Implementation of our paper titled "Iterative Copy-Move Forgery Detection based on a new Interest Point Detector"
if you use this code please cite this paper: { Zandi, Mohsen, Ahmad Mahmoudi-Aznaveh, and Alireza Talebpour. "Iterative copy-move forgery detection based on a new interest point detector." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11.11 (2016): 2499-2512. }
Example: [mask,result,time]=DetectCopyMove('sample_forged.png');
Some parts of the implementation are in c++ using OpenCV library(version: 2.4.6). The compiled versions (MEX) are also included for 64 bit windows versions.
Requirements: Matlab 2013 or newer vl_feat 0.9.20 opencv 2.4.6 (opencv_core246.dll), must be compatibe with compiled MEX files (x86 or x64)