Solves the SpellCast game activity in Discord.
- Download and install .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.0.
- Download the latest executable for your operating system from the releases and open it.
- Type the input letters in the text box on the left. The order is from left to right, top to bottom. Don't add any spaces or separator.s
- Press the 'Import' button and observe the letters in the grid.
- Click a cell to toggle whether it has a gem added to it.
- Scroll on a cell to control the amount of points the cell gives. There are 4 possible states:
- Normal (black)
- 2x (yellow)
- 3x (yellow)
- 2x multiplier on the whole word (magenta)
- Press the + and - buttons underneath the grid to change the number of gems available. If you have 3 or more gems, then the algorithm will attempt to swap cells in order to obtain better results. I don't recommend having 9 or more gems since it takes forever to compute.
- Press the 'Solve' button to find the optimal words for the problem.
- Observe the listed results. Each entry has the word, the number of gems obtained (magenta), and the number of points obtained (yellow).
- Click on a result to toggle a visualization of the path in the grid.
A class library version of the algorithm is available on nuget. You can use that to make your own applications which solve SpellCast problems.