This repo was created to integrate the OpenAPI code generation CLI with Bazel.
If you find this project useful, please kindly consider supporting this project financially via 🙏
To use the Bazel bindings provided by this repo within a Bazel workspace, you must do the following steps:
Add the following code to your WORKSPACE file at the root of your repository
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") http_archive( name = "openapi_tools_generator_bazel", sha256 = "ada94694b10f2503c52a48427bd8589323bff5910bd1a7e5212ce34702d0af65", urls = [""], ) load("@openapi_tools_generator_bazel//:defs.bzl", "openapi_tools_generator_bazel_repositories") # You can provide any version of the CLI that has been uploaded to Maven openapi_tools_generator_bazel_repositories( openapi_generator_cli_version = "5.1.0", sha256 = "62f9842f0fcd91e4afeafc33f19a7af41f2927c7472c601310cedfc72ff1bb19" )
Create a BUILD.bazel file next to the .yaml file you wish to generate code from. The below example generates a go library within a generated directory named
load("@openapi_tools_generator_bazel//:defs.bzl", "openapi_generator")
name = "petstore_go",
generator = "go",
spec = "petstore.yaml",