Render terminal ANSI output into images!
Under the hood, it uses XTerm.js to render the terminal output to html, and Puppeteer to capture a screenshot of the page.
import {renderScreenshot} from "terminal-screenshot";
const image = await renderScreenshot({
data: "[[DATA]]", // Data to be render to the terminal.
margin: 0, // Margin to leave around the terminal area in pixels. (default: 0)
fontFamily: "Monaco", // Font family to use in terminal output. (default: Monaco)
backgroundColor: "black", // Background color of the terminal. (default: black)
type: "png", // Type of the screenshot to be generated. (default: png)
await fs.writeFile(destination, image);
# Render command output
$(command) | terminal-screenshot --output screenshot.png
# Render ANSI string
terminal-screenshot --output screenshot.png --data "[[DATA]]"
# Print help options
terminal-screenshot --help
-d, --data [string] Data to be render to the terminal.
-m --margin [number] Margin to leave around the terminal area in pixels. (default: 0)
-f --font-family [string] Font family to use in terminal output. (default: Monaco)
-b --background-color [css-color] Background color of the terminal. (default: black)
-t --type [png|jpeg] Type of the screenshot to be generated. (default: png)
-o --output [path] Output path to save the screenshot to.
-h, --help display usage help.
npx cfonts $' terminal\nscreenshot' -g red,blue | terminal-screenshot --output foo.png
node ./plot-graph.js | terminal-screenshot --output foo.png
You can also combine this library with the jest-image-snapshot library to assert screenshots as snapshots in your Jest tests:
it("can render screenshots", async () => {
const image = await renderScreenshot({data});
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