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How to use test.comp to compare two work directories with the same version of WW3

Ali.Abdolali edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 1 revision

How to use regtests/bin/test.comp to compare a test with two different configurations.

1. Have two "work" directories for a "test"

This script can be used to check different switch combinations and MPI, THREAD and restart reproducibility. The users should use the same version of the code to compile executables and run perform pre-processing, run the simulations and perform post-processing. For example and for test ww3_ufs1.2:

./bin/run_test -b slurm -c -S -T -w work_a ../model ww3_ufs1.2
./bin/run_test -b slurm -c -S -T -w work_b ../model ww3_ufs1.2

After completion of these two tests, there are two work directories under ww3_ufs1.2:

ls ww3_ufs1.2

2. Run test.comp script

Now, you are ready to run the script

./bin/test.comp ww3_tp1.2 work_PR1 work_PR1_MPI

3. Look at results

The output will be in the standard output (matrix.out) with a content list, marked as identical or different.

     ***  compare WAVEWATCH III ww3_ufs1.2/work_a and ww3_ufs1.2/work_b  ***

Warning: 20210401.030000.restart.aoc_9km is different
Warning: 20210401.030000.restart.gnh_10m is different
Warning: 20210401.030000.restart.gsh_15m is different
20210401.060000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.060000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.060000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210401.090000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.090000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.090000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210401.120000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.120000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.120000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210401.150000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.150000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.150000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210401.180000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.180000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.180000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210401.210000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210401.210000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210401.210000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
20210402.000000.restart.aoc_9km is identical
20210402.000000.restart.gnh_10m is identical
20210402.000000.restart.gsh_15m is identical
Warning: aoc_9km.grb2 is different
Warning: glo_15mxt.grb2 is different
Warning: gnh_10m.grb2 is different
Warning: gsh_15m.grb2 is different
Warning: out_grd.aoc_9km is different
Warning: out_grd.glo_15mxt is different
Warning: out_grd.gnh_10m is different
Warning: out_grd.gsh_15m is different
Warning: out_pnt.points is different
WHTGRIDINT.bin is identical is identical
Warning: ww3_ounf_aoc_9km/ is different
Warning: ww3_ounf_glo_15mxt/ is different
Warning: ww3_ounf_gnh_10m/ is different
Warning: ww3_ounf_gsh_15m/ is different

 ***  end of WAVEWATCH III compare tests with the same version of the code   ***