Examples for using OpenCompare API and services
1- Define the file that you want to load.
2- Create a loader that can handle the file format. In our example, we use the KMFJSONLoader which supports the internal representation of OpenCompare.
3- Load the file. A loader returns a list of PCM containers as a file may contain multiple PCMs. A PCM container encapsulates a PCM and its associated metadata (e.g. position of the products and features, source of the information, author of the PCM).
4- Iterate over the PCM containers to get the loaded PCMs
File pcmFile = new File("pcms/example.pcm");
PCMLoader loader = new KMFJSONLoader();
List<PCMContainer> pcmContainers = loader.load(pcmFile);
for (PCMContainer pcmContainer : pcmContainers) {
PCM pcm = pcmContainer.getPcm();
// Browse the cells of the PCM
for (Product product : pcm.getProducts()) {
for (Feature feature : pcm.getConcreteFeatures()) {
// Find the cell corresponding to the current feature and product
Cell cell = product.findCell(feature);
// Get information contained in the cell
String content = cell.getContent();
String rawContent = cell.getRawContent();
Value interpretation = cell.getInterpretation();
// Print the content of the cell
System.out.println("(" + product.getName() + ", " + feature.getName() + ") = " + content);
See src/test/java/org.opencompare/VisitorTest.java
If we want to export or serialize the PCM to a specific format, we can use a PCMExporter. In this example, we export our PCM to a CSV file.
CSVExporter csvExporter = new CSVExporter();
String csv = csvExporter.export(pcmContainer);
If we want to import a PCM from a CSV file, we can use a CSVLoader.
CSVLoader csvL = new CSVLoader(
new PCMFactoryImpl(),
new CellContentInterpreter(new PCMFactoryImpl()));
List<PCMContainer> pcms = csvL.load(new File("pcms/pokemon.csv"));