Created automatically using as base the template repository
Replace on the readme file the string CHANGE_REPO_NAME to the repository name.
If the application serves the purpose to be a backend-repository please remove from the .github/workflows/ directory all the files that start with front and remove the scripts/ directory and Dockerfile.frontend as well
Do not delete the branchs until you know that its not going to be deployed on Qa/Prod environments because it delete the Release Tag too.
Otherwise remove the files that start with app_ on .github/workflows/ directory
When a developer makes a commit, they should add a Jira Software issue key to the commit message, like this: git commit -m "PROJ-123 add a README file to the project." git push origin
also it works for the Pull request if you put the issue /story key on the Pull request title .
Sonarqube url Site
Where the analyzed code status is
Where you find out all the status of the services and their version
How to start working on a new service
Docker Compose Local Environment
Accessing inside the containers
See all the another confluence pages to have more details .