A brand new design agency sent us jpegs of pages they want for their website. We need to turn them into html.
Please pick a page and create a branch for it. After you worked on it and want me to review it, create a pull request and we will go over it together.
- The header and footer will be in the master branch. You can include it into your html. If you dont see it yet means im still making it.
- You dont have to use the exact pictures, but if you can find something similar it would be great
- The buttons dont need to do anything, just create them and make them change color on hover or something.
- The form doesn't have to actually send anything. But you should make validation check work.
- You can use any tool you want. Whatever you use please just use its cdn link in your html file.
- try to keep everything in one directory so its smoother merging it all at the end.
- Questions? Message me or create an issue.
- [Adobe Kuler] (https://color.adobe.com/)
- [Place It] (https://placeit.net/)
- Css Slider
- Font Awesome