Asus ddns update and registration script for DD-WRT and others platforms.
This script allows you to use the Asus ddns service on Asus router with a modified firmware like DD-WRT or OpenWRT.
You can enable jffs on your router or save the script on a usb drive attached to the router.
curl -O -k
chmod 777
./ mac wps host (register|update) (logger|console|silent)
Mac address of wan interface, it is used as username.
It must be an asus mac address or the request will fails.
To get it, launch:
nvram get et0macaddr
Wps pin code, it is used to calculate the password.
To get it, launch:
nvram get secret_code
Host is the hostname you want without part.
For example if you want,
you only have to write testestest
- register
This action is needed only once, to register a new hostname with your Asus mac address. - update
This action is needed all the times you need to update the hostname with your new wan ip.
(The hostname is checked locally before sending an update request to the asus server)
- logger
Prints script output on the system log.
(On ddwrt: /var/log/messages) - console
Prints script output on stderr. - silent
Disable script output.
./ 00:11:22:33:44:55 12345678 testestest register console
./ 00:11:22:33:44:55 12345678 testestest update logger
*/5 * * * * root /path/ 00:11:22:33:44:55 12345678 testestest update logger
(DD-WRT: add this line in Administration -> Management -> Cron)
Openssl, curl
ez-ipupdate NG
inadyn plugin
If the firmware doesn't satisfy the dependences, check out the slim version