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1377 lines (1016 loc) · 43.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1377 lines (1016 loc) · 43.2 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
changeDocumentStatus PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id}/status Document status change
createDocument POST /public/v1/documents Create document
createDocumentLink POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/session Create a Document Link
createLinkedObject POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects Create Linked Object
deleteDocument DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id} Delete document by id
deleteLinkedObject DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects/{linked_object_id} Delete Linked Object
detailsDocument GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/details Document details
documentMoveToFolder POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/move-to-folder/{folder_id} Document move to folder
downloadDocument GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/download Document download
downloadProtectedDocument GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/download-protected Download document protected
listDocuments GET /public/v1/documents List documents
listLinkedObjects GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects List Linked Objects
sendDocument POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/send Send Document
statusDocument GET /public/v1/documents/{id} Document status
transferAllDocumentsOwnership PATCH /public/v1/documents/ownership Transfer all documents ownership
transferDocumentOwnership PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id}/ownership Update document ownership
updateDocument PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id} Update Document only in the draft status


void changeDocumentStatus(documentStatusChangeRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiChangeDocumentStatusRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // DocumentStatusChangeRequest
  documentStatusChangeRequest: {
    status: 12,
    note: "A private note",
    notifyRecipients: true,

apiInstance.changeDocumentStatus(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentStatusChangeRequest DocumentStatusChangeRequest
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


DocumentCreateResponse createDocument(documentCreateRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiCreateDocumentRequest = {
  // DocumentCreateRequest | Use a PandaDoc template or an existing PDF to create a document. See the creation request examples [by template](/schemas/DocumentCreateByTemplateRequest) and [by pdf](/schemas/DocumentCreateByPdfRequest) 
  documentCreateRequest: {
    name: "API Sample Document from PandaDoc Template",
    detectTitleVariables: true,
    templateUuid: "hryJY9mqYZHjQCYQuSjRQg",
    folderUuid: "QMDSzwabfFzTgjW4kUijqQ",
    owner: {
      "key": "key_example",
    recipients: [
        email: "[email protected]",
        phone: "+14842634627",
        deliveryMethods: {
          email: true,
          sms: false,
        firstName: "Josh",
        lastName: "Ron",
        role: "user",
        signingOrder: 1,
        redirect: {
          isEnabled: true,
          url: "",
    tokens: [
        name: "Favorite.Pet",
        value: "Panda",
    fields: {},
    metadata: {},
    tags: ["created_via_api","test_document"],
    images: [
        urls: [""],
        name: "Image 1",
    pricingTables: [
        name: "Pricing Table 1",
        dataMerge: true,
        options: {},
        sections: [
            title: "Sample Section",
            _default: true,
            multichoiceEnabled: false,
            rows: [
                options: {
                  qtyEditable: true,
                  optionalSelected: true,
                  optional: true,
                data: {},
                customFields: {},
    contentPlaceholders: [
        blockId: "Content Placeholder 1",
        contentLibraryItems: [
            id: "hryJY9mqYZHjQCYQuSjRQg",
            pricingTables: [
                name: "Pricing Table 1",
                dataMerge: true,
                options: {},
                sections: [
                    title: "Sample Section",
                    _default: true,
                    multichoiceEnabled: false,
                    rows: [
                        options: {
                          qtyEditable: true,
                          optionalSelected: true,
                          optional: true,
                        data: {},
                        customFields: {},
            fields: {},
            recipients: [
                email: "[email protected]",
                phone: "+14842634627",
                deliveryMethods: {
                  email: true,
                  sms: false,
                firstName: "Josh",
                lastName: "Ron",
                role: "user",
                signingOrder: 1,
                redirect: {
                  isEnabled: true,
                  url: "",
    url: "",
    parseFormFields: true,
  // string | Set this parameter as `ev1` if you want to create a document from PDF with Classic Editor when both editors are enabled for the workspace. (optional)
  editorVer: "ev2",

apiInstance.createDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentCreateRequest DocumentCreateRequest Use a PandaDoc template or an existing PDF to create a document. See the creation request examples by template and by pdf
editorVer [string] Set this parameter as `ev1` if you want to create a document from PDF with Classic Editor when both editors are enabled for the workspace. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 OK -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
429 Too Many Requests -

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DocumentCreateLinkResponse createDocumentLink(documentCreateLinkRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiCreateDocumentLinkRequest = {
  // string | Document ID
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",
  // DocumentCreateLinkRequest
  documentCreateLinkRequest: {
    recipient: "[email protected]",
    lifetime: 900,

apiInstance.createDocumentLink(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentCreateLinkRequest DocumentCreateLinkRequest
id [string] Document ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 OK -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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LinkedObjectCreateResponse createLinkedObject(linkedObjectCreateRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiCreateLinkedObjectRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",
  // LinkedObjectCreateRequest
  linkedObjectCreateRequest: {
    provider: "pipedrive",
    entityType: "deal",
    entityId: "9372",

apiInstance.createLinkedObject(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
linkedObjectCreateRequest LinkedObjectCreateRequest
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


void deleteDocument()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDeleteDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Document ID
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",

apiInstance.deleteDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Document ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
404 Not found -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


void deleteLinkedObject()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDeleteLinkedObjectRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",
  // string | Specify linked object ID.
  linkedObjectId: "deb0d530-d759-4189-a422-8d2265e01b2e",

apiInstance.deleteLinkedObject(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined
linkedObjectId [string] Specify linked object ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


DocumentDetailsResponse detailsDocument()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDetailsDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Document ID
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",

apiInstance.detailsDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Document ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

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void documentMoveToFolder()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDocumentMoveToFolderRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",
  // string | Specify folder ID.
  folderId: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",

apiInstance.documentMoveToFolder(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined
folderId [string] Specify folder ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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HttpFile downloadDocument()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDownloadDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // string | HEX code (for example `#FF5733`). (optional)
  watermarkColor: "#FF5733",
  // number | Font size of the watermark. (optional)
  watermarkFontSize: 12,
  // number | In range 0.0-1.0 (optional)
  watermarkOpacity: 0.5,
  // string | Specify watermark text. (optional)
  watermarkText: "John Doe inc.",
  // boolean | Set as `true` if you want to receive a zip file with all documents in separate when document transaction contains more than 1. (optional)
  separateFiles: true,

apiInstance.downloadDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined
watermarkColor [string] HEX code (for example `#FF5733`). (optional) defaults to undefined
watermarkFontSize [number] Font size of the watermark. (optional) defaults to undefined
watermarkOpacity [number] In range 0.0-1.0 (optional) defaults to undefined
watermarkText [string] Specify watermark text. (optional) defaults to undefined
separateFiles [boolean] Set as `true` if you want to receive a zip file with all documents in separate when document transaction contains more than 1. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/pdf, application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


HttpFile downloadProtectedDocument()

Download a signed PDF of a completed document


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiDownloadProtectedDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "Mebvyy3NGsGBnY2rPLkH84",
  // boolean | Set as `true` if you want to receive a zip file with all documents in separate when document transaction contains more than 1. (optional)
  separateFiles: true,

apiInstance.downloadProtectedDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined
separateFiles [boolean] Set as `true` if you want to receive a zip file with all documents in separate when document transaction contains more than 1. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/pdf, application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


DocumentListResponse listDocuments()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiListDocumentsRequest = {
  // string | Return results where the `date_completed` field (ISO 8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional)
  completedFrom: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // string | Return results where the `date_completed` field (ISO 8601) is less than or equal to this value. (optional)
  completedTo: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // string | Returns results where 'contact_id' is present in document as recipient or approver (optional)
  contactId: "9FeAY2NB3C9qDdtQRb4tTL",
  // number | Specify how many document results to return. Default is 50 documents, maximum is 100 documents. (optional)
  count: 50,
  // string | Return results where the `date_created` field (ISO 8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional)
  createdFrom: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // string | Return results where the `date_created` field (ISO 8601) is less than this value. (optional)
  createdTo: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // boolean | Returns only the deleted documents. (optional)
  deleted: true,
  // string (optional)
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // string | The UUID of the folder where the documents are stored. (optional)
  folderUuid: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // string | Specify the form used for documents creation. This parameter can't be used with template_id. (optional)
  formId: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // string | Returns results where 'membership_id' is present in document as owner (should be member uuid) (optional)
  membershipId: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // Array<string> | Specify metadata to filter by in the format of `metadata_{metadata-key}={metadata-value}` such as `metadata_opportunity_id=2181432`. The `metadata_` prefix is always required. (optional)
  metadata: ["metadata_opportunity_id=2181432","metadata_custom_key=custom_value"],
  // string | Return results where the `date_modified` field (iso-8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional)
  modifiedFrom: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // string | Return results where the `date_modified` field (iso-8601) is less than this value. (optional)
  modifiedTo: "2021-10-27T15:22:23.132757Z",
  // DocumentOrderingFieldsEnum | Specify the order of documents to return. Use `value` (for example, `date_created`) for ASC and `-value` (for example, `-date_created`) for DESC. (optional)
  orderBy: "name",
  // number | Specify which page of the dataset to return. (optional)
  page: 1,
  // string | Search query. Filter by document reference number (this token is stored on the template level) or name. (optional)
  q: "Sample Document",
  // DocumentStatusRequestEnum | Specify the status of documents to return.   * 0: document.draft   * 1: document.sent   * 2: document.completed   * 3: document.uploaded   * 4: document.error   * 5: document.viewed   * 6: document.waiting_approval   * 7: document.approved   * 8: document.rejected   * 9: document.waiting_pay   * 10: document.paid   * 11: document.voided   * 12: document.declined   * 13: document.external_review  (optional)
  status: 12,
  // DocumentStatusRequestEnum | Specify the status of documents to return (exclude).   * 0: document.draft   * 1: document.sent   * 2: document.completed   * 3: document.uploaded   * 4: document.error   * 5: document.viewed   * 6: document.waiting_approval   * 7: document.approved   * 8: document.rejected   * 9: document.waiting_pay   * 10: document.paid   * 11: document.voided   * 12: document.declined   * 13: document.external_review  (optional)
  statusNe: 12,
  // string | Search tag. Filter by document tag. (optional)
  tag: "tag_1",
  // string | Specify the template used for documents creation. Parameter can't be used with form_id. (optional)
  templateId: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",

apiInstance.listDocuments(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
completedFrom [string] Return results where the `date_completed` field (ISO 8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
completedTo [string] Return results where the `date_completed` field (ISO 8601) is less than or equal to this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
contactId [string] Returns results where 'contact_id' is present in document as recipient or approver (optional) defaults to undefined
count [number] Specify how many document results to return. Default is 50 documents, maximum is 100 documents. (optional) defaults to undefined
createdFrom [string] Return results where the `date_created` field (ISO 8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
createdTo [string] Return results where the `date_created` field (ISO 8601) is less than this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
deleted [boolean] Returns only the deleted documents. (optional) defaults to undefined
id [string] (optional) defaults to undefined
folderUuid [string] The UUID of the folder where the documents are stored. (optional) defaults to undefined
formId [string] Specify the form used for documents creation. This parameter can't be used with template_id. (optional) defaults to undefined
membershipId [string] Returns results where 'membership_id' is present in document as owner (should be member uuid) (optional) defaults to undefined
metadata Array<string> Specify metadata to filter by in the format of `metadata_{metadata-key}={metadata-value}` such as `metadata_opportunity_id=2181432`. The `metadata_` prefix is always required. (optional) defaults to undefined
modifiedFrom [string] Return results where the `date_modified` field (iso-8601) is greater than or equal to this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
modifiedTo [string] Return results where the `date_modified` field (iso-8601) is less than this value. (optional) defaults to undefined
orderBy DocumentOrderingFieldsEnum Specify the order of documents to return. Use `value` (for example, `date_created`) for ASC and `-value` (for example, `-date_created`) for DESC. (optional) defaults to undefined
page [number] Specify which page of the dataset to return. (optional) defaults to undefined
q [string] Search query. Filter by document reference number (this token is stored on the template level) or name. (optional) defaults to undefined
status DocumentStatusRequestEnum Specify the status of documents to return. * 0: document.draft * 1: document.sent * 2: document.completed * 3: document.uploaded * 4: document.error * 5: document.viewed * 6: document.waiting_approval * 7: document.approved * 8: document.rejected * 9: document.waiting_pay * 10: document.paid * 11: document.voided * 12: document.declined * 13: document.external_review (optional) defaults to undefined
statusNe DocumentStatusRequestEnum Specify the status of documents to return (exclude). * 0: document.draft * 1: document.sent * 2: document.completed * 3: document.uploaded * 4: document.error * 5: document.viewed * 6: document.waiting_approval * 7: document.approved * 8: document.rejected * 9: document.waiting_pay * 10: document.paid * 11: document.voided * 12: document.declined * 13: document.external_review (optional) defaults to undefined
tag [string] Search tag. Filter by document tag. (optional) defaults to undefined
templateId [string] Specify the template used for documents creation. Parameter can't be used with form_id. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
429 Too Many Requests -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to README]


LinkedObjectListResponse listLinkedObjects()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiListLinkedObjectsRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",

apiInstance.listLinkedObjects(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Success response -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

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DocumentSendResponse sendDocument(documentSendRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiSendDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Document ID
  id: "ZPeAfcpzr9aiVs5vqUf6jg",
  // DocumentSendRequest
  documentSendRequest: {
    message: "Hello! This document was sent from the PandaDoc API",
    subject: "Please check this test API document from PandaDoc",
    silent: true,
    sender: {
      "key": "key_example",
    forwardingSettings: {
      forwardingAllowed: true,
      forwardingWithReassigningAllowed: true,
    selectedApprovers: {
      steps: [
          id: "LzWmancTxrgfTMpsJP9Eqd",
          group: {
            id: "op9MA75HygJHiV4aeVHXCH",
            type: "selectable",
            assignees: [
                user: "tpBLrk3vJoLggypMSRt92i",
                isSelected: true,

apiInstance.sendDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentSendRequest DocumentSendRequest
id [string] Document ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

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DocumentStatusResponse statusDocument()


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiStatusDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",

apiInstance.statusDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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void transferAllDocumentsOwnership(documentTransferAllOwnershipRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiTransferAllDocumentsOwnershipRequest = {
  // DocumentTransferAllOwnershipRequest
  documentTransferAllOwnershipRequest: {
    fromMembershipId: "Dqsxp4jNnFcS63tJEgLJGN",
    toMembershipId: "radQBiBkU7MBk59NSgaGfd",

apiInstance.transferAllDocumentsOwnership(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentTransferAllOwnershipRequest DocumentTransferAllOwnershipRequest

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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void transferDocumentOwnership(documentTransferOwnershipRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiTransferDocumentOwnershipRequest = {
  // string | Specify document ID.
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // DocumentTransferOwnershipRequest
  documentTransferOwnershipRequest: {
    membershipId: "radQBiBkU7MBk59NSgaGfd",

apiInstance.transferDocumentOwnership(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentTransferOwnershipRequest DocumentTransferOwnershipRequest
id [string] Specify document ID. defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
409 Conflict -
429 Too Many Requests -

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void updateDocument(documentUpdateRequest)


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.DocumentsApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.DocumentsApiUpdateDocumentRequest = {
  // string | Document ID
  id: "BhVzRcxH9Z2LgfPPGXFUBa",
  // DocumentUpdateRequest
  documentUpdateRequest: {
    name: "Contract",
    recipients: [
        id: "id_example",
        email: "[email protected]",
        phone: "+14842634627",
        firstName: "Josh",
        lastName: "Ron",
        deliveryMethods: {
          email: true,
          sms: false,
        redirect: {
          isEnabled: true,
          url: "",
    fields: {},
    tokens: [
        name: "Favorite.Pet",
        value: "Panda",
    metadata: {},
    pricingTables: [
        name: "Pricing Table 1",
        dataMerge: true,
        options: {},
        sections: [
            title: "Sample Section",
            _default: true,
            multichoiceEnabled: false,
            rows: [
                options: {
                  qtyEditable: true,
                  optionalSelected: true,
                  optional: true,
                data: {},
                customFields: {},

apiInstance.updateDocument(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
documentUpdateRequest DocumentUpdateRequest
id [string] Document ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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