Python wrapper for Transport Canberra's GTFS-R Lightrail feed
Info here.
Unlike act-nxtbus-api, you won't need an API key to access any of the Lightrail data.
Clone repository:
git clone
Enter cloned repository:
cd act-lightrail-api
Install poetry
pip3 install poetry
Update/install Python dependencies:
poetry update
To get a brief overview at the functions of the wrapper, run
poetry run python3
Begin by importing the API:
import api
You'll need to tell the API where to find the data. Transport Canberra uses a GTFS-R specification behind a ProtocolBuffer feed to serve the data. If you don't know what that means, don't stress, that's what this API is for.
This is the feed URL:
Simply copy it into a script like this:
lightrail_feed = api.download_feed('')
now contains all the data for vehicles and stop IDs (not the actual stops) in a JSON-like format. You can refer to different chunks of the data by just navigating it like a standard Python object.
is the actual block of data, some of these are for vehicles and others are for stops.
for entity in lightrail_feed.entity:
if(entity.HasField('vehicle')): # Check if this block of data contains information about a lightrail vehicle.
Prints something similar to this for each vehicle:
id: "102778725"
vehicle {
trip {
trip_id: "811"
schedule_relationship: SCHEDULED
position {
latitude: -35.22311
longitude: 149.14407
bearing: 193.02516
odometer: 136838673.0
speed: 2.5472221
current_stop_sequence: 9
current_status: IN_TRANSIT_TO
timestamp: 1619416710
congestion_level: RUNNING_SMOOTHLY
stop_id: "8111"
vehicle {
id: "1"
label: "LRV1"
license_plate: "LRV1"
occupancy_status: EMPTY
Then, you can access each value like a Python object, in this case we'll get the vehicle's location:
for entity in lightrail_feed.entity:
vehicle_position = entity.vehicle.position
print(vehicle_position.latitude, vehicle_position.longitude)
The above script would print the latitude and longitude of every active lightrail vehicle in Canberra, like this:
-35.235497 149.14442
-35.25031661987305 149.13377380371094
-35.18691635131836 149.1432647705078
-35.26974868774414 149.13059997558594
You can then use that GPS data with other applications, like Google Maps: