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Installing and running the project

You need to have git + Node version >= 5.0 and NPM >= 3 on your system
How to install git
How to install node
Installing Node.js via package manager (better)

When you have all the prerequirement

Checkout the project from and run these in the command line:

cd open-budget
npm install # Will take a while
npm start

if you want to see what's under the hood take a look at the package.json

Build for production

npm run build

Will build the app for production, the output will be in open-budget/dist.

About the build system

The build system we're using is webpack. The less is also compiled via webpack, with single entry point at the main.js. (coffee/js modules dose not have thier own style dependencies declarations), and extracted using ExtractTextPlugin

JS codebase

Our js code is ES6, transpiled using babel 6, es2015 preset. We are following airbnb javascript style, enforced by eslint. to lint the code use: npm run lint We strive to convert all the coffeescript code into ES6
