Toggle additionalProperties in an OpenAPI spec
Use --help to get a list of options
Usage: add-props-flipflop [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --source <source> Source OpenAPI spec filename
-o, --output <output> Output OpenAPI spec filename
-d, --dereferenced <dereferenced> Write dereferenced source OpenAPI spec to this filename
-f, --flipto <flipto> set additionalProperties to this value (choices: "true", "false")
-h, --help display help for command
Convert an OpenAPI spec with additionalProperties set to false
add-props-flipflop --source openapi.yaml --output openapi-false.yaml --flipto false
Convert an OpenAPI spec with additionalProperties set to true
add-props-flipflop --source openapi.yaml --output openapi-false.yaml --flipto true
Convert an OpenAPI spec with additionalProperties set to false and a copy of the dereferenced file before setting
add-props-flipflop --source openapi.yaml --dereferenced openapi-deref.yaml --output openapi-false.yaml --flipto false