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AudioMoth Application

Alex Rogers edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 29 revisions

The code here is an annotated description of the default AudioMoth application (version 1.7.0) intended to serve as an example for others wishing to developed AudioMoth applications.

The code starts by including standard headers along with the AudioMoth library header

#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "gps.h"
#include "audioMoth.h"
#include "audioConfig.h"
#include "digitalFilter.h"

Next some useful time and type constants are defined.

/* Useful time constants */

#define MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND                  1000

#define SECONDS_IN_MINUTE                       60
#define SECONDS_IN_HOUR                         (60 * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
#define SECONDS_IN_DAY                          (24 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR)

/* Useful type constants */

#define BITS_PER_BYTE                           8
#define UINT32_SIZE_IN_BITS                     32
#define UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES                    4
#define UINT16_SIZE_IN_BYTES                    2

Followed by period definitions.

/* Sleep and LED constants */

#define LOW_BATTERY_LED_FLASHES                 10

#define SHORT_LED_FLASH_DURATION                100
#define LONG_LED_FLASH_DURATION                 500

#define WAITING_LED_FLASH_DURATION              10
#define WAITING_LED_FLASH_INTERVAL              2000

#define DEFAULT_WAIT_INTERVAL                   1000

To write microphones samples to the microSD card, whilst simultaneously receiving them from the microphone, an eight partition circular buffer is used. The first buffer of any recording is skipped to allow the DC filtering to reach equilibrium.

/* SRAM buffer constants */

#define NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS                       8
#define NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE               2

A constant defines the maximum size of the DMA transfer.

/* DMA transfer constant */


A constant defines the length of the buffer used for threshold recordings.

/* Compression constants */


A number of other useful constants are defined dealing with the WAV header, the maximum number of start-stop periods that are allowed to be configured, and the constant used in the DC filter routine.

/* File size constants */

#define MAXIMUM_FILE_NAME_LENGTH                32
#define MAXIMUM_WAV_FILE_SIZE                   (UINT32_MAX - 1)

/* WAV header constant */

#define PCM_FORMAT                              1
#define RIFF_ID_LENGTH                          4
#define LENGTH_OF_ARTIST                        32
#define LENGTH_OF_COMMENT                       384

/* USB configuration constant */

#define MAX_START_STOP_PERIODS                  5

A number of constants are then defined for the digital filters.

/* Digital filter constant */

#define FILTER_FREQ_MULTIPLIER                  100

/* DC filter constants */

#define LOW_DC_BLOCKING_FREQ                    8
#define DEFAULT_DC_BLOCKING_FREQ                48

The minimum operating voltage of the device is defined.

/* Supply monitor constant */

#define MINIMUM_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE                  2800

A constant defines the length of the deployment ID.

/* Deployment ID constant */

#define DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH                    8

And a number of audio configuration and time correction settings are defined.

/* Audio configuration constants */

#define AUDIO_CONFIG_PULSE_INTERVAL             10
#define AUDIO_CONFIG_TIME_CORRECTION            134
#define AUDIO_CONFIG_TONE_TIMEOUT               250
#define AUDIO_CONFIG_PACKETS_TIMEOUT            30000

/* GPS time setting constants */

#define GPS_MAX_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD             300
#define GPS_MIN_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD             30
#define GPS_FREQUENCY_PRECISION                 1000
#define GPS_FILENAME                            "GPS.TXT"

/* Magnetic switch constants */



/* USB configuration constant */

#define USB_CONFIG_TIME_CORRECTION              26

/* EM4 wake constant */

#define EM4_WAKEUP_PERIOD                       43

/* Recording preparation constants */

#define INITIAL_PREPARATION_PERIOD              2000
#define MINIMUM_PREPARATION_PERIOD              1000
#define MAXIMUM_PREPARATION_PERIOD              30000

/* Energy saver mode constant */


A number of macros are defined to remove boiler plate code later in the application.

/* Useful macros */

#define FLASH_LED(led, duration) { \
    AudioMoth_set ## led ## LED(true); \
    AudioMoth_delay(duration); \
    AudioMoth_set ## led ## LED(false); \

    bool success = (fn); \
    if (success != true) { \
        return SDCARD_WRITE_ERROR; \
    } \

#define RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(fn) { \
    bool success = (fn); \
    if (success != true) { \
        return success; \
    } \

#define SAVE_SWITCH_POSITION_AND_POWER_DOWN(milliseconds) { \
    *previousSwitchPosition = switchPosition; \
    AudioMoth_powerDownAndWakeMilliseconds(milliseconds); \

#define SERIAL_NUMBER                           "%08X%08X"

#define FORMAT_SERIAL_NUMBER(src)               (unsigned int)*((uint32_t*)src + 1),  (unsigned int)*((uint32_t*)src) \

#define ABS(a)                                  ((a) < (0) ? (-a) : (a))

#define MIN(a, b)                               ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

#define MAX(a, b)                               ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

#define ROUNDED_DIV(a, b)                       (((a) + (b/2)) / (b))

#define ROUNDED_UP_DIV(a, b)                    (((a) + (b) - 1) / (b))

#define ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE(a, b)              (((a) + (b) - 1) & ~((b)-1))

We use an enumeration to keep track of the recording state, the filter used and the battery indication required.

/* Recording state enumeration */


/* Filter type enumeration */


/* Battery level display type */

typedef enum {BATTERY_LEVEL, NIMH_LIPO_BATTERY_VOLTAGE} AM_batteryLevelDisplayType_t;

The header of the WAV file is defined in a series of data structures, and a static default header is provided.

/* WAV header */

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct {
    char id[RIFF_ID_LENGTH];     
    uint32_t size;
} chunk_t;

typedef struct {
    chunk_t icmt;     
    char comment[LENGTH_OF_COMMENT];
} icmt_t;

typedef struct {
    chunk_t iart;
    char artist[LENGTH_OF_ARTIST];
} iart_t;

typedef struct {
    uint16_t format;
    uint16_t numberOfChannels;
    uint32_t samplesPerSecond;
    uint32_t bytesPerSecond;
    uint16_t bytesPerCapture;
    uint16_t bitsPerSample;
} wavFormat_t;

typedef struct {
    chunk_t riff;
    char format[RIFF_ID_LENGTH];
    chunk_t fmt;
    wavFormat_t wavFormat;
    chunk_t list;
    char info[RIFF_ID_LENGTH];
    icmt_t icmt;
    iart_t iart;
    chunk_t data;
} wavHeader_t;

#pragma pack(pop)

static wavHeader_t wavHeader = {
    .riff = {.id = "RIFF", .size = 0},
    .format = "WAVE",
    .fmt = {.id = "fmt ", .size = sizeof(wavFormat_t)},
    .wavFormat = {.format = PCM_FORMAT, .numberOfChannels = 1, .samplesPerSecond = 0, .bytesPerSecond = 0, .bytesPerCapture = 2, .bitsPerSample = 16},
    .list = {.id = "LIST", .size = RIFF_ID_LENGTH + sizeof(icmt_t)},
    .info = "INFO",
    .icmt = { = "ICMT", .icmt.size = LENGTH_OF_COMMENT, .comment = ""},
    .iart = { = "IART", .iart.size = LENGTH_OF_ARTIST, .artist = ""},
    .data = {.id = "data", .size = 0}

The device is configured by data structures exchanged over USB. The application code must define the format of this data structure and provide a static default data structure.

/* USB configuration data structure */

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct {
    uint16_t startMinutes;
    uint16_t stopMinutes;
} startStopPeriod_t;

typedef struct {
    uint32_t time;
    AM_gainSetting_t gain;
    uint8_t clockDivider;
    uint8_t acquisitionCycles;
    uint8_t oversampleRate;
    uint32_t sampleRate;
    uint8_t sampleRateDivider;
    uint16_t sleepDuration;
    uint16_t recordDuration;
    uint8_t enableLED;
    uint8_t activeStartStopPeriods;
    startStopPeriod_t startStopPeriods[MAX_START_STOP_PERIODS];
    int8_t timezoneHours;
    uint8_t enableLowVoltageCutoff;
    uint8_t disableBatteryLevelDisplay;
    int8_t timezoneMinutes;
    uint8_t disableSleepRecordCycle;
    uint32_t earliestRecordingTime;
    uint32_t latestRecordingTime;
    uint16_t lowerFilterFreq;
    uint16_t higherFilterFreq;
    uint16_t amplitudeThreshold;
    uint8_t requireAcousticConfiguration : 1;
    AM_batteryLevelDisplayType_t batteryLevelDisplayType : 1;
    uint8_t minimumTriggerDuration : 6;
    uint8_t enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale : 1;
    uint8_t amplitudeThresholdDecibels : 7; 
    uint8_t enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale : 1;
    uint8_t amplitudeThresholdPercentageMantissa : 4; 
    int8_t amplitudeThresholdPercentageExponent : 3; 
    uint8_t enableEnergySaverMode : 1; 
    uint8_t disable48HzDCBlockingFilter : 1;
    uint8_t enableTimeSettingFromGPS : 1;
    uint8_t enableMagneticSwitch : 1;
    uint8_t enableLowGainRange : 1;
} configSettings_t;

#pragma pack(pop)

static const configSettings_t defaultConfigSettings = {
    .time = 0,
    .gain = AM_GAIN_MEDIUM,
    .clockDivider = 4,
    .acquisitionCycles = 16,
    .oversampleRate = 1,
    .sampleRate = 384000,
    .sampleRateDivider = 8,
    .sleepDuration = 5,
    .recordDuration = 55,
    .enableLED = 1,
    .activeStartStopPeriods = 1,
    .startStopPeriods = {
        {.startMinutes = 0, .stopMinutes = 1440},
        {.startMinutes = 0, .stopMinutes = 1440},
        {.startMinutes = 0, .stopMinutes = 1440},
        {.startMinutes = 0, .stopMinutes = 1440},
        {.startMinutes = 0, .stopMinutes = 1440}
    .timezoneHours = 0,
    .enableLowVoltageCutoff = 1,
    .disableBatteryLevelDisplay = 0,
    .timezoneMinutes = 0,
    .disableSleepRecordCycle = 0,
    .earliestRecordingTime = 0,
    .latestRecordingTime = 0,
    .lowerFilterFreq = 0,
    .higherFilterFreq = 0,
    .amplitudeThreshold = 0,
    .requireAcousticConfiguration = 0,
    .batteryLevelDisplayType = BATTERY_LEVEL,
    .minimumTriggerDuration = 0,
    .enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale = 0,
    .amplitudeThresholdDecibels = 0,
    .enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale = 0,
    .amplitudeThresholdPercentageMantissa = 0,
    .amplitudeThresholdPercentageExponent = 0,
    .enableEnergySaverMode = 0,
    .disable48HzDCBlockingFilter = 0,
    .enableTimeSettingFromGPS = 0,
    .enableMagneticSwitch = 0,
    .enableLowGainRange = 0

A data structure is used to store the configuration in flash.

/* Persistent configuration data structure */

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct {
    uint8_t firmwareVersion[AM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH];
    uint8_t firmwareDescription[AM_FIRMWARE_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH];
    configSettings_t configSettings;
} persistentConfigSettings_t;

#pragma pack(pop)

Four utility functions allow details in the header to be updated. These include setting the sample rate and length of the recording, and also writing the unique ID of the device, the timestamp of the recording, and the battery state of the device into the comment field of the header.

/* Functions to format header and configuration components */

static uint32_t formatDecibels(char *dest, uint32_t value) {

    if (value) return sprintf(dest, "-%lu dB", value);

    memcpy(dest, "0 dB", 4);

    return 4;


static uint32_t formatPercentage(char *dest, uint32_t mantissa, int32_t exponent) {

    uint32_t length = exponent < 0 ? 1 - exponent : 0;

    memcpy(dest, "0.0000", length);

    length += sprintf(dest + length, "%lu", mantissa);

    while (exponent-- > 0) dest[length++] = '0';

    dest[length++] = '%';

    return length;


/* Functions to set WAV header details and comment */

void setHeaderDetails(uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t numberOfSamples) {

    wavHeader.wavFormat.samplesPerSecond = sampleRate;
    wavHeader.wavFormat.bytesPerSecond = 2 * sampleRate; = 2 * numberOfSamples;
    wavHeader.riff.size = 2 * numberOfSamples + sizeof(wavHeader_t) - sizeof(chunk_t);


static void setHeaderComment(wavHeader_t *wavHeader, configSettings_t *configSettings, uint32_t currentTime, uint8_t *serialNumber, uint8_t *deploymentID, uint8_t *defaultDeploymentID, AM_extendedBatteryState_t extendedBatteryState, int32_t temperature, bool externalMicrophone, AM_recordingState_t recordingState, AM_filterType_t filterType) {

    time_t rawTime = currentTime + configSettings->timezoneHours * SECONDS_IN_HOUR + configSettings->timezoneMinutes * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;

    struct tm *time = gmtime(&rawTime);

    /* Format artist field */

    char *artist = wavHeader->iart.artist;

    sprintf(artist, "AudioMoth " SERIAL_NUMBER, FORMAT_SERIAL_NUMBER(serialNumber));

    /* Format comment field */

    char *comment = wavHeader->icmt.comment;

    comment += sprintf(comment, "Recorded at %02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d (UTC", time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec, time->tm_mday, 1 + time->tm_mon, 1900 + time->tm_year);

    int8_t timezoneHours = configSettings->timezoneHours;

    int8_t timezoneMinutes = configSettings->timezoneMinutes;

    if (timezoneHours < 0) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "%d", timezoneHours);

    } else if (timezoneHours > 0) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "+%d", timezoneHours);

    } else {

        if (timezoneMinutes < 0) comment += sprintf(comment, "-%d", timezoneHours);

        if (timezoneMinutes > 0) comment += sprintf(comment, "+%d", timezoneHours);


    if (timezoneMinutes < 0) comment += sprintf(comment, ":%02d", -timezoneMinutes);

    if (timezoneMinutes > 0) comment += sprintf(comment, ":%02d", timezoneMinutes);

    if (memcmp(deploymentID, defaultDeploymentID, DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH)) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, ") during deployment " SERIAL_NUMBER " ", FORMAT_SERIAL_NUMBER(deploymentID));

    } else {

        comment += sprintf(comment, ") by %s ", artist);


    if (externalMicrophone) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "using external microphone ");


    static char *gainSettings[5] = {"low", "low-medium", "medium", "medium-high", "high"};

    comment += sprintf(comment, "at %s gain while battery was ", gainSettings[configSettings->gain]);

    if (extendedBatteryState == AM_EXT_BAT_LOW) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "less than 2.5V");

    } else if (extendedBatteryState >= AM_EXT_BAT_FULL) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "greater than 4.9V");

    } else {

        uint32_t batteryVoltage =  extendedBatteryState + AM_EXT_BAT_STATE_OFFSET / AM_BATTERY_STATE_INCREMENT;

        comment += sprintf(comment, "%01lu.%01luV", batteryVoltage / 10, batteryVoltage % 10);


    char *sign = temperature < 0 ? "-" : "";

    uint32_t temperatureInDecidegrees = ROUNDED_DIV(ABS(temperature), 100);

    comment += sprintf(comment, " and temperature was %s%lu.%luC.", sign, temperatureInDecidegrees / 10, temperatureInDecidegrees % 10);
    bool amplitudeThresholdEnabled = configSettings->amplitudeThreshold > 0 || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale;

    if (amplitudeThresholdEnabled) comment += sprintf(comment, " Amplitude threshold was ");

    if (configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale && configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale == false) {

        comment += formatDecibels(comment, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdDecibels);

    } else if (configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale && configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale == false) {

        comment += formatPercentage(comment, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdPercentageMantissa, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdPercentageExponent);

    } else if (amplitudeThresholdEnabled) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, "%u", configSettings->amplitudeThreshold);


    if (amplitudeThresholdEnabled) comment += sprintf(comment, " with %us minimum trigger duration.", configSettings->minimumTriggerDuration);

    uint16_t lowerFilterFreq = configSettings->lowerFilterFreq;

    uint16_t higherFilterFreq = configSettings->higherFilterFreq;

    if (filterType == LOW_PASS_FILTER) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, " Low-pass filter with frequency of %01u.%01ukHz applied.", higherFilterFreq / 10, higherFilterFreq % 10);

    } else if (filterType == BAND_PASS_FILTER) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, " Band-pass filter with frequencies of %01u.%01ukHz and %01u.%01ukHz applied.", lowerFilterFreq / 10, lowerFilterFreq % 10, higherFilterFreq / 10, higherFilterFreq % 10);

    } else if (filterType == HIGH_PASS_FILTER) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, " High-pass filter with frequency of %01u.%01ukHz applied.", lowerFilterFreq / 10, lowerFilterFreq % 10);


    if (recordingState != RECORDING_OKAY) {

        comment += sprintf(comment, " Recording stopped");

        if (recordingState == MICROPHONE_CHANGED) {

            comment += sprintf(comment, " due to microphone change.");

        } else if (recordingState == SWITCH_CHANGED) {

            comment += sprintf(comment, " due to switch position change.");

        } else if (recordingState == MAGNETIC_SWITCH) {
            comment += sprintf(comment, " by magnetic switch.");

        } else if (recordingState == SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_LOW) {

            comment += sprintf(comment, " due to low voltage.");

        } else if (recordingState == FILE_SIZE_LIMITED) {

            comment += sprintf(comment, " due to file size limit.");




A function is provided to write the configuration to the file system.

/* Function to write configuration to file */

static bool writeConfigurationToFile(configSettings_t *configSettings, uint8_t *firmwareDescription, uint8_t *firmwareVersion, uint8_t *serialNumber, uint8_t *deploymentID, uint8_t *defaultDeploymentID) {

    uint16_t length;

    static char configBuffer[512];


    length = sprintf(configBuffer, "Device ID                       : " SERIAL_NUMBER "\n", FORMAT_SERIAL_NUMBER(serialNumber));

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Firmware                        : %s (%u.%u.%u)\n\n", firmwareDescription, firmwareVersion[0], firmwareVersion[1], firmwareVersion[2]);

    if (memcmp(deploymentID, defaultDeploymentID, DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH)) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Deployment ID                   : " SERIAL_NUMBER "\n\n", FORMAT_SERIAL_NUMBER(deploymentID));


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Time zone                       : UTC");

    if (configSettings->timezoneHours < 0) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%d", configSettings->timezoneHours);

    } else if (configSettings->timezoneHours > 0) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "+%d", configSettings->timezoneHours);

    } else {

        if (configSettings->timezoneMinutes < 0) length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-%d", configSettings->timezoneHours);

        if (configSettings->timezoneMinutes > 0) length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "+%d", configSettings->timezoneHours);


    if (configSettings->timezoneMinutes < 0) length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, ":%02d", -configSettings->timezoneMinutes);

    if (configSettings->timezoneMinutes > 0) length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, ":%02d", configSettings->timezoneMinutes);

    RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(configBuffer, length));

    length = sprintf(configBuffer, "\n\nSample rate (Hz)                : %lu\n", configSettings->sampleRate / configSettings->sampleRateDivider);

    static char *gainSettings[5] = {"Low", "Low-Medium", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High"};

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Gain                            : %s\n\n", gainSettings[configSettings->gain]);

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Sleep duration (s)              : ");

    if (configSettings->disableSleepRecordCycle) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-");

    } else {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%u", configSettings->sleepDuration);


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\nRecording duration (s)          : ");

    if (configSettings->disableSleepRecordCycle) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-");

    } else {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%u", configSettings->recordDuration);


    RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(configBuffer, length));

    length = sprintf(configBuffer, "\n\nActive recording periods        : %u\n", configSettings->activeStartStopPeriods);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < configSettings->activeStartStopPeriods; i += 1) {

        uint32_t startMinutes = configSettings->startStopPeriods[i].startMinutes;

        uint32_t stopMinutes = configSettings->startStopPeriods[i].stopMinutes;

        if (i == 0) length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\n");

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Recording period %lu              : %02lu:%02lu - %02lu:%02lu (UTC)\n", i + 1, startMinutes / 60, startMinutes % 60, stopMinutes / 60, stopMinutes % 60);


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\nEarliest recording time         : ");

    if (configSettings->earliestRecordingTime == 0) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "---------- --:--:--");

    } else {

        time_t rawTime = configSettings->earliestRecordingTime;

        struct tm *time = gmtime(&rawTime);

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d (UTC)", 1900 + time->tm_year, time->tm_mon + 1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec);


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\nLatest recording time           : ");

    if (configSettings->latestRecordingTime == 0) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "---------- --:--:--");

    } else {

        time_t rawTime = configSettings->latestRecordingTime;

        struct tm *time = gmtime(&rawTime);

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d (UTC)", 1900 + time->tm_year, time->tm_mon + 1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec);


    RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(configBuffer, length));

    length = sprintf(configBuffer, "\n\nFilter                          : ");

    if (configSettings->lowerFilterFreq == 0 && configSettings->higherFilterFreq == 0) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-");

    } else if (configSettings->lowerFilterFreq == UINT16_MAX) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Low-pass (%u.%ukHz)", configSettings->higherFilterFreq / 10, configSettings->higherFilterFreq % 10);

    } else if (configSettings->higherFilterFreq == UINT16_MAX) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "High-pass (%u.%ukHz)", configSettings->lowerFilterFreq / 10, configSettings->lowerFilterFreq % 10);

    } else {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Band-pass (%u.%ukHz - %u.%ukHz)", configSettings->lowerFilterFreq / 10, configSettings->lowerFilterFreq % 10, configSettings->higherFilterFreq / 10, configSettings->higherFilterFreq % 10);


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\nAmplitude threshold             : ");

    bool amplitudeThresholdEnabled = configSettings->amplitudeThreshold > 0 || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale;

    if (configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale && configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale == false) {

        length += formatDecibels(configBuffer + length, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdDecibels);

    } else if (configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale && configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale == false) {

        length += formatPercentage(configBuffer + length, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdPercentageMantissa, configSettings->amplitudeThresholdPercentageExponent);

    } else if (amplitudeThresholdEnabled) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%u", configSettings->amplitudeThreshold);

    } else {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-");


    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "\nMinimum trigger duration (s)    : ");

    if (amplitudeThresholdEnabled) {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "%u", configSettings->minimumTriggerDuration);

    } else {

        length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "-");


    RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(configBuffer, length));

    length = sprintf(configBuffer, "\n\nEnable LED                      : %s\n", configSettings->enableLED ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable low-voltage cut-off      : %s\n", configSettings->enableLowVoltageCutoff ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable battery level indication : %s\n\n", configSettings->disableBatteryLevelDisplay ? "No" : configSettings->batteryLevelDisplayType == NIMH_LIPO_BATTERY_VOLTAGE ? "Yes (NiMH/LiPo voltage range)" : "Yes");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Always require acoustic chime   : %s\n", configSettings->requireAcousticConfiguration ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : %s\n", configSettings->disable48HzDCBlockingFilter ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable energy saver mode        : %s\n", configSettings->enableEnergySaverMode ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable low gain range           : %s\n\n", configSettings->enableLowGainRange ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable magnetic switch          : %s\n", configSettings->enableMagneticSwitch ? "Yes" : "No");

    length += sprintf(configBuffer + length, "Enable GPS time setting         : %s\n", configSettings->enableTimeSettingFromGPS ? "Yes" : "No");

    RETURN_BOOL_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(configBuffer, length));


    return true;


Since the application repeatedly powers down the AudioMoth it is necessary to store a number of variables in persistent memory. This includes the configuration data structure that is currently active. To do so, pointers to the variables are declared in the backup domain sector of SRAM using the definition provided by the AudioMoth library.

static uint32_t *previousSwitchPosition = (uint32_t*)AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS;

static uint32_t *timeOfNextRecording = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 4);

static uint32_t *durationOfNextRecording = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 8);

static uint32_t *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 12);

static uint32_t *writtenConfigurationToFile = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 16);

static uint8_t *deploymentID = (uint8_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 20);

static uint32_t *readyToMakeRecordings = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 28);

static uint32_t *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 32);

static uint32_t *recordingErrorHasOccurred = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 36);

static uint32_t *recordingPreparationPeriod = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 40);

static uint32_t *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 44);

static uint32_t *waitingForMagneticSwitch = (uint32_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 48);

static configSettings_t *configSettings = (configSettings_t*)(AM_BACKUP_DOMAIN_START_ADDRESS + 52);

The requested filter type is stored.

/* Filter variables */

static AM_filterType_t requestedFilterType;

The number of actual samples in each DMA transfer is stored.

/* DMA transfer variable */

static uint32_t numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer;

The circular buffer uses a small number of variables to indicate which buffer is currently being written to, whether the recording has been cancelled due to changing the switch position, and the location of the partitions of the circular buffer. Note that a number of these are volatile as their values are changed inside an interrupt routine.

/* SRAM buffer variables */

static volatile uint32_t writeBuffer;

static volatile uint32_t writeBufferIndex;

static int16_t* buffers[NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS];

A variable is used to track when recordings should start processing DMA transfers and to track progress within the recording buffers.

/* Flag to start processing DMA transfers */

static volatile uint32_t numberOfDMATransfers;

static volatile uint32_t numberOfDMATransfersToWait;

/* Compression buffers */

static bool writeIndicator[NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS];


A number of variables are used to track GPS use and acoustic setting of time.

/* GPS fix variables */

static bool gpsEnableLED;

static bool gpsPPSEvent;

static bool gpsFixEvent;

static bool gpsMessageEvent;

static bool gpsFirstMessageReceived;

static uint32_t gpsTickEventCount = 1;

static uint32_t gpsTickEventModulo = GPS_TICK_EVENTS_PER_SECOND;

/* Audio configuration variables */

static bool audioConfigStateLED;

static bool audioConfigToggleLED;

static uint32_t audioConfigPulseCounter;

static bool acousticConfigurationPerformed;

static uint32_t secondsOfAcousticSignalStart;

static uint32_t millisecondsOfAcousticSignalStart;

A global array is used to store a default deployment ID.

/* Deployment ID variable */

static uint8_t defaultDeploymentID[DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH];

Volatile global variables tracks whether the magnetic switch, physical switch or microphone has changed.

/* Recording state */

static volatile bool magneticSwitch;

static volatile bool microphoneChanged;

static volatile bool switchPositionChanged;

The application uses direct memory access to write samples from the microphone into memory. Two buffers are declared for these transfers.

/* DMA buffers */

static int16_t primaryBuffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_DMA_TRANSFER];

static int16_t secondaryBuffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_DMA_TRANSFER];

We also store the firmware version and description for later retrieval.

/* Firmware version and description */

static uint8_t firmwareVersion[AM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH] = {1, 6, 0};

static uint8_t firmwareDescription[AM_FIRMWARE_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH] = "AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic";

A small number of function prototypes are declared.

/* Function prototypes */

static void flashLedToIndicateBatteryLife(void);

static void scheduleRecording(uint32_t currentTime, uint32_t *timeOfNextRecording, uint32_t *durationOfNextRecording, uint32_t *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting);

static AM_recordingState_t makeRecording(uint32_t timeOfNextRecording, uint32_t recordDuration, bool enableLED, AM_extendedBatteryState_t extendedBatteryState, int32_t temperature, uint32_t *fileOpenTime, uint32_t *fileOpenMilliseconds);

The backup domain is used to store the configuration when the processor is in energy mode 4. This area of SRAM consists of memory mapped 32-bit registers and we need to be careful to only write 32-bit values to these addresses as the STRB and STRH instructions corrupt the other bytes of these registers. Since we can't trust memcpy to do the right thing, we provide our own functions here. Note that copyFromBackupDomain isn't strictly required, but is provided for symmetry.

/* Functions of copy to and from the backup domain */

static void copyFromBackupDomain(uint8_t *dst, uint32_t *src, uint32_t length) {

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
        *(dst + i) = *((uint8_t*)src + i);


static void copyToBackupDomain(uint32_t *dst, uint8_t *src, uint32_t length) {

    uint32_t value = 0;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length / 4; i += 1) {
        *(dst + i) = *((uint32_t*)src + i);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length % 4; i += 1) {
        value = (value << 8) + *(src + length - 1 - i);

    *(dst + length / 4) = value;


A utility function is used to decide if energy saver mode should be used.

/* Function to select energy saver mode */

static bool isEnergySaverMode(configSettings_t *configSettings) {

    return configSettings->enableEnergySaverMode && configSettings->sampleRate / configSettings->sampleRateDivider <= ENERGY_SAVER_SAMPLE_RATE_THRESHOLD;


Two function handle time setting from the GPS and logging of GPS activity

/* GPS time setting functions */

static void writeGPSLogMessage(uint32_t time, uint32_t milliseconds, char *message) {

    static char logBuffer[256];

    time_t rawTime = time;

    struct tm *tm = gmtime(&rawTime);

    uint32_t length = sprintf(logBuffer, "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03ld UTC: %s\n", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, milliseconds, message);

    AudioMoth_writeToFile(logBuffer, length);


static GPS_fixResult_t setTimeFromGPS(bool enableLED, uint32_t timeout) {

    uint32_t currentTime, currentMilliseconds;

    /* Enable GPS */



    /* Enable GPS log file */

    bool success = AudioMoth_appendFile(GPS_FILENAME);

    /* Add power up message */

    AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

    writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "GPS powered up.");

    /* Set green LED and enter routine */

    gpsEnableLED = enableLED;

    if (gpsEnableLED) AudioMoth_setGreenLED(true);

    GPS_fixResult_t result = GPS_setTimeFromGPS(timeout);



    /* Disable the GPS */



    /* Add result message */

    AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

    if (result == GPS_CANCELLED_BY_MAGNETIC_SWITCH) writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "Time was not updated. Cancelled by magnetic switch.");
    if (result == GPS_CANCELLED_BY_SWITCH) writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "Time was not updated. Cancelled by switch position change.");

    if (result == GPS_TIMEOUT) writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "Time was not updated. Timed out.");

    writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "GPS powered down.\n");

    if (success) AudioMoth_closeFile();

    return result;


The main function starts by initialising the device and checking the switch position.

/* Main function */

int main(void) {

    /* Initialise device */


    AM_switchPosition_t switchPosition = AudioMoth_getSwitchPosition();

If this is the first time the device is powered up after a reset (typically when first inserting the batteries), the timing of the next recording is cleared, and the default configuration data structure is copied into the persistent area of SRAM.

    if (AudioMoth_isInitialPowerUp()) {

        /* Initialise recording schedule variables */

        *timeOfNextRecording = 0;

        *durationOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

        *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

        /* Initialise configuration writing variable */

        *writtenConfigurationToFile = false;

        /* Initialise recording state variables */

        *previousSwitchPosition = AM_SWITCH_NONE;

        *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = false;

        *readyToMakeRecordings = false;

        *recordingErrorHasOccurred = false;

        *recordingPreparationPeriod = INITIAL_PREPARATION_PERIOD;

        /* Initialise magentic switch state variables */

        *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter = 0;

        *waitingForMagneticSwitch = false;

        /* Copy default deployment ID */

        copyToBackupDomain((uint32_t*)deploymentID, (uint8_t*)defaultDeploymentID, DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH);

        /* Check the persistent configuration */

        persistentConfigSettings_t *persistentConfigSettings = (persistentConfigSettings_t*)AM_FLASH_USER_DATA_ADDRESS;

        if (memcmp(persistentConfigSettings->firmwareVersion, firmwareVersion, AM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH) == 0 && memcmp(persistentConfigSettings->firmwareDescription, firmwareDescription, AM_FIRMWARE_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) == 0) {

            copyToBackupDomain((uint32_t*)configSettings, (uint8_t*)&persistentConfigSettings->configSettings, sizeof(configSettings_t));

        } else {

            copyToBackupDomain((uint32_t*)configSettings, (uint8_t*)&defaultConfigSettings, sizeof(configSettings_t));



The behaviour of the device now depends on the switch position. If the switch is in the USB position then the handleUSB function is called. This function blocks until the switch position is changed (waiting in a low power state if the USB cable is unplugged) and then powers down the device, setting the real time counter to wake up again after a few seconds.

    /* Handle the case that the switch is in USB position  */

    if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_USB) {

        if (configSettings->disableBatteryLevelDisplay == false && (*previousSwitchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT || *previousSwitchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM)) {






The time is then read.

    /* Read the time */

    uint32_t currentTime;

    uint32_t currentMilliseconds;

    AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

The code then checks if the switch has been changed since the last wake up and prepares to make a recording if appropriate.

    bool fileSystemEnabled = false;

    bool writtenConfigurationToFileInThisSession = false;

    if (switchPosition != *previousSwitchPosition) {

         /* Reset the GPS flag */

         *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = false;

         /* Check there are active recording periods if the switch is in CUSTOM position */

         *readyToMakeRecordings = switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT || (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM && configSettings->activeStartStopPeriods > 0);

        /* Check if acoustic configuration is required */

        if (*readyToMakeRecordings) {

            /* Determine if acoustic configuration is required */

            bool shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration = switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM && (AudioMoth_hasTimeBeenSet() == false || configSettings->requireAcousticConfiguration);

            /* Overrule this decision if setting of time from GPS is enabled and acoustic configuration not enforced */

            if (shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration && configSettings->enableTimeSettingFromGPS && configSettings->requireAcousticConfiguration == false) {

                shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration = false;

                *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = true;


            /* Determine whether to listen for the acoustic tone */

            bool listenForAcousticTone = shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration == false && switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM;

            if (listenForAcousticTone) {


                shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration = AudioConfig_listenForAudioConfigurationTone(AUDIO_CONFIG_TONE_TIMEOUT);


            if (shouldPerformAcousticConfiguration) {



                audioConfigPulseCounter = 0;

                audioConfigStateLED = false;

                audioConfigToggleLED = false;

                acousticConfigurationPerformed = false;

                if (listenForAcousticTone == false) {



                bool timedOut = AudioConfig_listenForAudioConfigurationPackets(listenForAcousticTone, AUDIO_CONFIG_PACKETS_TIMEOUT);


                if (acousticConfigurationPerformed) {

                    /* Cancel any previous requirement to use the GPS */

                    *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = false;

                    /* Indicate success with LED flashes */






                } else if (listenForAcousticTone && timedOut) {

                    /* Turn off LED */


                } else {

                    /* Not ready to make a recording unless GPS is to be used */

                    *readyToMakeRecordings = *shouldSetTimeFromGPS;

                    /* Turn off LED */


                    /* Power down */



            } else if (listenForAcousticTone) {




The time of the next recording is then determined.

        /* Calculate time of next recording if ready to make a recording */

        if (*readyToMakeRecordings) {

            /* Enable energy saver mode */

            if (isEnergySaverMode(configSettings)) AudioMoth_setClockDivider(AM_HF_CLK_DIV2);

            /* Reset the error flag */

            *recordingErrorHasOccurred = false;

            /* Reset the recording preparation period to default */

            *recordingPreparationPeriod = INITIAL_PREPARATION_PERIOD;

            /* Reset persistent configuration write flag */

            *writtenConfigurationToFile = false;

            /* Try to write configuration to file */

            fileSystemEnabled = AudioMoth_enableFileSystem();

            if (fileSystemEnabled) writtenConfigurationToFileInThisSession = writeConfigurationToFile(configSettings, firmwareDescription, firmwareVersion, (uint8_t*)AM_UNIQUE_ID_START_ADDRESS, deploymentID, defaultDeploymentID);

            /* Write the GPS log file */
            if (fileSystemEnabled && configSettings->enableTimeSettingFromGPS) {


                AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

                writeGPSLogMessage(currentTime, currentMilliseconds, "Switched to CUSTOM mode.\n");



            /* Update the time and calculate earliest schedule start time */

            AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

            uint32_t scheduleTime = currentTime + ROUNDED_UP_DIV(currentMilliseconds + *recordingPreparationPeriod, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);

            /* Schedule the next recording */

            if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM) {

                if (configSettings->enableMagneticSwitch) {

                    *timeOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

                    *durationOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

                    *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

                    *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter = 0;

                    *waitingForMagneticSwitch = true;

                } else {

                    scheduleRecording(scheduleTime, timeOfNextRecording, durationOfNextRecording, timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting);

                    *waitingForMagneticSwitch = false;



            /* Set parameters to start recording now */

            if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT) {

                *timeOfNextRecording = scheduleTime;

                *durationOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

                *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;




If the device is not ready to make a recording it will flash a warning and then power down.

    /* If not ready to make a recording then flash LED and power down */

    if (*readyToMakeRecordings == false) {




Otherwise it prepares to make a recording.

    /* Enable the magnetic switch */

    bool magneticSwitchEnabled = configSettings->enableMagneticSwitch && switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM;

    if (magneticSwitchEnabled) GPS_enableMagneticSwitch();

    /* Reset flag */

    bool shouldRecalculateWaitingTime = true;

    bool shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState = false;

    bool enableLED = (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT) || configSettings->enableLED;

    /* If the GPS synchronisation window has passed then cancel it */

    if (currentTime >= *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting + GPS_MAX_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD) *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

    /* Calculate time until next activitiy */

    int64_t timeUntilPreparationStart = (int64_t)*timeOfNextRecording * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)*recordingPreparationPeriod - (int64_t)currentTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentMilliseconds;

    int64_t timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting = (int64_t)*timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentMilliseconds;

    /* Decide on the activity this wake up period */

    if (*shouldSetTimeFromGPS && *waitingForMagneticSwitch == false) {

        /* Set the time from the GPS */

        if (!fileSystemEnabled) fileSystemEnabled = AudioMoth_enableFileSystem();
        GPS_fixResult_t fixResult = setTimeFromGPS(true, currentTime + GPS_MAX_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD);

        AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

        /* Update the schedule if successful */

        if (fixResult == GPS_SUCCESS) {

            /* Reset the flag */

            *shouldSetTimeFromGPS = false;

            /* Schedule the next recording */

            uint32_t scheduleTime = currentTime + ROUNDED_UP_DIV(currentMilliseconds + *recordingPreparationPeriod, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);

            scheduleRecording(scheduleTime, timeOfNextRecording, durationOfNextRecording, timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting);

        /* If time setting was cancelled with the magnet switch then set the flag */

        if (fixResult == GPS_CANCELLED_BY_MAGNETIC_SWITCH) {

            shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState = true;


    } else if (timeUntilPreparationStart <= 0) {

        /* Enable energy saver mode */

        if (isEnergySaverMode(configSettings)) AudioMoth_setClockDivider(AM_HF_CLK_DIV2);

        /* Write configuration if not already done so */

        if (writtenConfigurationToFileInThisSession == false && *writtenConfigurationToFile == false) {

            if (!fileSystemEnabled) fileSystemEnabled = AudioMoth_enableFileSystem();

            if (fileSystemEnabled) {

                *writtenConfigurationToFile = writeConfigurationToFile(configSettings, firmwareDescription, firmwareVersion, (uint8_t*)AM_UNIQUE_ID_START_ADDRESS, deploymentID, defaultDeploymentID);



        /* Make the recording */

        uint32_t fileOpenTime;

        uint32_t fileOpenMilliseconds;

        AM_recordingState_t recordingState = RECORDING_OKAY;

        /* Measure battery voltage */

        uint32_t supplyVoltage = AudioMoth_getSupplyVoltage();

        AM_extendedBatteryState_t extendedBatteryState = AudioMoth_getExtendedBatteryState(supplyVoltage);

        /* Check if low voltage check is enabled and that the voltage is okay */

        bool okayToMakeRecording = true;

        if (configSettings->enableLowVoltageCutoff) {



            okayToMakeRecording = AudioMoth_isSupplyAboveThreshold();


If all is still okay a recording is attempted.

        /* Make recording if okay */

        if (okayToMakeRecording) {


            int32_t temperature = AudioMoth_getTemperature();


            if (!fileSystemEnabled) fileSystemEnabled = AudioMoth_enableFileSystem();

            if (fileSystemEnabled)  {

                recordingState = makeRecording(*timeOfNextRecording, *durationOfNextRecording, enableLED, extendedBatteryState, temperature, &fileOpenTime, &fileOpenMilliseconds);

            } else {


                recordingState = SDCARD_WRITE_ERROR;


        } else {

            if (enableLED) FLASH_LED(Both, LONG_LED_FLASH_DURATION);

            recordingState = SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_LOW;


On completion of the recording the next recording is scheduled.

       /* Disable low voltage monitor if it was used */

        if (configSettings->enableLowVoltageCutoff) AudioMoth_disableSupplyMonitor();

        /* Enable the error warning flashes */

        if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM && (recordingState == SDCARD_WRITE_ERROR || recordingState == SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_LOW)) {

            *recordingErrorHasOccurred = true;


        /* Update the preparation period */

        if (recordingState != SDCARD_WRITE_ERROR) {

            int64_t measuredPreparationPeriod = (int64_t)fileOpenTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND + (int64_t)fileOpenMilliseconds - (int64_t)currentTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentMilliseconds;



        /* If recording was cancelled with the magnet switch then set the flag */

        if (recordingState == MAGNETIC_SWITCH) {

            shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState = true;


        /* Update the time and calculate earliest schedule start time */

        AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

        uint32_t scheduleTime = currentTime + ROUNDED_UP_DIV(currentMilliseconds + *recordingPreparationPeriod, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);

        /* Schedule the next recording */

        if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_CUSTOM) {

            if (recordingState == RECORDING_OKAY || recordingState == SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_LOW || recordingState == SDCARD_WRITE_ERROR) {

                /* Schedule as if the recording has ended correctly */

                scheduleTime = MAX(scheduleTime, *timeOfNextRecording + *durationOfNextRecording);


            scheduleRecording(scheduleTime, timeOfNextRecording, durationOfNextRecording, timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting);


        /* Set parameters to start recording now */

        if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT) {

            *timeOfNextRecording = scheduleTime;

            *durationOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

            *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;


    } else if (timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting <= 0 && timeUntilPreparationStart > GPS_MIN_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND) {

        /* Set the time from the GPS */


        GPS_fixResult_t fixResult = setTimeFromGPS(enableLED, *timeOfNextRecording - ROUNDED_UP_DIV(*recordingPreparationPeriod, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND));

        AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

        /* Update the next scheduled GPS fix time */

        *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

        /* If time setting was cancelled with the magnet switch then set the flag */

        if (fixResult == GPS_CANCELLED_BY_MAGNETIC_SWITCH) {

            shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState = true;


    } else if (magneticSwitch || (magneticSwitchEnabled && GPS_isMagneticSwitchClosed())) {
        shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState = true;
    } else if (enableLED && timeUntilPreparationStart > MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND && timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting > MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND) {

        /* Determine if LED should be shown on this cycle */

        bool showFlash = *waitingForMagneticSwitch == false || (*waitingForMagneticSwitch && *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter % MAGNETIC_SWITCH_FLASH_MODULO == 0);

        *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter = (*magneticSwitchWaitingCounter + 1) % MAGNETIC_SWITCH_FLASH_MODULO;

        /* Flash LED to indicate waiting */

        if (showFlash) {

            /* Choose which LED to show */

            if (*recordingErrorHasOccurred) {


            } else {



            /* Update the time until recording preparation should start or next GPS time setting */

            shouldRecalculateWaitingTime = false;

            timeUntilPreparationStart -= WAITING_LED_FLASH_DURATION;

            timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting -= WAITING_LED_FLASH_DURATION;



    /* Change the magnet waiting state */

    if (shouldChangeMagnetWaitingState) {

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAGNETIC_SWITCH_CHANGE_FLASHES; i += 1) {

            if (*waitingForMagneticSwitch) {


            } else {





        /* Update the time */

        AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, &currentMilliseconds);

        /* Schedule recordings for the new state */

        if (*waitingForMagneticSwitch) {

            uint32_t scheduleTime = currentTime + ROUNDED_UP_DIV(currentMilliseconds + *recordingPreparationPeriod, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);

            scheduleRecording(scheduleTime, timeOfNextRecording, durationOfNextRecording, timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting);

            *waitingForMagneticSwitch = false;

        } else {

            *timeOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

            *durationOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

            *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

            *magneticSwitchWaitingCounter = 0;

            *waitingForMagneticSwitch = true;



Finally, the time until the next recording is calculated and the device powered down for an appropriate period.

    /* Calculate the time until recording preparation should start or next GPS time setting */

    if (shouldRecalculateWaitingTime) {

        timeUntilPreparationStart = (int64_t)*timeOfNextRecording * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)*recordingPreparationPeriod - (int64_t)currentTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentMilliseconds;

        timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting = (int64_t)*timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)currentMilliseconds;


    /* Determine how long to power down */

    int64_t timeToEarliestEvent = MIN(timeUntilPreparationStart, timeUntilNextGPSTimeSetting) - EM4_WAKEUP_PERIOD;

    int64_t timeToWait = MAX(0, MIN(timeToEarliestEvent, WAITING_LED_FLASH_INTERVAL));



The application code must provide the timezone to the AudioMoth library so that the FAT time stamps are in the local time.

/* Time zone handler */

inline void AudioMoth_timezoneRequested(int8_t *timezoneHours, int8_t *timezoneMinutes) {

    *timezoneHours = configSettings->timezoneHours;

    *timezoneMinutes = configSettings->timezoneMinutes;


It must also handle time setting events from the GPS library

/* GPS time handlers */

void GPS_handleSetTime(uint32_t time, uint32_t milliseconds, int64_t timeDifference, uint32_t measuredClockFrequency) {

    char setTimeBuffer[64];

    /* Update the time if appropriate */

    if (!AudioMoth_hasTimeBeenSet()) {

        AudioMoth_setTime(time, milliseconds);

        writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, "Time was set from GPS.");

    } else {

        if (timeDifference == 0) {

            writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, "Time was not updated. The internal clock was correct.");

        } else if (timeDifference < -GPS_MAXIMUM_MS_DIFFERENCE || timeDifference > GPS_MAXIMUM_MS_DIFFERENCE) {

            writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, "Time was not updated. The discrepancy between the internal clock and the GPS was too large.");

        } else {

            AudioMoth_setTime(time, milliseconds);
            sprintf(setTimeBuffer, "Time was updated. The internal clock was %ldms %s.", timeDifference > 0 ? (int32_t)timeDifference : -(int32_t)timeDifference, timeDifference > 0 ? "fast" : "slow");

            writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, setTimeBuffer);



    /* Calculate the actual sampling rate */

    uint32_t intendedClockFrequency = AudioMoth_getClockFrequency();

    uint32_t intendedSamplingRate = configSettings->sampleRate / configSettings->sampleRateDivider;

    uint32_t clockTicksPerSample = intendedClockFrequency / intendedSamplingRate;

    uint64_t actualSamplingRate = ROUNDED_DIV(GPS_FREQUENCY_PRECISION * (uint64_t)measuredClockFrequency, (uint64_t)clockTicksPerSample);

    uint32_t integerPart = actualSamplingRate / GPS_FREQUENCY_PRECISION;

    uint32_t fractionalPart = actualSamplingRate % GPS_FREQUENCY_PRECISION;

    sprintf(setTimeBuffer, "Actual sample rate will be %lu.%03lu Hz.", integerPart, fractionalPart);

    writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, setTimeBuffer);


void GPS_handleGetTime(uint32_t *time, uint32_t *milliseconds) {

    AudioMoth_getTime(time, milliseconds);


/* GPS interrupt handlers */

void GPS_handleTickEvent() {

    if (gpsTickEventCount == 0) {

        gpsTickEventModulo = GPS_TICK_EVENTS_PER_SECOND;
        if (gpsPPSEvent || gpsFixEvent) {

            gpsTickEventModulo /= 3;

        } else if (gpsMessageEvent) {

            gpsTickEventModulo /= 2;


        gpsMessageEvent = false;

        gpsFixEvent = false;

        gpsPPSEvent = false;


    if (gpsEnableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(gpsTickEventCount % gpsTickEventModulo == 0);

    gpsTickEventCount = (gpsTickEventCount + 1) % GPS_TICK_EVENTS_PER_SECOND;


void GPS_handlePPSEvent(uint32_t time, uint32_t milliseconds) {

    writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, "Received pulse per second signal.");

    gpsPPSEvent = true;


void GPS_handleFixEvent(uint32_t time, uint32_t milliseconds, GPS_fixTime_t *fixTime, GPS_fixPosition_t *fixPosition, char *message) {

    static char fixBuffer[128];

    sprintf(fixBuffer, "Received GPS fix - %02d %02d.%04d %c %03d %02d.%04d %c at %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d UTC.", fixPosition->latitudeDegrees, fixPosition->latitudeMinutes, fixPosition->latitudeTenThousandths, fixPosition->latitudeDirection, fixPosition->longitudeDegrees, fixPosition->longitudeMinutes, fixPosition->longitudeTenThousandths, fixPosition->longitudeDirection, fixTime->day, fixTime->month, fixTime->year, fixTime->hours, fixTime->minutes, fixTime->seconds, fixTime->milliseconds);

    writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, fixBuffer);

    gpsFixEvent = true;


void GPS_handleMessageEvent(uint32_t time, uint32_t milliseconds, char *message) {

    if (!gpsFirstMessageReceived) {

        writeGPSLogMessage(time, milliseconds, "Received first GPS message.");

        gpsFirstMessageReceived = true;


    gpsMessageEvent = true;


inline void GPS_handleMagneticSwitchInterrupt() {

    magneticSwitch = true;



The application code must also provide interrupt handling routines.

inline void AudioMoth_handleMicrophoneChangeInterrupt() {

    microphoneChanged = true;


inline void AudioMoth_handleSwitchInterrupt() {

    switchPositionChanged = true;




The direct memory access interrupt copies the microphone samples out of the DMA buffers and applies the required digital filter. In this application oversampling is done in software. Thus to record at 48kHz the device samples at 384kHz and sampleRateDivider is set to 8.

inline void AudioMoth_handleDirectMemoryAccessInterrupt(bool isPrimaryBuffer, int16_t **nextBuffer) {

    int16_t *source = secondaryBuffer;

    if (isPrimaryBuffer) source = primaryBuffer;

    /* Apply filter to samples */

    bool thresholdExceeded = DigitalFilter_filter(source, buffers[writeBuffer] + writeBufferIndex, configSettings->sampleRateDivider, numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer, configSettings->amplitudeThreshold);

    numberOfDMATransfers += 1;

    /* Update the current buffer index and write buffer if wait period is over */

    if (numberOfDMATransfers > numberOfDMATransfersToWait) {

        writeIndicator[writeBuffer] |= thresholdExceeded;

        writeBufferIndex += numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer / configSettings->sampleRateDivider;

        if (writeBufferIndex == NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_BUFFER) {

            writeBufferIndex = 0;

            writeBuffer = (writeBuffer + 1) & (NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS - 1);

            writeIndicator[writeBuffer] = false;




The application must handle requests for the firmware version and description.

/* AudioMoth USB message handlers */

void AudioMoth_usbFirmwareVersionRequested(uint8_t **firmwareVersionPtr) {

    *firmwareVersionPtr = firmwareVersion;


void AudioMoth_usbFirmwareDescriptionRequested(uint8_t **firmwareDescriptionPtr) {

    *firmwareDescriptionPtr = firmwareDescription;


The application must also handle the request and receipt of application specific USB packets. While the AudioMoth library supports requesting the time, unique ID and battery state as separate messages, here we also support a custom packet that provides all the data in one go.

inline void AudioMoth_usbApplicationPacketRequested(uint32_t messageType, uint8_t *transmitBuffer, uint32_t size) {

    /* Copy the current time to the USB packet */

    uint32_t currentTime;

    AudioMoth_getTime(&currentTime, NULL);

    memcpy(transmitBuffer + 1, &currentTime, UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES);

    /* Copy the unique ID to the USB packet */

    memcpy(transmitBuffer + 5, (uint8_t*)AM_UNIQUE_ID_START_ADDRESS, AM_UNIQUE_ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES);

    /* Copy the battery state to the USB packet */

    uint32_t supplyVoltage = AudioMoth_getSupplyVoltage();

    AM_batteryState_t batteryState = AudioMoth_getBatteryState(supplyVoltage);

    memcpy(transmitBuffer + 5 + AM_UNIQUE_ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES, &batteryState, 1);

    /* Copy the firmware version to the USB packet */

    memcpy(transmitBuffer + 6 + AM_UNIQUE_ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES, firmwareVersion, AM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH);

    /* Copy the firmware description to the USB packet */



The application packet sent to the device contains the configuration data structure. This is simply copied to the persistent areas of internal SRAM and to the persistent flash. This data structure includes the time, and the library function AudioMoth_setTime is used to set the device time.

inline void AudioMoth_usbApplicationPacketReceived(uint32_t messageType, uint8_t* receiveBuffer, uint8_t *transmitBuffer, uint32_t size) {

    /* Make persistent configuration settings data structure */

    static persistentConfigSettings_t persistentConfigSettings __attribute__ ((aligned(UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES)));

    memcpy(&persistentConfigSettings.firmwareVersion, &firmwareVersion, AM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH);

    memcpy(&persistentConfigSettings.firmwareDescription, &firmwareDescription, AM_FIRMWARE_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH);

    memcpy(&persistentConfigSettings.configSettings, receiveBuffer + 1,  sizeof(configSettings_t));

    /* Implement energy saver mode changes */

    if (isEnergySaverMode(&persistentConfigSettings.configSettings)) {

        persistentConfigSettings.configSettings.sampleRate /= 2;
        persistentConfigSettings.configSettings.clockDivider /= 2;
        persistentConfigSettings.configSettings.sampleRateDivider /= 2;


    /* Copy persistent configuration settings to flash */

    uint32_t numberOfBytes = ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE(sizeof(persistentConfigSettings_t), UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES);

    bool success = AudioMoth_writeToFlashUserDataPage((uint8_t*)&persistentConfigSettings, numberOfBytes);

    if (success) {

        /* Copy the USB packet contents to the back-up register data structure location */

        copyToBackupDomain((uint32_t*)configSettings,  (uint8_t*)&persistentConfigSettings.configSettings, sizeof(configSettings_t));

        /* Copy the back-up register data structure to the USB packet */

        copyFromBackupDomain(transmitBuffer + 1, (uint32_t*)configSettings, sizeof(configSettings_t));

        /* Revert energy saver mode changes */

        configSettings_t *tempConfigSettings = (configSettings_t*)(transmitBuffer + 1);

        if (isEnergySaverMode(tempConfigSettings)) {

            tempConfigSettings->sampleRate *= 2;
            tempConfigSettings->clockDivider *= 2;
            tempConfigSettings->sampleRateDivider *= 2;


        /* Set the time */

        AudioMoth_setTime(configSettings->time, USB_CONFIG_TIME_CORRECTION);

    } else {

        /* Return blank configuration as error indicator */

        memset(transmitBuffer + 1, 0, sizeof(configSettings_t));



The code must also handle acoustic setting of the time and deployment ID. This is done by two handlers that are called from the audioConfig code.

/* Audio configuration handlers */

void AudioConfig_handleAudioConfigurationEvent(AC_audioConfigurationEvent_t event) {

    if (event == AC_EVENT_PULSE) {

        audioConfigPulseCounter = (audioConfigPulseCounter + 1) % AUDIO_CONFIG_PULSE_INTERVAL;

    } else if (event == AC_EVENT_START) {

        audioConfigStateLED = true;

        audioConfigToggleLED = true;

        AudioMoth_getTime(&secondsOfAcousticSignalStart, &millisecondsOfAcousticSignalStart);

    } else if (event == AC_EVENT_BYTE) {

        audioConfigToggleLED = !audioConfigToggleLED;

    } else if (event == AC_EVENT_BIT_ERROR || event == AC_EVENT_CRC_ERROR) {

        audioConfigStateLED = false;


    AudioMoth_setGreenLED((audioConfigStateLED && audioConfigToggleLED) || (!audioConfigStateLED && !audioConfigPulseCounter));


void AudioConfig_handleAudioConfigurationPacket(uint8_t *receiveBuffer, uint32_t size) {

    bool isTimePacket = size == (UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES + UINT16_SIZE_IN_BYTES);

    bool isDeploymentPacket = size  == (UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES + UINT16_SIZE_IN_BYTES + DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH);

    if (isTimePacket || isDeploymentPacket) {

        /* Copy time from the packet */

        uint32_t time;

        memcpy(&time, receiveBuffer, UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES);

        /* Calculate the time correction */

        uint32_t secondsOfAcousticSignalEnd;

        uint32_t millisecondsOfAcousticSignalEnd;

        AudioMoth_getTime(&secondsOfAcousticSignalEnd, &millisecondsOfAcousticSignalEnd);

        uint32_t millisecondTimeOffset = (secondsOfAcousticSignalEnd - secondsOfAcousticSignalStart) * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND + millisecondsOfAcousticSignalEnd - millisecondsOfAcousticSignalStart + AUDIO_CONFIG_TIME_CORRECTION;

        /* Set the time */

        AudioMoth_setTime(time + millisecondTimeOffset / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND, millisecondTimeOffset % MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND);

        /* Set deployment */

        if (isDeploymentPacket) {

            copyToBackupDomain((uint32_t*)deploymentID, receiveBuffer + UINT32_SIZE_IN_BYTES + UINT16_SIZE_IN_BYTES, DEPLOYMENT_ID_LENGTH);


        /* Indicate success */


        acousticConfigurationPerformed = true;


    /* Reset receive state */

    audioConfigStateLED = false;


Two functions are used to clear and encode the number of segments that are not written to the SD card when threshold recordings are made.

/* Clear and encode the compression buffer */

static void clearCompressionBuffer() {

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE; i += 1) {

        compressionBuffer[i] = 0;



/* Encode the compression buffer */

static void encodeCompressionBuffer(uint32_t numberOfCompressedBuffers) {

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < UINT32_SIZE_IN_BITS; i += 1) {

        compressionBuffer[i] = numberOfCompressedBuffers & 0x01 ? 1 : -1;

        numberOfCompressedBuffers >>= 1;



        compressionBuffer[i] = 0;



We have a small utility function to generate filenames.

/* Generate filename from time */

static void generateFilename(char *fileName, uint32_t timestamp, bool amplitudeThresholdEnabled) {

    time_t rawTime = timestamp + configSettings->timezoneHours * SECONDS_IN_HOUR + configSettings->timezoneMinutes * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;

    struct tm *time = gmtime(&rawTime);

    uint32_t length = sprintf(fileName, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d", 1900 + time->tm_year, time->tm_mon + 1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec);

    char *extension = amplitudeThresholdEnabled ? "T.WAV" : ".WAV";

    strcpy(fileName + length, extension);

The `makeRecording` function initiates the collection of samples from the microphone and write the resulting WAV file to the microSD card. It starts by initialising the necessary buffers and flags.

/* Save recording to SD card */

static AM_recordingState_t makeRecording(uint32_t currentTime, uint32_t recordDuration, bool enableLED, AM_batteryState_t batteryState) {
    /* Initialise buffers */

    writeBuffer = 0;

    writeBufferIndex = 0;

    buffers[0] = (int16_t*)AM_EXTERNAL_SRAM_START_ADDRESS;

    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i += 1) {
        buffers[i] = buffers[i - 1] + NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_BUFFER;

It then designs the appropriate filters.

    /* Calculate effective sample rate */

    uint32_t effectiveSampleRate = configSettings->sampleRate / configSettings->sampleRateDivider;

    /* Set up the digital filter */

    uint32_t blockingFilterFrequency = configSettings->disable48HzDCBlockingFilter ? LOW_DC_BLOCKING_FREQ : DEFAULT_DC_BLOCKING_FREQ;

    if (configSettings->lowerFilterFreq == 0 && configSettings->higherFilterFreq == 0) {

        requestedFilterType = NO_FILTER;

        DigitalFilter_designHighPassFilter(effectiveSampleRate, blockingFilterFrequency);

    } else if (configSettings->lowerFilterFreq == UINT16_MAX) {

        requestedFilterType = LOW_PASS_FILTER;

        DigitalFilter_designBandPassFilter(effectiveSampleRate, blockingFilterFrequency, FILTER_FREQ_MULTIPLIER * configSettings->higherFilterFreq);

    } else if (configSettings->higherFilterFreq == UINT16_MAX) {

        requestedFilterType = HIGH_PASS_FILTER;

        DigitalFilter_designHighPassFilter(effectiveSampleRate, MAX(blockingFilterFrequency, FILTER_FREQ_MULTIPLIER * configSettings->lowerFilterFreq));

    } else {

        requestedFilterType = BAND_PASS_FILTER;

        DigitalFilter_designBandPassFilter(effectiveSampleRate, MAX(blockingFilterFrequency, FILTER_FREQ_MULTIPLIER * configSettings->lowerFilterFreq), FILTER_FREQ_MULTIPLIER * configSettings->higherFilterFreq);


    /* Calculate the sample multiplier */

    float sampleMultiplier = 16.0f / (float)(configSettings->oversampleRate * configSettings->sampleRateDivider);

    if (AudioMoth_hasInvertedOutput()) sampleMultiplier = -sampleMultiplier;


The number of DMA transfers to skip to allow the microphone to warm-up is calculated.

    /* Calculate the number of samples in each DMA transfer (while ensuring that number of samples written to the SRAM buffer on each DMA transfer is a power of two so each SRAM buffer is filled after an integer number of DMA transfers) */

    numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer = MAXIMUM_SAMPLES_IN_DMA_TRANSFER / configSettings->sampleRateDivider;

    while (numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer & (numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer - 1)) {

        numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer = numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer & (numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer - 1);


    numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer *= configSettings->sampleRateDivider;

We calculate the number of 32KB sectors to record after any amplitude threshold is triggered.

    /* Calculate the minimum amplitude threshold duration */

    uint32_t numberOfAmplitudeThresholdBuffers = ROUNDED_UP_DIV(configSettings->minimumAmplitudeThresholdDuration * effectiveSampleRate, NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_BUFFER);

We then initialise the termination conditions and start the microphone samples.

    /* Initialise termination conditions */

    microphoneChanged = false;

    bool supplyVoltageLow = false;

    /* Initialise microphone for recording */

    /* Initialise microphone for recording */


    AM_gainRange_t gainRange = configSettings->enableLowGainRange ? AM_LOW_GAIN_RANGE : AM_NORMAL_GAIN_RANGE;

    bool externalMicrophone = AudioMoth_enableMicrophone(gainRange, configSettings->gain, configSettings->clockDivider, configSettings->acquisitionCycles, configSettings->oversampleRate);

    AudioMoth_initialiseDirectMemoryAccess(primaryBuffer, secondaryBuffer, numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer);

We can then open the file on the SD card.

    /* Show LED for SD card activity */

    if (enableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(true);

    /* Determine if amplitude threshold is enabled */

    bool amplitudeThresholdEnabled = configSettings->amplitudeThreshold > 0 || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdDecibelScale || configSettings->enableAmplitudeThresholdPercentageScale;

    /* Open a file with the current local time as the name */

    static char filename[MAXIMUM_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];

    generateFilename(filename, timeOfNextRecording, amplitudeThresholdEnabled);



We measure how long this file opening took so that the device wakes up in time to make the next recording.

    /* Measure the time difference from the start time */

    AudioMoth_getTime(fileOpenTime, fileOpenMilliseconds);

    /* Calculate time correction for sample rate due to file header */

    uint32_t numberOfSamplesInHeader = sizeof(wavHeader) / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE;

    uint32_t sampleRateTimeOffset = ROUNDED_DIV(numberOfSamplesInHeader * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND, effectiveSampleRate);

Then we calculate how long we have to wait until the recording should start. Reducing the length of the recording if we have missed the intended start.

    /* Calculate time correction for sample rate due to file header */

    uint32_t numberOfSamplesInHeader = sizeof(wavHeader) / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE;

    int32_t sampleRateTimeOffset = ROUNDED_DIV(numberOfSamplesInHeader * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND, effectiveSampleRate);

    /* Calculate time until the recording should start */

    int64_t millisecondsUntilRecordingShouldStart = (int64_t)timeOfNextRecording * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)*fileOpenTime * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND - (int64_t)*fileOpenMilliseconds - (int64_t)sampleRateTimeOffset;

    /* Calculate the actual recording start time if the intended start has been missed */

    uint32_t timeOffset = millisecondsUntilRecordingShouldStart < 0 ? 1 - millisecondsUntilRecordingShouldStart / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND : 0;

    recordDuration = timeOffset >= recordDuration ? 0 : recordDuration - timeOffset;

    millisecondsUntilRecordingShouldStart += timeOffset * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND;

We can then calculate the period to wait before starting to process the DMA transfers.

    /* Calculate the period to wait before starting the DMA transfers */

    uint32_t numberOfRawSamplesPerMillisecond = configSettings->sampleRate / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND;

    uint32_t numberOfRawSamplesToWait = millisecondsUntilRecordingShouldStart * numberOfRawSamplesPerMillisecond;

    numberOfDMATransfersToWait = numberOfRawSamplesToWait / numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer;

    uint32_t remainingNumberOfRawSamples = numberOfRawSamplesToWait % numberOfRawSamplesInDMATransfer;

    uint32_t remainingMillisecondsToWait = ROUNDED_DIV(remainingNumberOfRawSamples, numberOfRawSamplesPerMillisecond);

We can now calculate the length of the recording; cutting it short if it exceeds the maximum file length.

    /* Calculate updated recording parameters */

    uint32_t maximumNumberOfSeconds = (MAXIMUM_WAV_FILE_SIZE - sizeof(wavHeader)) / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE / effectiveSampleRate;

    bool fileSizeLimited = (recordDuration > maximumNumberOfSeconds);

    uint32_t numberOfSamples = effectiveSampleRate * (fileSizeLimited ? maximumNumberOfSeconds : recordDuration);

We can then initialise the main recording loop.

    /* Initialise main loop variables */

    uint32_t readBuffer = 0;

    uint32_t samplesWritten = 0;

    uint32_t buffersProcessed = 0;

    uint32_t numberOfCompressedBuffers = 0;

    uint32_t totalNumberOfCompressedSamples = 0;

    uint32_t amplitudeThresholdBuffersWritten = 0;

    bool amplitudeThresholdHasBeenTriggered = false;

We are now ready to start the DMA transfer processing.

    /* Start processing DMA transfers */

    numberOfDMATransfers = 0;



The main recording loop can now start.

    /* Main recording loop */

    while (samplesWritten < numberOfSamples + numberOfSamplesInHeader && !microphoneChanged && !switchPositionChanged && !magneticSwitch && !supplyVoltageLow) {

The inner loop waits until the writeBuffer is ahead of the readBuffer and then writes samples to the microSD card.

        while (readBuffer != writeBuffer && samplesWritten < numberOfSamples + numberOfSamplesInHeader && !microphoneChanged && !switchPositionChanged && !magneticSwitch && !supplyVoltageLow) {

The main writing loops decides if each buffer should be written to the SD card or not depending on whether threshold recording is specified and the amplitude has exceeded the threshold.

            /* Determine the appropriate number of bytes to the SD card */

            uint32_t numberOfSamplesToWrite = MIN(numberOfSamples + numberOfSamplesInHeader - samplesWritten, NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_BUFFER);

            /* Check if this buffer should actually be written to the SD card */

            bool writeIndicated = writeIndicator[readBuffer] || amplitudeThresholdEnabled == false;

            amplitudeThresholdHasBeenTriggered |= writeIndicated;

            amplitudeThresholdBuffersWritten = writeIndicated ? 0 : amplitudeThresholdBuffersWritten + 1;

            bool shouldWriteThisSector = writeIndicated || (amplitudeThresholdHasBeenTriggered && amplitudeThresholdBuffersWritten < numberOfAmplitudeThresholdBuffers);

            /* Compress the buffer or write the buffer to SD card */

            if (shouldWriteThisSector == false && buffersProcessed > 0 && numberOfSamplesToWrite == NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_BUFFER) {


            } else {

                /* Light LED during SD card write if appropriate */

                if (enableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(true);

                /* Encode and write compression buffer */

                if (numberOfCompressedBuffers > 0) {


                    totalNumberOfCompressedSamples += (numberOfCompressedBuffers - 1) * COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE;

                    FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(compressionBuffer, COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES));

                    numberOfCompressedBuffers = 0;


                /* Either write the buffer or write a blank buffer */

                if (shouldWriteThisSector) {

                    FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(buffers[readBuffer], NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE * numberOfSamplesToWrite));

                } else {


                    uint32_t numberOfBlankSamplesToWrite = numberOfSamplesToWrite;

                    while (numberOfBlankSamplesToWrite > 0) {

                        uint32_t numberOfSmples = MIN(numberOfBlankSamplesToWrite, COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE);

                        FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(compressionBuffer, NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE * numberOfSmples));

                        numberOfBlankSamplesToWrite -= numberOfSmples;



                /* Clear LED */



The buffer counter is then incremented.

            /* Increment buffer counters */

            readBuffer = (readBuffer + 1) & (NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS - 1);

            samplesWritten += numberOfSamplesToWrite;

            buffersProcessed += 1;


The voltage level is checked.

        /* Check the voltage level */

        if (configSettings->enableLowVoltageCutoff && !AudioMoth_isSupplyAboveThreshold()) {

            supplyVoltageLow = true;


The device can now sleep. It will wake on the next DMA interrupt, and will then either write further samples, or return to sleep immediately.

        /* Sleep until next DMA transfer is complete */



Any remaining compression buffer information is now written.

    /* Write the compression buffer files at the end */

    if (samplesWritten < numberOfSamples + numberOfSamplesInHeader && numberOfCompressedBuffers > 0) {

        /* Light LED during SD card write if appropriate */

        if (enableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(true);

        /* Encode and write compression buffer */


        totalNumberOfCompressedSamples += (numberOfCompressedBuffers - 1) * COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES / NUMBER_OF_BYTES_IN_SAMPLE;

        FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(compressionBuffer, COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES));

        /* Clear LED */



At this point all the data has been written to the microSD card but the file has no header. The header information is first updated.

    /* Determine recording state */

    AM_recordingState_t recordingState = microphoneChanged ? MICROPHONE_CHANGED :
                                         switchPositionChanged ? SWITCH_CHANGED :
                                         magneticSwitch ? MAGNETIC_SWITCH :
                                         supplyVoltageLow ? SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_LOW :
                                         fileSizeLimited ? FILE_SIZE_LIMITED :

    /* Initialise the WAV header */

    samplesWritten = MAX(numberOfSamplesInHeader, samplesWritten);

    setHeaderDetails(&wavHeader, effectiveSampleRate, samplesWritten - numberOfSamplesInHeader - totalNumberOfCompressedSamples);

    setHeaderComment(&wavHeader, configSettings, timeOfNextRecording + timeOffset, (uint8_t*)AM_UNIQUE_ID_START_ADDRESS, deploymentID, defaultDeploymentID, extendedBatteryState, temperature, externalMicrophone, recordingState, requestedFilterType);

    /* Write the header */

    if (enableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(true);


    FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_writeToFile(&wavHeader, sizeof(wavHeader)));

    /* Close the file */



If the file opening took too long, the file must now be renamed so that the file name matches the actual recording start time.

    /* Rename the file if necessary */

    static char newFilename[MAXIMUM_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];

    if (timeOffset > 0) {

        generateFilename(newFilename, timeOfNextRecording + timeOffset, amplitudeThresholdEnabled);

        if (enableLED) AudioMoth_setRedLED(true);

        FLASH_LED_AND_RETURN_ON_ERROR(AudioMoth_renameFile(filename, newFilename));



Finally, the function returns with the correct state.

    /* Return recording state */

    return recordingState;


When using scheduled recordings the application must determine when the next recording should take place and how long it should be. Recordings that overrun the end of a recording period are automatically truncated. If the switch is moved to CUSTOM mode whilst the time is already inside one of the recording periods, the recording will wait for the start of the next recording period, or start recording immediately if it is within a recording period.

/* Schedule recordings */

static void scheduleRecording(uint32_t currentTime, uint32_t *timeOfNextRecording, uint32_t *durationOfNextRecording, uint32_t *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting) {

    /* Check number of active state stop periods */

    uint32_t activeStartStopPeriods = MIN(configSettings->activeStartStopPeriods, MAX_START_STOP_PERIODS);

    /* No active periods */

    if (activeStartStopPeriods == 0) {

        *timeOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

        *durationOfNextRecording = 0;

        *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

        goto done;


    /* Check if recording should be limited by earliest recording time */

    if (configSettings->earliestRecordingTime > 0) {

        currentTime = MAX(currentTime, configSettings->earliestRecordingTime);


    /* Calculate the number of seconds of this day */

    time_t rawTime = currentTime;

    struct tm *time = gmtime(&rawTime);

    uint32_t currentSeconds = SECONDS_IN_HOUR * time->tm_hour + SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * time->tm_min + time->tm_sec;

    /* Check each active start stop period */

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeStartStopPeriods; i += 1) {

        startStopPeriod_t *period = configSettings->startStopPeriods + i;

        /* Calculate the start and stop time of the current period */

        uint32_t startSeconds = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * period->startMinutes;

        uint32_t stopSeconds = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * period->stopMinutes;

        uint32_t durationOfStartStopPeriod = stopSeconds - startSeconds;

        /* Calculate the start time of this start stop period */

        *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = configSettings->enableTimeSettingFromGPS ? currentTime + startSeconds - currentSeconds - GPS_MAX_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD : UINT32_MAX;

        /* Check if the start stop period has not yet started */

        if (currentSeconds <= startSeconds) {

            *timeOfNextRecording = currentTime + startSeconds - currentSeconds;

            if (configSettings->disableSleepRecordCycle) {

                *durationOfNextRecording = durationOfStartStopPeriod;

            } else {

                *durationOfNextRecording = MIN(configSettings->recordDuration, durationOfStartStopPeriod);


            goto done;


        /* Check if currently inside a start stop period */

        if (currentSeconds < stopSeconds) {

            /* Handle case with no sleep record cycle */

            uint32_t secondsFromStartOfPeriod = currentSeconds - startSeconds;

            if (configSettings->disableSleepRecordCycle) {

                *timeOfNextRecording = currentTime;

                *durationOfNextRecording = durationOfStartStopPeriod - secondsFromStartOfPeriod;;

                goto done;


            /* Check if recording should start immediately */

            uint32_t durationOfCycle = configSettings->recordDuration + configSettings->sleepDuration;

            uint32_t partialCycle = secondsFromStartOfPeriod % durationOfCycle;

            if (partialCycle < configSettings->recordDuration) {

                *timeOfNextRecording = currentTime;

                *durationOfNextRecording = MIN(configSettings->recordDuration - partialCycle, durationOfStartStopPeriod - secondsFromStartOfPeriod);

                goto done;


            /* Wait for next cycle to begin */

            secondsFromStartOfPeriod += durationOfCycle - partialCycle;

            if (secondsFromStartOfPeriod < durationOfStartStopPeriod) {

                *timeOfNextRecording = currentTime + durationOfCycle - partialCycle;

                *durationOfNextRecording = MIN(configSettings->recordDuration, durationOfStartStopPeriod - secondsFromStartOfPeriod);

                goto done;




    /* Calculate time until first period tomorrow */

    startStopPeriod_t *firstPeriod = configSettings->startStopPeriods;

    uint32_t startSeconds = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * firstPeriod->startMinutes;

    uint32_t stopSeconds = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * firstPeriod->stopMinutes;

    uint32_t durationOfStartStopPeriod = stopSeconds - startSeconds;

    *timeOfNextRecording = currentTime + (SECONDS_IN_DAY - currentSeconds) + startSeconds;

    if (configSettings->disableSleepRecordCycle) {

        *durationOfNextRecording = durationOfStartStopPeriod;

    } else {

        *durationOfNextRecording = MIN(configSettings->recordDuration, durationOfStartStopPeriod);


    *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = configSettings->enableTimeSettingFromGPS ? *timeOfNextRecording - GPS_MAX_TIME_SETTING_PERIOD : UINT32_MAX;


    /* Check if recording should be limited by last recording time */

    if (configSettings->latestRecordingTime > 0) {

        if (*timeOfNextRecording >= configSettings->latestRecordingTime) {

            *timeOfNextRecording = UINT32_MAX;

            *durationOfNextRecording = 0;

            *timeOfNextGPSTimeSetting = UINT32_MAX;

        } else {

            int64_t excessTime = (int64_t)*timeOfNextRecording + (int64_t)*durationOfNextRecording - (int64_t)configSettings->latestRecordingTime;

            if (excessTime > 0) {

                *durationOfNextRecording -= excessTime;





When the switch position is moved into the USB position, the application flashes the red LED to indicate the current battery state. There are two conventions depending on the battery type. In both cases, if the battery voltage is too low for normal operation the red LED will flash ten times in quick succession.

/* Flash LED according to battery life */

static void flashLedToIndicateBatteryLife(void) {

    uint32_t numberOfFlashes = LOW_BATTERY_LED_FLASHES;

    uint32_t supplyVoltage = AudioMoth_getSupplyVoltage();

    if (configSettings->batteryLevelDisplayType == NIMH_LIPO_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) {

        /* Set number of flashes according to battery voltage */

        AM_extendedBatteryState_t batteryState = AudioMoth_getExtendedBatteryState(supplyVoltage);

        if (batteryState > AM_EXT_BAT_4V3) {

            numberOfFlashes = 1;

        } else if (batteryState > AM_EXT_BAT_3V5) {

            numberOfFlashes = AM_EXT_BAT_4V4 - batteryState;


    } else {

        /* Set number of flashes according to battery state */

        AM_batteryState_t batteryState = AudioMoth_getBatteryState(supplyVoltage);

        if (batteryState > AM_BATTERY_LOW) {

            numberOfFlashes = (batteryState >= AM_BATTERY_4V6) ? 4 : (batteryState >= AM_BATTERY_4V4) ? 3 : (batteryState >= AM_BATTERY_4V0) ? 2 : 1;



    /* Flash LED */

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfFlashes; i += 1) {


        if (numberOfFlashes == LOW_BATTERY_LED_FLASHES) {


        } else {




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