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Backup Provider

Randgalt edited this page Mar 30, 2012 · 1 revision

Exhibitor can be configured to do periodic backups of the ZooKeeper transaction logs. These logs can then be indexed to facilitate replaying of specific transactions (see Restore UI for details).

Backup is implemented via a Backup Provider interface. Exhibitor comes bundled with two with two potential implementations: Filesystem-based and S3-based. You should choose one of these or write your own.


The S3 Backup provider is implemented by S3BackupProvider. You pass an instance of this to the Exhibitor constructor. It takes two arguments:

  • S3ClientFactory – you should use S3ClientFactoryImpl unless you have special needs
  • S3Credential – the AWS access key and id


You can use FileSystemBackupProvider to store backups locally on each instance.