Printf project for Holberton School to create a simple replication of printf()
in C.
holberton.h - header file including prototypes and libraries used.
functions.c - include functions to print strings, chars, and function to check for specifiers.
- prints a string
- prints a char
- checks and matches a conversion specifier with its corresponding function -
print_fcns.c - helper fucntions to print according to type/conversion specifier and returns characters printed
- prints char
- prints string
- prints decimal(and integer)
pu() - prints unsigned integer
px() - prints hexidecimal -
print_fcns2.c - (continuation) helper fucntions to print according to type/conversion specifier and returns characters printed
- prints hexidecimal
- prints unsigned octal
- prints void pointer in hexidecimal
- prints integer in binary -
_printf - function with basic functionalities
that checks each argument for conversion specifiers, prints accordingly, and return characters printed
takes in variable arguments and looks for their corresponding functions(if exists). If an argument does not match any specifiers, _printf()
will simply print the argument the way it was received.
To print the string "Hello, World!":
#include "holberton.h"
_printf("%s\n", "Hello, World!");