Releases: NorthernWidget/Project-Margay
Version 1.0: Production
Fabricated June-July 2018 at Caltronics
Version 1.0: Final
Final archival repository prior to moving to v2
Version 2.2.2
v2.2.1: Cleaned repository
Same as v2.2.0, but with a repository that is streamlined and incorporates git lfs.
v2.2.0: Margay v2
The Margay version 2.2.0 incorporates a watchdog timer (WDT) to help auto-reset in the case of a hang/failure. This version is low-power and reliable, and it or a very slight variant will likely be our Margay low-power local-storage logger for the foreseeable future.
Mrk 1.0, Beta Release
This is the revision from the Alpha board, changes were made to reduce power consumption in sleep mode and make I2C more resistant to device ID crashes, also added software into the repo
Revisions From v0.0:
- I2C header was flipped to align with other devices
- Buffer for SD card was added to isolated when SD power is turned off to reduce power consumption
- FTDI power supply was isolated so that FTDI can power board, but the on board power does not leak through FTDI
- I2C switch was added, which allows the user to switch between on board I2C and off board I2C, so no external device should have an address conflict with an on board device (jumper also added to defeat this feature)
None as of 5/2/2018
Mrk 0.0, Alpha Release
First hardware implementation of the logger, functional but with higher than desired power consumption and some awkwardness with header orientation and component selection
Sleep and power shutoff issue due to bleed through of power through SD card and external I2C lines, causing additional power draws
Workaround: None (use a bigger batter)
Additional power consumption caused by FTDI converter
Workaround: None (use a bigger batter)