This repository hosts models which get called by the clustering servers. The RandomForest models output the similarity score between a pair of docs (to interpret the score as 0.0 = DIFF, 1.0 = EVENT or DUP). The newer XGBoost model classifies a pair of docs as DIFF, EVENT, or DUP, with the three probability scores adding to 1.
- v1 clustering server
- v2 clustering server
- 从线上获取 doc pair 格式为 : doc_id + \t + doc_id
- 根据需求送评标注
- 基于 MongoUtils 构造 File_Fields, 格式为 : doc_id + \t + doc_id + \t + jstr + \t + jstr
- 基于 ARFFUtils + File_Fields 构造 File.arff 注: 如需新增特征或查看特征计算详情, 见 FeatureUtils, 且新增特征需保证特征数量与 arff header 保持一致.
- 基于 ModelUtils + File.arff 训练模型