#OpenVIVO custom installer This is a git repository for VIVO customizations pertaining to the OpenVIVO project. Local themes, extensions, and core overrides go here.
##Building the application
Assuming that the VIVO, Vitro, and openvivo-installer projects are in the same directory.
###Develop branch
#Copy default developer.properties, runtime.properties, applicationSetup.n3
cp example.developer.properties developer.properties
cp example.runtime.properties runtime.properties
cp example.applicationSetup.n3 applicationSetup.n3
#Adjust developer, runtime, and applicationSetup properties
#Create the openvivo data directory specified in openvivo-settings.xml if it doesn't exist. Eg:
mkdir -p /usr/local/openvivo/data/config
cp runtime.properties /usr/local/openvivo/data
cp applicationSetup.n3 /usr/local/openvivo/data/config
cp developer.properties /usr/local/openvivo/data/config
#Build and deploy VIVO
cd ../VIVO
mvn clean install -s ../openvivo-installer/openvivo-settings.xml -Dvivo-installer-dir=../openvivo-installer