:
kubectl get svc -w
  1. Now in the first terminal window use command:
minikube tunnel
  • Now preview the second terminal window.
  • An ExternalIP address should now be assigned.
  1. Test if this is working using the ExternalIP:
  • Side note: if you want to upload a new version of frontend, make sure to delete the deployment version of frontend that was created by Kubernetes, and then recreate it.

7.17. Default Kubernetes Service

  1. List all services:
kubectl get services
  • Here you can see the ClusterIP address of kubernetes service.
  1. List all endpoints:
kubectl get endpoints
  • Here we can also see the kubernetes endpoint IP + Port address.
  1. List all pods in ALL namespaces:
kubectl get pods -A
  • Here we have kube-apiserver-minikube under kube-system namespace.
  1. Describe this pod:
kubectl describe pods kube-apiserver-minikube -n kube-system
  • Here we can see the IP address, and --secure-port=8443, which should be the same IP + Port address of the kubernetes endpoint.

8. Labels, Selectors And Annotations

  • In this section we'll take a look at labels, selectors and annotations in Kubernetes.

8.1. Labels

  1. Let's analyze the customer-deployment.yml file as an example.
  2. Here we have this part:
# ...
    name: customer
      app: customer
# ...
  1. Labels are a key-value pair that we can attach to object, such:
    • Pods
    • Services
    • Replica Sets
    • Other Kubernetes objects
  • They're used to organize and select objects by labels.
  • The above code is naming the pod as customer.
  1. Let's look at this example:
    app: customer
  • This selector means that the ReplicaSet will manage anything with that given label app name.
  1. To view these labels applied, run command:
kubectl get pods --show-labels
  1. We can take this further and add more labels, such as:
  • environment
    • test
    • qa
    • development
    • staging
    • production
    • ...
  • tier
    • backend
    • frontend
    • ...
  • department
    • engineering
    • marketing
    • sales
    • ...
  • ...
  1. As an example:
    name: customer
      app: customer
      environment: test
      tier: backend
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. To view these new labels, use command:
kubectl get pods --show-labels

8.2. Selectors

  1. First off let's update all of the .yml files in yamls directory with more labels.
  2. Then to apply these changes to all the yamls in the same time just execute the apply command under the entire directory:
kubectl apply -f yamls/
  1. View all pods with labels:
kubectl get pods --show-labels
  1. Selectors are used to filter Kubernetes objects based on a set of labels.
  2. Let's filter pods by tier label:
kubectl get pods --selector="tier=frontend"
  1. You can also combine multiple labels in a single selector:
kubectl get pods --selector="tier=backend,environment=test"
  1. Alternative way of filtering would be like:
kubectl get pods -l tier=backend,environment=test

8.3. Labels And Selectors With Objects

  • Let's see how all of these fit together and how it's used in the Kubernetes world.
  1. First off in pod.yml, add:
    1. A pod with image milanobrenovic/kubernetes:blue, listening on port 80.
    2. A pod with image milanobrenovic/kubernetes:green, listening on port 80.
    3. A service with selector name blue, port 80 and target port 80. This service should be of type ClusterIP.
  2. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pod.yml
  1. View these new pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. View the newly created service:
kubectl get svc
  1. View details about labels-and-selector service:
kubectl describe svc labels-and-selector
  • There should be 2 Endpoints with IP + Port addresses, one is the blue and the other is a green pod.
  1. In pod.yml, add environment: test to labels-and-selector service.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pod.yml
  1. Describe the service again:
kubectl describe svc labels-and-selector
  • Now there shouldn't be any endpoints.
  • Because the selector must select ALL or NOTHING (there is no pod with BOTH name: blue AND environment: test).
  1. Add environment: test to both blue and green pods, and then describe the service again – this time it should have 2 endpoints again because the selector matches with BOTH labels.
  2. Start the service:
minikube service labels-and-selector
  1. Open the generated localhost url and test if it works:
  • It should display a blue pod.
  1. To display the green pod, modify the pod.yml so that name: green, apply changes and run the service again.

8.4 Querying With In And NotIn

  • It's possible to query the labels using specific keywords.
  1. To target all environment labels with specific values dev and test (OR operation):
kubectl get pods -l "environment in (dev, test)"
  1. Query multiple labels with multiple values:
kubectl get pods -l "environment in (dev, test), tier in (frontend)"
  1. It's also possible to query in reverse using notin keyword:
kubectl get pods -l "environment in (dev, test), tier notin (frontend)"
  1. Another example of notin:
kubectl get pods -l "environment notin (test)"

8.5. Annotations

  • Annotation is an unstructured key-value map stored in a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve any metadata.
  • They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects.
  • The sole purpose annotations is to assist tools and libraries to work with your Kubernetes objects.
  • For example: you might use it to pass configuration around between systems.

9. Service Discovery

9.1. Service Discovery And DNS

9.1.1. Service Discovery

  • Mechanism for applications and microservices to locate each other on a network.
  • Service discovery happens through services.
  • Again, we shouldn't rely on pods because they are ephemeral (short-lived), and their IP addresses change often.
  • Instead, we should rely on services because a service has a stable IP address, and also it has a DNS.

9.1.2. What is DNS?

  • Full documentation:
  • In short, Domain Name System (DNS) is a phonebook of the Internet.
  • We access information online through domain names, like, etc.
  • Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
  • DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.

9.2. CoreDNS & DNS Resolution

9.2.1. Service Registration


  • When we create a service, we basically register each service to our Service Registry.
  • Most clusters call this CoreDNS.
  • Any time we create a service, CoreDNS registers the service name along with its IP address in the Service Registry.
  • On the other side, this is where for example the consumer (such as pod or application) can consume whatever data or API that the service exposes.

9.2.2. What is a CoreDNS?

  • Full documentation:
  • CoreDNS is a DNS server written in Golang.
  • It can be used in a multitude of environments because of its flexibility.
  1. Get all pods within namespace kube-system:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • There should be a coredns pod listed.
  1. Get all services within namespace kube-system:
kubectl get services -n kube-system
  • There should be kube-dns service listed.
  1. View information about service kube-dns within kube-system namespace:
kubectl describe service kube-dns -n kube-system
  • This service should have only 1 endpoint which is the pod we've seen before.
  1. list all services again within namespace kube-system:
kubectl get services -n kube-system
  • Take note of the IP address of kube-dns service (
  1. Execute into pod blue as interactive mode:
kubectl exec -it blue -- sh
  1. List all files and directories within etc folder:
ls /etc/
  • There should be a file resolv.conf.
  1. Read contents of resolv.conf file:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
  • There should be a nameserver IP address exactly the same as kube-dns IP address.
  • This file (resolv.conf) is present in every single pod.
  • resolv.conf is the name of a computer file used in various operating systems to configure the system's Domain Name System (DNS) resolver.
  1. Still inside the shell of blue pod, try to fetch the customers through the API:
curl http://customer/api/v1/customers
  1. Now view DNS information regarding customer pod:
nslookup customer
  • In case the nslookup command is not found, run:
apt-get update
apt-get install dnsutils
  • In here we can see the server IP address that it's using.
  • nslookup is a network administration command line for querying the DNS to obtain the mapping of a domain name and its IP address.
  • One of the information logs it printed should be the Name key with value customer.default.svc.cluster.local.
  1. We can use that same Name as the API base url:
curl http://customer.default.svc.cluster.local/api/v1/customers
  • default means that it's targeting the default namespace.

9.3. Accessing Services From Different Namespaces

  1. List all available namespaces:
kubectl get ns
  • There should be a default namespace along with 3 others.
  1. If you list all the pods:
kubectl get pods
  • This will list all the pods in the default namespace.
  1. List all pods but from a different namespace, kube-system for example:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  1. In pod.yml, duplicate the green pod as an example, and add namespace kube-system and apply changes:
# ...
  name: green
  namespace: kube-system
# ...
  1. Now if we list all pods within kube-system:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • The green pod should be listed there.
  1. Execute into pod green as interactive mode:
kubectl exec -it green -n kube-system -- sh
  1. To access the customer pod but within the default namespace:
nslookup customer.default.svc.cluster.local
  • Take note of the IP address it printed (
  1. Exit out of the shell pod and get all services:
kubectl get svc
  • Notice how the customer ClusterIP address is the same as the one we got with dnslookup command.
  1. Delete the green pod from kube-system namespace:
kubectl delete pods green -n kube-system
  1. Also make sure to delete the duplicated green pod in pod.yml that was created for this kube-system namespace.

9.4. Endpoints

9.4.1. Endpoint


  • With a service, you get an associated endpoint.
  • Endpoint contains a list of IP addresses to pods which have matched a particular selector, and also which are healthy.
  • Because if a pod is not healthy, then there is no point for the service to load balance between traffic to load those pods.
  1. To view endpoints, use command:
kubectl get ep
  • The number of IP + Port addresses for each endpoint indicates how many pods (replicas) the service has.

9.5. Kube-Proxy

9.5.1. KubeProxy


  • The last piece of puzzle when it comes to Service Discovery is Kube Proxy.
  • In earlier sections regarding Kubernetes architecture, each node has 3 components:
    • Kubelet
    • Container Runtime
    • Kube Proxy
  • KubeProxy is a network proxy that runs on each node, implementing part of the Kubernetes service.
  • Maintains network rules to allow communication to pods from inside and outside the cluster.
  • Implements a controller that watches the API server for new Services and Endpoints.
  • When there is a new service and endpoint, the KubeProxy creates local IPVS rules that tell nodes to intercept traffic destined to the service ClusterIP.
  • IPVS (IP Virtual Server) is built on top of the net filter, and implements a transport layer load balancing as part of the Linux kernel.
    • Basically what it gives us is the ability of load balancing to real service.
  • Redirects traffic to Pods that match Service Label Selectors.
  1. List all pods in kube-system namespace:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • There should be kube-proxy pods.
  1. View logs of a specific pod:
kubectl logs kube-proxy-2s8d5 -n kube-system 

10. Volumes & Storage

10.1. Intro To Volumes

10.1.1. Storage And Volumes

To recap:

  • Pods are ephemeral - they come and go.
  • Any data associated is deleted when pod or container dies or restarts.
  • There are times when we want to persist (keep) data to disk.
  • Or perhaps we want to share data between pods.
  • Majority of the times, we want to write stateless applications, you don't want to keep data on the actual node because running Kubernetes on the cloud means nodes can come and go.
  • There are times when we want to have access to the host file system, store and keep the data if the pod dies etc.

10.1.2. Pods


  • As a reminder, this is a definition of a pod.
  • A Pod is a collection of 1 or more containers, which can consist of:
    • Main Container
    • Init Container
    • Sidecar Containers
    • Volumes

10.2. EmptyDir Volume Part 1

10.2.1. Volume: EmptyDir

  • EmptyDir means that the volume is initially empty.
  • Temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime.
  • If a pod dies, you lose contents of this temporary directory.
  • Used for sharing data between containers inside a pod.
  1. Create empty-dir-volume.yml file with 2 containers that are gonna share volume with each other.
  2. To create volume, put this inside of spec:
    # mimic caching memory type
  - name: cache
    # temporary directory that shares the pod lifetime
    emptyDir: {}
  • Now that we have a temporary directory, we can now use it inside of these two containers.
  1. To use the temporary directory, put this inside both of the containers:
    # location where we want to mount this volume
  - mountPath: /foo
    # this must match the name of the volume
    name: cache
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/empty-dir-volume.yml
  1. View all pods:
kubectl get pods
  • It should return that the emptydir-volume pod has a CrashLoopBackOff status.
  1. View logs of each container:
kubectl logs emptydir-volume-545957df75-9zxx6 -c one
kubectl logs emptydir-volume-545957df75-9zxx6 -c two
  • It should return nothing – there are no logs.
  • The reason why this is happening is that the busybox image just comes up and dies immediately.
  • There isn't a process which is running and making it to be alive.
  1. To fix this, we need to insert a command inside of containers:
  - "/bin/sh"
  • This command will navigate to the /bin/sh directory within the container.
  1. But we also need to pass the arguments:
  - "-c"
  - "touch /foo/bar.txt && sleep 3600"
  • Here we are storing the file bar.txt inside the mount path (foo) we defined.
  • After creating this file, the program will wait for 3600 seconds.
  1. Alternate way of defining sleep without arguments:
  - "sleep"
  - "3600"

10.3. EmptyDir Volume Part 2

  1. Delete the already defined empty-dir-volume deployment:
kubectl delete -f yamls/empty-dir-volume.yml
  1. List all pods, verify that it was deleted:
kubectl get pods
  1. Save changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/empty-dir-volume.yml
  1. List all pods again and verify this time that the process is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into the first container via interactive mode:
kubectl exec -it emptydir-volume-7f468bf5c8-rhxqq -c one -- sh
  1. List all folders and files within this container:
  • There should be a directory foo which is the one we defined in the deployment yaml file.
  1. The file should be created as well:
ls foo/
  1. The second container should also have the exact same folder and file, because both share it on the same volume:
kubectl exec -it emptydir-volume-7f468bf5c8-rhxqq -c two -- sh
  1. Inside the second container, add some random content in the bar.txt, for example just "hello":
echo "hello" > foo/bar.txt
  1. Now execute into the first container and try to read the contents of that exact same file. It should be the same content "hello".
  2. Create another file inside foo directory called bom.txt and add text bom bom.
  3. List all pods to verify emptydir-volume exists:
kubectl get pods
  1. Now delete the pod:
kubectl delete pod/emptydir-volume-7f468bf5c8-rhxqq
  • All the data on volumes should now be permanently deleted.
  1. List all pods again:
kubectl get pods
  • The old emptydir-volume should be permanently deleted while a new one should be running now.
  1. Execute into either container into the newly created pod:
kubectl exec -it emptydir-volume-7f468bf5c8-7gmm9 -c one -- sh
  • Now the bom.txt no longer exists.

10.4. HostPath Volume

  • Used when applications need to access to the underlying host (node) file system.
  • This is dangerous – because for example if we give access then the application can mess up with the host.
  • The recommended approach is to create a volume which is read-only.
  1. Ssh into minikube:
minikube ssh
  1. Navigate to log folder:
cd /var/log
  1. Create a host-path-volume.yml and apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/host-path-volume.yml
  1. View all pods and verify that this pod has been created:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into this container:
kubectl exec -it hostpath-885cd755-jh7q4 -- sh
  1. Within the container, navigate to:
cd /var/log
  • If you ls, all the files and folders are coming from the host.
  1. In a new terminal, ssh into minikube:
minikube ssh -n minikube-m02
  1. Navigate to the same directory path:
cd /var/log
  1. Create a file inside logs folder:
  • In case the permission is denied, use command:
sudo !!
  1. Now you should be able to see this file within the hostpath container.
  2. Inside host-path-volume.yml, under volumeMounts add:
readOnly: true
  • It should be read-only, this means if the application wants to write to this specific path (/var/log), it's impossible to do it – it can only read contents from it.

10.5. Other Volume Types

10.5.1. awsElasticBlockStore Volume

  • Mounts an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EBS volume into your pod.
  • Unlike emptyDir, which is erased when a pod is removed, the contents of an EBS volume are persisted and the volume is unmounted.
  • This means that an EBS volume can be pre-populated with data, and that data can be shared between pods.
  • EBS is just a block storage where you store data.
    • You can have for example, 10GB, 80GB, whatever you request.

10.6. PersistentVolumes

10.6.1. Persistent Volumes

  • Allows us to store data beyond pod lifecycle.
  • If a pod fails, dies or moves to a different node – it does not matter, the data is still intact and can be shared between pods.

10.6.2. Persistent Volumes Types


  • Kubernetes supports different persistent volumes such as:
    • NFS
    • Local
    • Cloud Network storage
      • AWS:
        • Amazon Elastic Block Storage EBS
      • Azure:
        • Azure File Storage
        • Azure Disk Storage
      • GCP:
        • Google Persistent Disk

10.6.3. Persistent Volumes And Plugins

  • PersistentVolumes types are implemented as plugins.
  • Kubernetes currently supports the following plugins:
    • awsElasticBlockStore – AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • azureDisk – Azure Disk
    • azureFile – Azure File
    • cephfs – CephFS volume
    • cinder – Cinder (OpenStack block storage) (deprecated)
    • csi – Container Storage Interface (CSI)
    • fc – Fibre Channel (FC) storage
    • flexVolume – FlexVolume
    • flocker – Flocker storage
    • gcePersistentDisk – GCE Persistent Disk
    • glusterfs – Glusterfs volume
    • hostPath – HostPath volume (for single node testing only; WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster; consider using local volume instead)
    • iscsi – iSCSI (SCSI over IP) storage
    • local – local storage devices mounted on nodes
    • nfs – Network File System (NFS) storage
    • photonPersistentDisk – Photon controller persistent disk (this volume type no longer works since the removal of the corresponding cloud provider)
    • portworxVolume – Portworx volume
    • quobyte – Quobyte volume
    • rbd – Rados Block Device (RBD) volume
    • scaleIO – ScaleIO volume (deprecated)
    • storageos – StorageOS volume
    • vsphereVolume – vSphere VMDK volume

10.6.4. How It Works


  • Let's say the application is running Kubernetes on EKS (Amazon).
  • Here we have Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and this is the place for data storage.
  • Then with Kubernetes there is something called a Container Storage Interface (CSI).
    • This interface is what providers have to implement.
    • In this case we have aws-ebs-plugin.
    • Basically, the provider implements the interface and that in itself gives us something called a Persistent Volume (PV).
  • Persistent volume in Kubernetes is a mapping between the Storage Provider (the actual data block) to the Kubernetes land.
  • The way it works is, we have a pod, and if the pod wants to consume the volume we have to use something called Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

10.7. Persistent Volume SubSystem

10.7.1. Persistent Volume Sub System

  • PersistentVolume subsystem provides an API for users and administrators that abstracts details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed.
  • All of this is done through PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim.

10.7.2. How It Works


  • First we have a Storage Provider (SP) (e.g. Amazon Elastic Block Storage – EBS).
  • This gets translated to Kubernetes as a Persistent Volume (PV).
  • From Persistent Volume we can actually configure the Storage Class (SC), such as:
    • Fast storage
    • Slow storage
    • Both
  • This way we can configure the parameters for how we provide storage within our cluster.
  • Then we have Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), which allows the end user to get access to a Persistent Volume.
  • If Persistent Volume has for example 20GB of storage, the Persistent Volume Claim can ask for 20GB or less.
  • This is how pods (the actual user) request for some storage.
  • PersistentVolume (PV): is a storage resource provisioned (provided) by an administrator.
  • PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC): is a user's request for and claim to a persistent volume.
  • StorageClass (SC): describes the parameters for a class of storage for which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned.

10.8. Create PersistentVolume And PersistentVolumeClaim

  1. Ssh into minikube:
minikube ssh
  1. Create a new directory data inside of /mnt directory:
sudo mkdir /mnt/data
  1. Echo a text and save it inside index.html file:
sudo sh -c "echo 'Hello PV & PVC – Kubernetes is awesome' > /mnt/data/index.html"
  1. Read contents of this file to confirm it has been added correctly:
cat /mnt/data/index.html
  1. Exit the minikube terminal and ssh into the second minikube node:
minikube ssh -n minikube-m02
  1. Create a new directory data inside of /mnt directory:
sudo mkdir /mnt/data
  1. Echo a text and save it inside index.html file:
sudo sh -c "echo 'Hello PV & PVC – Kubernetes is awesome' > /mnt/data/index.html"
  1. Read contents of this file to confirm it has been added correctly:
cat /mnt/data/index.html
  • Now both nodes should have this data created.
  1. In pv-pvc.yml, add PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim and a Deployment which binds them together.

10.9. PersistentVolume And PersistentVolumeClaim In Action

  1. Apply pv-pvc.yml changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pv-pvc.yml
  1. View all resources:
kubectl api-resources
  • Here we can see persistentvolumeclaims and persistentvolumes.
  • Notice how persistentvolumes is NOT namespaced, this is because the volume (which is the storage), for the pod to use it, you have to have a claim. That's also why the claim IS namespaced.
  • There should also be a storageclasses endpoint.
  1. View persistent volumes:
kubectl get pv
  1. View details and information about the created persistent volume:
kubectl describe pv mypv
  1. View persistent volume claims:
kubectl get pvc
  1. View details and information about the created persistent volume claim:
kubectl describe pvc mypvc
  1. View all pods and make sure the pv-pvc pod is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into that pod via interactive mode:
kubectl exec -it pv-pvc-9784d565d-k9vrv -- sh
  1. Navigate to the path we mounted:
cd /usr/share/nginx/html
  1. Read contents of the index.html file, should be the same content we defined earlier:
cat index.html
  1. Add a pv-pvc service in pv-pvc.yml.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pv-pvc.yml
  1. View all services and confirm that it was created:
kubectl get svc
  • Notice how the ExternalIP is pending.
  1. In a new terminal, run minikube tunnel:
minikube tunnel
  • Now you should see the pv-pvc service have an ExternalIP assigned.
  1. Open the browser and try to test that ExternalIP as url:
  • The text we saved in the persistent volume file system should be displayed.
  • Note: if it shows the frontend, that's because both are listening on the same external IP address, so just delete the whole frontend.yml file.

11. ConfigMaps

11.1. What Are ConfigMaps

11.1.1. ConfigMaps


  • Container images should be reusable.
  • When you build software, the same image should be used for dev, test, staging and production, or any other environment.
  • So basically you have one application and the only thing that changes is the configuration.
  • Let's say we have a Docker image, and the configuration would be one for dev, test and prod.
  • Docker image (the binary itself) is the same, but what changes is the configuration.

11.1.2. Benefits Of Configuration Files

  • Reusable application images.
  • Simpler testing.
    • Because you only have 1 (binary) image that you can test in different scenarios.
  • Configuration changes are disruptive.
    • Let's say you want to perform a software release, and you just want to change a configuration value.
    • You can do that and the application can still run while the configuration changes without affecting the rolling of the application.

11.1.3. What Are ConfigMaps?

  • Allows us to store configuration.
  • ConfigMap is a map of key-value pair.

11.2. Creating ConfigMap Declaratively

  1. List all API resources:
kubectl api-resources
  • There should be an API resource configmaps.
  1. Create a config-maps.yml map configuration.
  2. Apply changes of this config map:
kubectl apply -f yamls/config-maps.yml
  1. List all config maps:
kubectl get configmaps
  1. View information regarding nginx-conf config map:
kubectl describe cm nginx-conf
  1. Now view information regarding app-properties config map:
kubectl describe cm app-properties

11.3. ConfigMaps Using Imperative Command

  1. View help commands with examples on how to create a ConfigMap using imperative command:
kubectl create configmap -h
  1. Create a new config map:
kubectl create cm config1 --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=value2
  1. View all created config maps:
kubectl get cm
  1. View information and details regarding a specific config map:
kubectl describe cm config1

11.4. ConfigMaps And Environment Variables

11.4.1. ConfigMaps And Pods

  • Now let's see how to inject the configuration that we have inside our ConfigMaps into our pods.
  • The most common ways that we're gonna be doing this is by using:
    • Environment variables
    • Volumes

11.4.2. ConfigMaps And ENV


  • Once we have a ConfigMap, inside our env key we can pass the environment name along with the name of the config map, and then the key from that config map.
  • Drawback: changes made to ConfigMap will not be reflected on the container.
  1. Inside config-maps.yml, add a deployment config-map.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/config-maps.yml
  1. View all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. View logs of the created config map:
kubectl logs config-map-659668556f-8bgq7 -c config-map-env

11.5. ConfigMaps And Volumes

11.5.1. ConfigMaps And Volumes


  • Let's say we have a config map and a pod.
  • A pod is a collection of 1 or more containers and volumes, and then we mount that volume inside of that container.
  • Whenever we mount a volume, we get a file structure that looks like this:
  1. Add volumes and volumeMounts in config-maps.yml file.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/config-maps.yml
  1. List all pods and confirm if the pods are created:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into the config-map pod but within the config-map-volume container:
kubectl exec -it config-map-6876c8db8d-m9wjk -c config-map-volume -- sh
  1. Navigate into the order directory that was created from the config file:
cd /etc/order
  1. Navigate into properties directory and read the contents of each data variable from the map config file:
cd properties
cat app-name
cat app-version
cat team
  1. Navigate into nginx directory and read the contents of nginx.conf map config file:
cd ../nginx
cat nginx.conf

11.6. Mount Multiple ConfigMaps In The Same Folder

  1. Add a new volume under volumes key in config-maps.yml:
- name: config
      - configMap:
          name: nginx-conf
      - configMap:
          name: app-properties
  1. Now mount this volume under volumeMounts key:
- mountPath: /etc/order/config
  name: config
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/config-maps.yml
  1. List all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into the newly formed config-map pod but within the config-map-volume container:
kubectl exec -it config-map-dcd995f68-mtq6f -c config-map-volume -- sh
  1. Navigate into the newly created config directory and list everything:
cd /etc/order/config
  • Here we can see that we mounted all the config maps, and they're all in the same directory.

12. Secrets

12.1. Secrets

  • Concept that allows us to store and manage sensitive information.
  • ConfigMaps should be used only to store configuration files.
  • Sensitive data should NOT be stored using ConfigMap – use Secrets!
  • So:
    • Configuration = use ConfigMaps.
    • Sensitive data = use Secrets.

12.2. GenericSecret

  1. To create a generic secret using imperative command:
kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-literal=db-password=123 --from-literal=api-token=token
  1. List all secrets:
kubectl get secrets
  1. View yaml data configuration of a specific secret:
kubectl get secrets mysecret -o yaml
  1. View details and information of a specific secret:
kubectl describe secret mysecret
  1. Create a secret file with some random content inside:
touch yamls/secret
echo "generic-secret" > yamls/secret
  1. Let's say you have a file, and you want to create a secret of that file:
kubectl create secret generic mysecret-from-file --from-file=yamls/secret
  1. List all secrets again to view it:
kubectl get secrets
  1. View details and information of that secret:
kubectl get secrets mysecret-from-file -o yaml
  • There should be a data with key secret and a base64 encoded secret.
  1. To delete a secret:
kubectl delete secret mysecret-from-file

12.3. Consuming Secrets With Volumes And Environment Variables

  1. Create a secrets.yml file with its own deployment, so that secrets are used in volume and then mount that volume.
  2. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/secrets.yml
  1. List all pods and make sure secrets pod is running:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into the newly formed secrets pod:
kubectl exec -it secrets-57d484b877-m5xw8 -- sh
  1. To view the secrets inside the container, use command:
  • There should be MILANOBRENOVIC_SECRET=generic-secret – it's no longer the base64 encoded string.
  1. Navigate into directory /etc/secrets.
cd /etc/secrets
  1. Now you can read contents of created files:
cat api-token
cat db-password
  • This is how to consume secrets using both volumes and environment variables.

12.4. Secrets Are Not Secrets In Kubernetes

  1. First view all secrets:
kubectl get secrets
  1. View information and details about mysecret:
kubectl describe secret mysecret
  1. View information regarding a secret as a yaml format:
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml
  • Here the api-token has a base64 encoded secret as a value.
  • This means we can use any base64 decoder to decode this "secret" and read the raw data.
  • Copy this api-token.
  1. List all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. Execute into the secrets pod:
kubectl exec -it secrets-57d484b877-m5xw8 -- sh
  1. Verify that the base64 binary exists in the container:
which base64
  1. Use base64 decoder to read raw data of api-token secret:
echo dG9rZW4= | base64 -d
  • Now it should print the raw data value – "token". Try the same thing but for db-password secret:
echo MTIz | base64 -d
  1. This is why instead of using secrets for storing sensitive information, we should be using Vault Project.

12.5. ImagePullSecrets

  1. Create a pull-secret.yml file deployment.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pull-secret.yml
  • It should fail because we can't access a private Docker repository.
  1. Let's create a secret instead:
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-hub-private --docker-username='<username>' --docker-password='<password>' --docker-email='<email>'
  1. List all secrets:
kubectl get secrets
  • Notice how this time the type should be
  1. View details and information about the newly created secret:
kubectl describe secret docker-hub-private
  1. View yaml config of that secret:
kubectl get secret docker-hub-private -o yaml
  1. To apply this secret, add this yaml code below spec key:
  - name: docker-hub-private
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/pull-secret.yml
  1. View all pods again and make sure myapp is running:
kubectl get pods
  • Now the myapp pod should be running.
  1. Connect to this pod:
kubectl port-forward pod/myapp-595d8bdb77-rb4hx 8080:80
  1. Visit the localhost to confirm that it's working:

12.6. Secret Types

Builtin Type Usage
Opaque arbitrary user-defined data service account token serialized ~/.dockercfg file serialized ~/.docker/config.json file credentials for basic authentication credentials for SSH authentication data for a TLS client or server bootstrap token data

13. Namespaces

13.1. Namespaces

13.1.1. Namespaces


  • Kubernetes uses namespaces to organize objects in a cluster.
  • We may want to organize objects by:
    • Team
    • Department
    • Environment
    • ...
  • By default, kubectl interacts with the default namespace.
    • For example: kubectl get pods is the same as kubectl get pods -n default.
  1. To view all namespaces:
kubectl get ns
  • You can organize your cluster the way you want using namespaces.
  • For example, you may want to have a namespace logging which is used for storing objects which are related for logging purposes.

13.2. Creating Namespaces

  1. List all resources:
kubectl api-resources
  • A resources namespaces should be visible here.
  1. Create a new namespace using imperative command:
kubectl create ns engineering
kubectl create ns logging
kubectl create ns tooling
kubectl create ns ml
  1. List all namespaces:
kubectl get ns
  1. To delete a namespace, use command:
kubectl delete ns engineering
kubectl delete ns logging
kubectl delete ns tooling
kubectl delete ns ml
  1. Create namespaces using declarative approach in namespaces.yml file.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/namespaces.yml
  1. List all namespaces:
kubectl get ns

13.3. Using Namespaces

  1. Let's start off by deleting all the yamls:
kubectl delete -f yamls/.
  1. Verify the created namespaces are gone:
kubectl get ns
  1. Create the defined namespaces:
kubectl apply -f yamls/namespaces.yml
  1. To view which types of Kubernetes components CAN be namespaced, use command:
kubectl api-resources
  • For each API resource it says whether the resource can be namespaced or not.
  1. In frontend.yml add a namespace engineering for both deployment and service.
  2. Verify there are no pods in default as well as engineering namespace.
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -n engineering
  1. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/frontend.yml
  1. In customer-deployment.yml add a namespace engineering for everything.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. List all pods in engineering namespace:
kubectl get pods -n engineering

13.4. Kubens

  1. Full documentation:
  2. Kubens is mainly used for switching between namespaces.
  3. To install it use command:
brew install kubectx
  1. View all namespaces and check which namespace is active, use kubens command:
  1. Switch to the active namespace:
kubens engineering
  1. Now every command will search within the engineering namespace unless explicitly stated otherwise, for example:
kubectl get pods
  1. Switch back to the previous namespace:
kubens -

13.5. NS Cross Communication And Network Policies

13.5.1. Cross NS Communication


  • Let's say that we have a namespace dev and a service called customer.
  • On the same cluster, let's say there is another namespace demo and also a service called customer.
  • If from demo namespace we want to talk to the dev namespace, just say

13.5.2. Network Policies


  • Within namespaces, we also have something called Network Policies.
  • This is when for example there is a namespace demo and prod.
  • If we don't want these two namespaces to talk to each other – use Network Policies.

14. Health Checks

14.1. Kubernetes Health Checks

14.1.1. Health Checks

  • When you build an application, you need to make sure the application is healthy at all times and also ready to receive traffic.
  • Kubernetes uses a process health check to check if the application is alive, and if it's not then it restarts the process.
  • Since it uses a process health check, this on its own is not sufficient.
    • img.png
    • For example, let's say we have the main app built in Golang and a database.
    • Now let's say the app wants to connect to the database, but it can't.
    • Although the application may seem healthy and able to handle traffic, it cannot.
  • To solve this issue, we have something called Liveness Probe and Readiness Probe.

14.2. Liveness Probe

14.2.1. Liveness Probe

  • The kubelet uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container.
  • For example, liveness probes could catch a deadlock, database connection failure, etc.
  1. Set the engineering as default namespace:
kubens engineering
  1. List all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. List all services:
kubectl get svc
  1. Start the customer service:
minikube service customer -n engineering
  1. Navigate to the generated url but target customers GET route:
  1. Under this url, we can also check the application health:
  • If it says status: "UP" then everything is fine and the application is alive.
  1. Now let's instruct Kubernetes to use /health endpoint for its liveness probe. To set up liveness probe, in customer-deployment under customer container add:
    # Path to target for liveness checks
    path: "/health"

    # Port needs to be the same as container port
    port: 8080

  # Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
  # So, here we say only kick off liveness probe checks after 5 seconds.
  initialDelaySeconds: 5

  # Number of seconds after which the probe times out.
  # Defaults to 1 second.
  timeoutSeconds: 1

  # Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded.
  # Defaults to 3.
  failureThreshold: 3

  # How often (in seconds) to perform the probe
  periodSeconds: 5

and also a new environment:

  value: "30"
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. List all pods and immediately watch for real-time changes:
kubectl get pods -w
  • The container will die every 30 seconds, and Kubernetes will now try running another instance of customer container.
  1. Delete the KILL_IN_SECONDS environment variable and apply the changes again.

14.3. Readiness Probe

14.3.1. Readiness Probe

  • The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a container is ready to start accepting traffic.
  • For example, when the application starts maybe it first has to bootstrap the database, or a few things before the application is ready to start accepting traffic, so here we can set a delay to accommodate that.
  1. In customer-deployment.yml, add readiness probe under customer container:
    path: "/health"
    port: 8080
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  timeoutSeconds: 1
  failureThreshold: 3
  periodSeconds: 5
  1. Apply these changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. List all pods and immediately watch for real-time changes:
kubectl get pods -w

15. Resource Management

15.1. Resource Management

15.1.1. Resource Management

  • Sometimes an app uses a lot of resources, such as memory and CPU.
  • This is dangerous, because our app can consume a lot of resources, leaving other applications starving for memory (or CPU).
  • Within Kubernetes, we can define:
    • Minimum amount of resources that a container needs (REQUEST).
    • Maximum amount of resources that a container can have (LIMIT).
  • Example:
    • img.png
    • Let's say we have a resource which is a CPU or RAM.
    • For any given container, we can specify the request (minimum of resources that the application needs).
    • We can also define the limit (maximum usage).
    • If we deploy an empty container, the container may use 20% of what it actually requested.
    • The container is capped at the max usage, because if there are other containers that need resources, they can always acquire it.

15.2. Resource Requests And Limits

  1. To create a resource, inside a container block add:
    # 512 megabytes (half a gig)
    memory: "512Mi"
    # 1000 millicores (1 core of CPU usage)
    cpu: "1000m"
  1. To configure a request:
  # ...
    # 128 megabytes (max capacity of memory usage)
    memory: "128Mi"
    # 500 millicores (half a core of CPU usage)
    cpu: "500m"
  • Keep in mind that limits (MAXIMUM) has to be more than the requests (MINIMUM).

15.3. Lets Max Out Our Cluster

  • Let's see what happens when we don't have enough resources for us to deploy the containers.
  1. In customer-deployment.yml change the number of replicas from 2 to 20 to see if our cluster can handle 20 replicas.
  2. Make sure you are inside the engineering namespace:
kubens engineering
  1. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/customer-deployment.yml
  1. List all pods:
kubectl get pods
  1. If some pods are pending, let's view the logs:
kubectl describe pod/customer-6987c9d78-dqmdg -n engineering
  • It should say the pod failed to run due to not enough memory.

16. Jobs & Cron Jobs

16.1. Running Tasks With Kubernetes

  1. Create a job.yml deployment.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/job.yml
  1. List all pods and watch for real-time changes:
kubectl get pods -w
  • It should have a CrashLoopBackOff status.
  • This is because Kubernetes doesn't understand that this container (busybox) is not long-lived.
  • Our job container just came up and did nothing.
  • Kubernetes will now try to rerun this container but exponentially slower.
  • There are times when we need to execute tasks for example maybe once or twice, or every 5 minutes etc.
    • This is what jobs allows us to do.
    • The most common scenarios are database backups.
  • Examples of jobs usage:
    • Every single day there's a database backup.
    • Every single hour we want to automatically send an email.
    • ...
  • We have jobs and cron jobs.
    • Job executes only once.
    • Cron jobs execute multiple times depending on your cron expression.

16.2. Jobs

  • Let's create a job that will simulate a database backup.
  1. List all API resources:
kubectl api-resources
  • There should be jobs and cronjobs.
  1. Create Kubernetes job.yml.
  2. Apply those changes:
kubectl apply -f yamls/job.yml
  1. List all pods and watch for real-time changes:
kubectl get pods -w
  1. Check logs to verify if it has performed a db backup:
kubectl logs db-backup-job-cj5mx
  • This job will run just once and never again, it will kill the pod once the backup is complete.


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