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Minecraft Protocol Dissector

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How To Use?

Built files can be found in Actions, stable version can be found in Release.

After downloading:

For Windows, put file mcdissector.dll into dissector directory of Wireshark (plugins/4.2/epan) and run Wireshark.

For Linux, put file into dissector directory of Wireshark (~/.local/lib/wireshark/plugins/4.2/epan) and run Wireshark.

For Arch Linux, you can use package wireshark-minecraft-dissector in AUR.

Tunable Options

Minecraft can be found in Preferences/Protocols in Wireshark, where you can adjust some options here.

  • Directory for protocol data: The directory for protocol data, used to parse data.
  • Ignore Packets: Prevent parsing some packets to filt unwanted information. The format is commas-separated list of <s|c>:<packet_name>. s represents packets sent to server, c represents packets sent to client.The default is c:map_chunk which stops parsing server-to-client chunk data packets, since to parse such packets will spend extra long time and produce excess data fields.
  • Secret Key: To realize encrypted connection among keys for decrypting data. The format is in hexademical strings with length of 32.
  • NBT Decoding: To decode NBT data.
  • TCP Port(s): To change TCP ports used by MCJE protocol to identify protocol.

Protocol Data

All protocol data is read from external directory, which is controlled by option Directory for protocol data.

You can directly use protocol data provided by MC_Protocol_Data, which is divided into three main branches:

  • master: Contains all protocol data.
  • only-protocol: Contains only protocol schema data, without any other files.
  • only-essentials: (Recommend) Contains only essential protocol data (entity synchronization data, etc.), without any other files.

You can directly use the source code archives of these branches or clone the repository to the specified protocol directory.

Encrypted Connection

If you enter Minecraft servers in legitimated game client, encrypted connection will be built between server and client base on AES/CFB8/NoPadding algorithm. This step will execute before compression during login. All data in the connection will be encrypted, including data length fields used to spilt data.

To listen data in encrypted connection, we need to know what the key is with the help of encryption-helper in the project. By using the feature that the generation of symmetric encrypted keys was executed by client, it forced client to use a specified key, instead create a random one.

encryption-helper is a Java Agent injects executive code dynamically when running Minecraft. It needs JVM parameters as follow to attach to a Minecraft client:

-javaagent:<jarfile path>=<key>

The key is a hexademical string only contains 0-F with length of 32. If the input format is incorrect, it will crash immediately and throw an error when starting client.

Theoretically, encryption-helper can run in all unobfuscated and obfuscated injectable clients, since the injection points it locates only contain features could not be obfuscated as follow:

  • Method return value is javax.crypto.SecretKey.
  • Method has no parameter.
  • The type of the first local variable of the method is javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.

Very few mods modify logics here, so it's safe for the program to modify. It should not conflict with mods.

Only a single circumstance will disable the program: Mods have modified encryption logics here and resulted in failure in call to replace keys, but that kind of protocol is out of the scope of our program's use.

Parsing Errors

Parsing error exists under 2 circumstances as follow:

  • Wireshark failed to capture all data. Since Java edition uses TCP, data is spilt by length field, and once missing any segment, data will be unparsable immediately. You can confirm this circumstance if you have discovered TCP Previous segment not captured near the data parsing error.
  • The program has not finished adaption or process properly for this part, or has not added corresponding strings. Such errors can be reported by open issues.

All protocol data is generated by MC_Protocol_Data, so if you have any questions about the data, you can open an issue in the repository.

How To Build Projects (Windows)

Building this project requires Wireshark source code with configured dependencies.

  1. Clone Wireshark repository to local and configure necessary dependencies.
  2. Set environment variable PLATFORM as x64, and WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR as directory of dependency library of Wireshark (automatically created at running cmake).
  3. Create build in same directory of Wireshark source codes, and run cmake -A x64 .. -DBUILD_wireshark=OFF in "build".
  4. Still in "build", run cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target epan.
  5. Set environment variable WIRESHARK_DIR (directory of Wireshark source code), WIRESHARK_BUILD_DIR (path of directory of "build") and WIRESHARK_LIB_FILE_DIR (path of directory of RelWithDebInfo generated by building the project).
  6. Run cmake -S . -G Ninja -B build in project root directory.
  7. Run cmake --build build --target MC_Dissector in project root directory.
  8. Built file can be discovered in "build" directory.

How To Build Projects (Linux)

It is much easier to build on Linux, read ci.yml for details. (Too lazy to write here)

Current Plans

  • Almost complete! (Crash free, at least!)
  • Linux support by @xtexChooser
  • Support encryption. (It should be OK!)
  • Version compatibility.
  • Support bedrock edition.