Dexter helps you to improve coding skills. Whenever you save a source file, Dexter analyzes it and shows its improvements point on your editor in real-time.
- A developer who sometimes forgets to check code quality (just like me !)
- A developer who needs a peer reviewer (but you are shy)
- A S/W engineering team member who wants to improve developers' code quality without annoying
- A static analysis engine developer who needs UI and server-side features
- Win 32bit:
- Win 64bit:
#####Eclipse JAVA
- Win 32bit:
- Win 64bit:
#####Eclipse C/C++
- Win 32bit:
- Win 64bit:
#####Tizen SDK
- Win 32bit:
- Win 64bit:
- Eclipse IDE for Java language (Kepler 4.3+)
- Source Insight for C/C++ (3.50.0072+)
- CLI for executing by a script (Jenkins, other editors)
Dexter is a static analysis platform to find and remove defects efficiently and immediately during the coding-time. In addition, Dexter saves your learning cost because it contains multiple static analysis tools as a plug-in type.
(refer to detailed document :
- Install JDK 7 update 40+
- Install Gradle (
- Install NodeJS v4.4.2+ (
- Download Eclipse RCP/RAP Kepler + (
- Download Dexter Source Codes (
- run with suffice memory (in eclipse.ini) : -Xmx1024m --launcher.XXMaxPermSize256m
- make sure your text file encoding setting is 'UTF-8' : eclipse > Preferences > General > Workspace
- import Dexter Projects that you already downloaded except dexter-server project
- use 'gradle build' command in a command line console : '/project' folder
- refresh all projects in eclipse, then all errors will be gone
- use ant script on build-install.xml file in dexter-executor project
- you can see the ' file in dexter-executor/install folder
- after unzip this file, you can run dexter in a command line: unzip-folder/bin/dexter.bat or
- before you run dexter.bat file, you have to set dexter_cfg.json file to set the scope of analysis (refer to file)
- open dexter-daemon.product file in dexter-daemon project
- click 'Eclipse Product export wizard' link on the 'Exporting' tab in a editor
- set the fields - Root direoct:dexter-daemon Destination/Directory: your directory
- click "Finish" button
- check export folder, there will be dexter-daemon folder
- run dexter.exe file, then you can see the login dialog
- check 'Run in Standalong mode', then you can run dexter without Dexter Server
- run source insight, and open 'Base' project
- add 'project/script/dexter.em' macro file into 'Base' project
- after editing and saving your source file, you will see the result of analysis in your editor and Dexter Daemon
- create feature project in your eclipse
- include all of dexter projects witout dexter-daemon and dexter-cppcheck project
- create update site on the feature.xml file
- include your feature and build all, then you will see the feature and plugins folders in you update project
- you can make a update site or just copy plugin folder into your new eclipse
- then, you can use Dexter
In order to build a plugin for Visual Studio you need following prerequisites:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or newer
- Microsoft Visual Studio SDK (2013 or newer)
- (Optionally) NUnit3 Test Adapter (Visual Studio Extension) - for executing unit tests
To build a plugin:
- open a solution file "dexter-vs.sln" located in project/dexter-vs directory.
- right click on "Build/Rebuild dexter-vs". NuGet will download all required dependencies and Visual Studio will rebuild you project.
- after this, you should have a self-installing extension file "dexter.vsix" located in "dexter-vs/bin/{ConfigurationName}"
- you can install an extension by double clicking it.
The most convenient way to debug this plugin is to use an Experimental Instance of Visual Studio.
- go to "Project/dexter-vs Properties..." and then go to "Debug" tab.
- select "Start external program:" and provide path to Visual Studio executable (devenv.exe).
- enter in "Command line arguments" value "/RootSuffix Exp".
- save your changes
- run a project (F5).
- it should start Visual Studio Experimental Instance with dexter-vs installed as an extension.
- JavaScript
- Tizen SDK
- WebStorm
- Android Studio
- Enhance Source Insight
- Java: PMD, Checkstyle, etc.
- JavaScript: Flow, JSHint
- Custom Checkers
Dexter is BSD-licensed.