My own Twitch bot to run in my channel while streaming, and say hi to people!
It will be written in JavaScript using node.
To Do:
- Set up project ✓
- npm init ✓
- Install the tmi package and require it ✓
- Set up options ✓
- Generate OAuth token ✓
- Create the connection ✓
- Add event listeners and logic
Required npm packages:
- tmi
- play-sound
- xml2js
Current commands: !commands - links to a command page that displays all commands that MMB recognises. !twitter - show a link to my Twitter !so {user} - say "Thank you {user} for supporting the channel - make sure to show them some love!" !time - say the local time for me. !hi - will randomly select a response from a given list !howareyou - will randomly select a response from a given list !uptime - how long the stream has been running !sub !follow !hype !lurk !discord !quotes - MMB will post a quote from a list of pre-given quotes. !newquote - MMB will store the new quote in the quote list. !giveawaystart - starts giveaway (MOD ONLY) !enter - MMB will store username who messages this (the first time only). If subscriber, MMB will add their name x5 !giveawayend - MMB will not store anymore entries (MODONLY) !decidewinner - MMB will randomly decide the winner (MODONLY)
For a full list of commands, please visit:
Commands to be added: TBA
Timers to be added? (messages that will be posted into chat after an interval of X minutes/messages?)