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File metadata and controls

116 lines (94 loc) · 5.27 KB

Language servers


Language servers currently have to be installed manually. If you already have a language server installed through another editor (e.g. VSCode, NeoVim etc.) then you should be able to use that version aswell.


Configuration for language servers should be put in the user settings (~/.nev/settings.json) or the workspace settings ({workspace_dir}/.nev/settings.json)

Some language servers are already configured in the app settings, so when you add you're own language server configuration make sure to use "+lsp" to extend the lsp configurations, unless you want to completely override the defaults.

Some languages are already configured so if you have the binary in the PATH then you shouldn't need to configure anything (except maybe custom workspace configuration).

  • nim: nimlangserver
  • C: clangd
  • C++: clangd
  • Zig: zls
  • Odin: ols
  • Rust: rust-analizer
// ~/.nev/settings.json
    // `+` is used to add new lsp configurations instead of overriding all of them with just these two
    "+lsp": {

        "cpp": { // Add/override cpp settings
            "path": "clangd", // Absolute path of the language server, or just the name if it's in the PATH
            "args": [ // List of command line arguments passed to the language server

        "nim": { // Add/override nim settings
            "path": "nimlangserver",
            "settings": { // LSP specific configuration.
                "project": [],
                "projectMapping": [
                        "projectFile": "test.nim",
                        "fileRegex": ".*test.nim"

        "+rust": {
            // These properties are already set in {app_dir}/.nev/settings.json, so you just need to set "path" if you want to specifiy the full path to the binary, and the "rust-analyzer" property to
            // specify settings from [here](
            // "path": "rust-analyzer",
            // "initialization-options-name": "rust-analyzer", // The name of the property to send as initialization options
            // "workspace-configuration-name": "", // The name of the property to send as initialization options
            // "initial-configuration": "", // Send a workspace/didChangeConfiguration request after initialization with this value. rust-analizer won't send workspace/configuration if this is not set.
            "rust-analyzer": {
                "linkedProjects": "path/to/Cargo.toml"

        "zig": { // Add/override nim settings
            "path": "zls",
            "settings": { // LSP specific configuration.
                "zls": {
                    "enable_snippets": true,
                    "enable_argument_placeholders": true,
                    "enable_build_on_save": false

    "+editor": { // use `+` because we want to extend this section
        "+text": { // use `+` because we want to extend this section

            // If true then text documents immediately try to connect to or start a language server when opened.
            // If false then text documents will only connect to or start a language server when a command is run
            // which accesses the language server (e.g. goto-definition or goto-symbol)
            "auto-start-language-server": false, // Default: true


The following LSP features are currently supported:

Feature Vim VSCode Note
textDocument/definition gd <C-g><C-d> or <F12>
textDocument/declaration gD <C-g><CS-d>
textDocument/typeDefinition gT <C-g><CS-t>
textDocument/implementation gi <C-g><C-i>
textDocument/documentSymbol gs <C-g><C-s> or <CS-o>
textDocument/references gr <C-g><C-r> or <S-F12>
textDocument/hover K <C-g><C-k>
textDocument/diagnostic H <C-g><C-h>
textDocument/switchSourceHeader go <C-g><C-o> Only for C/C++ with clangd
workspace/symbol gw <C-g><C-w> or <C-t>
textDocument/inlayHints No keybindings necessary
textDocument/completion See below

Auto completion

LSP is integrated into the completion engine as just another provider.

Currently the providers are:

  • Document: Provides completions based on the content of the current document

  • Snippet: Provides snippet completions which can be configured through the settings. VSCode .code-snippets files are also supported through the vscode_config_plugin which is shipped with the editor.

  • LSP (when the document is connected to a language server): Provides completions using the textDocument/completion request. Language servers can also provide snippets this way.

The completion engine takes possible completions from all providers and sorts/filters them based on their priorities and fuzzy matching.

Currently this is not configurable yet, but later on the providers will be configurable and accessible to plugins. Plugins will also be able to create new completion providers.