A collection of kotlin extensions for JDA that make use with reactor-core easier.
Replace the $VERSION
with the latest release version.
with the latest stable JDA v5 release.
dependencies {
repositories {
<repository> <!-- jda-reactor -->
Some small example usages of the components supported by this library.
There is a complete bot written as an example available at reactive-jda-bot.
fun main() {
// Create a ReactiveEventManager for Flux event streams
val manager = ReactiveEventManager()
// subscribe directly on the manager instance
manager.on<ReadyEvent>() // Flux<ReadyEvent>
.next() // Mono<ReadyEvent>
.subscribe { println("Ready to go!") } // Subscribe to event
manager.on<MessageReceivedEvent>() // Flux<MessageReceivedEvent>
.map { it.message } // Flux<Message>
.filter { it.contentRaw == "!ping" } // filter by content
.map { it.channel } // Flux<MessageChannel>
.map { it.sendMessage("Pong!") } // Flux<MessageAction>
.flatMap { it.asMono() } // Flux<Message> (send message and provide result)
.subscribe() // Subscribe to event
val jda = JDABuilder(BOT_TOKEN)
// you can also subscribe to events from the JDA instance
jda.on<ShutdownEvent>() // Flux<ShutdownEvent>
.subscribe { println("That was fun!") } // Make a statement on shutdown, not guaranteed to run if daemon scheduler (default)
Every RestAction receives an asMono
extensions which converts them into a Mono<T>
of the same result type.
Additionally some more specific types such as PaginationAction
can be streamed into a Flux<T>
which will automatically paginate the endpoint as demanded by the subscription.
fun getMessagesForUser(channel: MessageChannel, user: User): Flux<Message> {
val action = channel.iterableHistory
return action.asFlux() // Flux<Message>
.filter { it.author == user } // filter by user
fun sendAndLog(channel: MessageChannel, content: String) {
val action = channel.sendMessage(content)
action.asMono() // Mono<Message>
.flatMap { it.addReaction(EMOTE).asMono() } // Mono<Void!> = empty mono
.doOnSuccess { println("${channel.name}: $content") } // add side-effect
.subscribe() // subscribe to empty stream
fun getBannedUsers(guild: Guild): Flux<String> {
return guild.retrieveBanList() // RestAction<List<Guild.Ban>>
.toFlux() // Flux<Ban>
.map { it.user } // Flux<User>
.map { it.asTag } // Flux<String>
fun onNextMessage(channel: MessageChannel, callback: (Message) -> Unit) {
channel.onMessage() // Flux<MessageReceivedEvent>
.next() // Mono<MessageReceivedEvent>
.map { it.message } // Mono<Message>
.subscribe { callback(it) }
fun onReaction(message: Message, reaction: String): Flux<User> {
return message.on<MessageReactionAddEvent>() // Flux<MessageReactionAddEvent>
.filter { it.emoji.name == reaction } // Flux<MessageReactionAddEvent> with filter
.map { it.user } // Flux<User>
fun onNameChange(user: User): Flux<String> {
return user.on<UserUpdateNameEvent>() // Flux<UserUpdateNameEvent>
.map { it.newValue } // Flux<String>
fun onNameChange(channel: GuildChannel): Flux<String> {
return channel.onUpdate<ChannelUpdateNameEvent>() // Flux<ChannelUpdateNameEvent>
.map { it.newValue } // Flux<String>
I've added a special toFluxLocked
which makes use of the lockedIterator()
that was introduced in JDA version 4. This will automatically lock the cache view for read access when subscribe()
is invoked and unlock it on the completion signal.
fun findUserByName(jda: JDA, name: String): Mono<User> {
return jda.userCache
.toFluxLocked() // Flux<User> lazy locked user cache
.filterFirst { it.name == name } // Mono<User> unlock on first match
fun sendToUser(jda: JDA, name: String, content: String) {
return findUserByName(name) // Mono<User>
.flatMap { it.openPrivateChannel().asMono() } // Mono<PrivateChannel>
.flatMap { it.sendMessage(content).asMono() } // Mono<Message>
.subscribe() // lock the user cache and look for the user by name
I've added a few extensions to reactor itself that might be useful when working with JDA.
improvement ofT.toMono()
which usesMono.justOrEmpty
insteadMono.then(() -> Mono<R>)
lazy version ofMono.then(Mono<R>)
similar toMono.flatMap
Flux.then(() -> Mono<R>)
same as aboveFlux.filterFirst((T) -> Boolean)
combination offilter().next()
Flux.filterFirstWhen((T) -> Publisher<Boolean>)
combination offilterWhen().next()
Flux.nextWhen((T) -> Mono<R>)
combination ofnext().flatMap()
Iterable<CompletionStage<T>>.asFlux(): Flux<T>
flatten lists of completion stages