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Connecting Party Manager


Table of Contents

  1. Setup
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Project build
    3. AWS SSO Setup
    4. Other helpful commands
  2. Tests
  3. Workflow
  4. FHIR, Swagger and FHIR Pydantic models
  5. ETL



We use asdf to fetch the required versions of prerequisite libraries instead of your system's default version. To get it up and running go to You can check it installed properly by using the command asdf --version.

If you are using pyenv (you can check by typing pyenv and seeing whether it returns a nice list of commands) then you should run:

pyenv install $(cat .python-version)

Additionally you will need wget (doing which wget will return blank if not installed). Please Google "how to install wget on my operating system", if you don't already have this installed.

Otherwise asdf should do the work for you.

Project build

Do make build every time you would like to pick up and install new local/project dependencies and artifacts. This will always detect changes to:

  • .tool-versions (project prerequisites)
  • pyproject.toml (python dependencies)
  • non-development files in the src directory

The first time it will also set up your pre-commit hooks.


We use Proxygen to deploy our proxies and specs to APIM which we have wrapped up into a make command:

  • make apigee--deploy

This when run locally will need you to have done a local terraform--plan and terraform--apply (as it will read some details from the output files)


  • At present we have one set of credentials that we use across PTL and PROD (so that the name of the api remains constant)
  • We are temporarily using the apikey method of authentication, which requires the deployment of a key that is used in the swagger - example below:
    • proxygen secret put sandbox cpm-1 --apikey --secret-value=iamsecret
    • We plan on replacing this with MTLS as soon as we can

Temporary Proxies

To avoid us having too many proxies deployed that we fail to manage, for anything that isnt a Persistent Environment or equivalent sandbox (dev, dev-sandbox) - then the Proxy will be tagged as temporary. This means that it will be deleted after a period of time determined by APIM and the code can be found in the swagger generation files under the x-nhsd-apim header


This project uses Single Sign On (SSO) for consuming AWS services.

To configure SSO run the following command

aws configure sso

using the following parameters, where <REPLACE_ME> matches the URL of the SSO app you should have as a bookmark:

SSO session name (Recommended): NHS
SSO start URL [None]: https://<REPLACE_ME>
SSO region [None]: eu-west-2
SSO registration scopes [sso:account:access]: sso:account:access

A browser window should appear. To progress you will need to click "Confirm and continue" and then "Allow", after reading and understanding the instructions. Once complete you will be returned to the console.

You can now configure your first profile, by selecting a value from the list and answering the prompts. You should setup NHS Digital Spine Core CPM MGMT first. Successive profiles can be added by repeating aws configure sso but this time the SSO session name exists and will not be recreated.

Entries will now be visible in your ~/.aws/config file.

You may now login to AWS via SSO using:

aws sso login --sso-session NHS

You may now switch between profiles by using, where is taken from the entry in your ~/.aws/config file:

export AWS_PROFILE=<profile>

This is the preferred method of switching between profiles, as it will cause the profile name to appear in your BASH prompt.

Build a local workspace on AWS (DEV)

You can build a working copy of the CPM service in your own workspace within the dev environment. To do this follow these steps. (You must have SSO setup on your system and have MGMT admin access)

You must pass a TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE variable to each command in the format YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER. This variable must not contain spaces, but can contain underscores and hyphens. e.g. jobl3-PI-100

make terraform--init TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER>" # Will attempt to login to AWS first using SSO
make terraform--plan TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER>" # Will attempt to build the project first

Build a local workspace on AWS (QA)

For testing purposes we have another command to allow testers to deploy to QA (to avoid the often change heavy dev) - very similar to the above except the command hard codes the QA environment behind the scenes.

make terraform--init TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER>" # Will attempt to login to AWS first using SSO
make terraform--plan--qa TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER>" # Will attempt to build the project first

Destroy a local workspace on AWS

Destroy the local workspace and it's corresponding state file on mgmt

make terraform--destroy TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<YOUR_SHORTCODE_AND_JIRA_NUMBER>" # Will attempt to login to AWS first using SSO

Automated workspace destroys

We have some automated behaviour for destroying our workspaces - we build off a new commit each time we deploy and there are times where we forget to destroy old workspaces or have CI workspaces be removed. So we have two processes:

Destroy Expired Workspaces

  • This is run on a cron job as a github workflow every evening and scans the workspaces in dev (local deployments) and ref (CI deployments)
  • Each deployment is deployed with a resource group that has an expiration date on it, the workspace is destroyed if its past that date
  • Each deploy or change within a workspace extends the expiration date
  • Can be run adhoc by using the command: make destroy--expired TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="dev"

Destroy Redundant Workspaces

  • This is part of the Pull Request github workflow and checks to destroy previous commits on the same workspace leaving only the latest
  • When you run locally you can override this with the KILL_ALL flag which destroys the current commit too
  • Can be run adhoc with the command: make destroy--redundant-workspaces BRANCH_NAME=mybranch DESTROY_ALL_COMMITS_ON_BRANCH=false KILL_ALL=false

Destroy Corrupted Workspaces

  • This is a way to destroy a workspace on dev if terraform is not destroying it. This is not fool-proof as there are many different "chicken and egg" scenarios to infrastructure. But it should go some way to having a destroyed environment
  • Can be run manually by using the command: make destroy--corrupted TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE="<WORKSPACE_TO_DESTROY>" TERRAFORM_ROLE_NAME="NHSDeploymentRole"

Updating Roles

We have several roles that we currently handle outside of terraform as its needed to deploy the terraform:

  • NHSDeploymentRole
  • NHSDevelopmentRole
  • NHSTestCIRole
  • NHSSmokeTestRole

To update any of the roles used for SSO then you need to do the following command which should prompt you to log in via SSO:

make manage--non-mgmt-policies MGMT_ACCOUNT_ID=<ID> SSO_PROFILE="dev-admin" & make manage--non-mgmt-test-policies MGMT_ACCOUNT_ID=<ID> SSO_PROFILE="dev-admin"


  • MGMT ACCOUNT ID = The account id for mgmt so that it can be substituted into the role trust policy
  • SSO_PROFILE = This is the profile in you .aws/config file where you will specify the details for each environment
    • dev-admin
    • qa-admin
    • ref-admin
    • int-admin
    • prod-admin

Other helpful commands

Run make to get a list of helpful commands.


pytest tests

There are four types of pytest in this project:

  • Unit: these do not have any @pytest.mark markers;
  • Integration: these have @pytest.mark.integration markers;
  • Smoke: these have @pytest.mark.smoke markers;
  • Matrix: these have @pytest.mark.matrix markers;

In order to run these you can do one of::

make test--unit
make test--integration   # Will attempt to log you into AWS first
make test--smoke         # Will attempt to log you into AWS first
make test--sds--matrix

If you would like to rerun all failed tests, you can append --rerun to the test command, e.g.:

make test--unit--rerun

If you would like to pass pytest flags you can do e.g. to [stop after the first failure] with [very] [verbose] feedback:

make test--unit PYTEST_FLAGS="-xvv"

Otherwise, feel free to run pytest from your poetry shell for more fine-grained control (see Google for more info!).

The VSCode settings for "Run and Debug" are also set up to run these tests if your prefer.

make test--sds--matrix is used for testing responses match in SDS FHIR between CPM and LDAP. You must provide SDS_PROD_APIKEY and SDS_DEV_APIKEY. There are 3 optional variables USE_CPM_PROD, defaults to FALSE, COMPARISON_ENV, defaults to local and TEST_COUNT, defaults to 10 and is the number of requests to make. Add PYTEST_FLAGS='-sv'.


In order to create new branches, use the commands listed below. Note that the commands will throw an error if you attempt to use them without rebasing on origin/main. If you need to rebase, then please do so carefully. We recommend that you first inspect your divergent branch with:

git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph

If you branch is irreparably divergent from origin/main, you may find it easier to recreate your base branch and to pull in relevant changes.

Create new feature branch

From main (or a branch based from main) do:

make workflow--create-feature-branch JIRA_TICKET="PI-123" DESCRIPTION="this Is MY ticKET"

which will create a branch of the form feature/PI-123-this_is_my_ticket.

Create new release branch

From main (or a branch based from main) do:

make workflow--create-release-branch

which will create a branch of the form release/YYYY-MM-DD. If this branch name has already been taken it will append a patch version to the branch name.

This command will also:

  • Update the version in pyproject.toml with the release branch version.
  • Update the VERSION file with the release branch version number.

FHIR, Swagger and FHIR Pydantic models

This is all done by make build. For more details on how to update the Swagger and FHIR Pydantic models, please see the swagger README.

Setting Lambda permissions

Lambda permissions are able to be set individually, To do this,

  • Inside the lambda src code. e.g. src/api/createProductTeam there is a subfolder called policies
  • In here create a json file named after the aws resource type that you wish to create permissions for. For example if you wanted to add permissions to access s3 buckets then you would add a file called s3.json
  • In this file add a list of permissions for s3 access. e.g. ["s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetObject"]
  • Finally in infrastructure/terraform/per_workspace/ there is a mapping permission_resource_map. Add the mapping to the resources that these permissions need access to. e.g.s3 = "${module.s3.s3_arn}"


If you find yourself with a locked terraform state, do:

make terraform--unlock TERRAFORM_ARGS=<lock_id>


Debugging the state after changelog errors

In order to get the latest head state of the ETL, do either (for your developer workspace)

make etl--head-state--developer

or for a persistent workspace (dev, prod, etc):

make etl--head-state--persistent-workspace WORKSPACE=<workspace_name>

For the developer operation, the script will automatically activate via SSO, however for the persistent-workspace operation you will need to export credentials by navigating yourself to the SSO login page and exporting the credentials for the workspace into your terminal.

Clearing the state (don't take this lightly, intended for first time bulk upload only)

Before running the bulk trigger, you need to clear the initial ETL state, do:

make etl--clear-state

Before running the changelog trigger you additionally need to specify a changelog number (ideally close to the true latest changelog number, otherwise the logs will be pretty heavy!)

make etl--clear-state SET_CHANGELOG_NUMBER=540210

You can additionally set the workspace name if you want to clear the state for a given (e.g. persistent) workspace name:

make etl--clear-state WORKSPACE=dev


make etl--clear-state WORKSPACE=dev SET_CHANGELOG_NUMBER=540210


We have several locations for the Swagger to keep things as visible as possible

In this repository there is a folder that contains the most recent Public facing swagger.yaml


We also have a confluence page

In time we will also have our spec uploaded to bloomreach via proxygen

SBOM (Service Bill of Materials)

As a stop gap for now - you should download Syft and Grype to your machine (ASDF doesnt do grype for some reason)

brew install syft

brew tap anchore/grype brew install grype

To run the SBOM commands there are some make commands that currently handle this:

make generate--sbom make validate--sbom