Controller Script for the Novation Launchkey 61 in Bitwig Studio
You can use this script for the launchkey 49 or 61 of Novation in Bitwig.
- Same as the original script of Bitwig for the launchkey 61
- Clip Launcher has been added
- The difference with the original script of Bitwig is that the button under Master Slider of the Launchkey switches the pads in launcher mode
- You are in launcher mode as long as the light of this button is on.
In launcher mode :
- The pads above launch the clips for the selected scene or stop it
- The pads under indicate in which scene you are, you can select a scene by pressing the corresponding pad
- The track arrows allow you to switch to the next or previous 8 tracks page
- The fast forward and rewind buttons allow you to switch to the next or previous scene with respect to the arrow you can see above the buttons
- The two round buttons allow you to launch a scene and stop it (launch up, stop down)
Don't forget to switch the transport to play if you need to record in a clip