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GTK-UI is a library for creating an easy interfaces in C language using low level GTK library.

Table of contents



Just grab gtkui.h and gtkui.c files and put them in your project. Include in the following way:

#include "gtkui.h"

And compile with:

gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` main.c gtkui.c `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0`

Build from sources

  1. Clone this repo
  2. run make
  3. run sudo make install

Include in the following way:

#include <gtkui.h>

And compile with:

gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtkui` main.c `pkg-config --libs gtkui`

Install .deb (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian etc.)

Grab newest release from here

Include in the following way:

#include <gtkui.h>

And compile with:

gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtkui` main.c `pkg-config --libs gtkui`


Hello world

The first step of learning how GTK-UI works is to create a Hello World program. As you can see it looks pretty much similar to the vanilla GTK version.

#include <gtkui.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
    // Here is our GTK-UI function
    UIPrint("Hello World");

Keep in mind that GTK-UI works in synergy with GTK and is IS NOT supposed to replace the usage of GTK library.

  • Creating a window

UI window = UICreateWindow("Title", (WindowConfig) {
    .width = 1020,      // Width of the window
    .height = 720,      // Height of the window
    .center = true,     // Shall the window be centered?
    .resizable = true,  // Shall the window be resizable?
    .border = 10,       // Border size of the window
    .exit = true        // Shall the program end on exit?

You do not have to show the window - it's set to be visible by default - the same thing applies to all components made by GTK-UI

Convenient macro for creating window:

UI window = UIWindow("Title", .width = 1020, .height = 720, .exit = true);
  • Creating a label

UI label = UICreateLabel("Some text here");
UIAppend(window, label);
// Optionally we can also use
UIRemove(window, label);
// We can show and hide elements as well
// Set and get text of a label
UISetLabelText(label, "New text");
char* text = UIGetLabelText(label);
  • Creating a button

UI button = UICreateButton("Click me!");
UIAppend(window, button);
  • Creating a box

UI boxh = UICreateVBox(true); // Horizontal box with homogeneous attribute
UI boxv = UICreateHBox(false); // Vertical box without homogeneous attribute
// Set spacing of a box
UISetBoxSpacing(boxh, 10);
  • Creating a stack

    • Without switcher:
    UI stack = UICreateStack();
    UI label1 = UICreateLabel("item one");
    UI label2 = UICreateLabel("item one");
    UIStackAdd(stack, label1, "first");
    UIStackAdd(stack, label2, "second");
    UIStackVisibleName(stack, "second");
    • With switcher:
    UI stack = UICreateStack();
    UI switcher = UICreateStackSwitcher(stack);
    UI label1 = UICreateLabel("item one");
    UI label2 = UICreateLabel("item one");
    UIStackAddTitled(stack, label1, "first", "First tab");
    UIStackAddTitled(stack, label2, "second", "Second tab");
  • Creating an image

UI img = UICreateImage("path/to/image.png");

You can also load up image file and then reuse it's data for later usage. This way you can reuse the image much faster and use less resources.

GdkPixbuf* imgData = UILoadImageData("path/to/image.png");
UI img = UILoadImage(imgData);
UIAppend(window, img);

UISetImageLoaded(img, imgData);
UISetImage(img, "some_file.png");
  • Creating a grid

UI grid = UICreateGrid(true); // Homogeneous?
UIAppend(window, grid);
// You can set spacing of the grid
UISetGridColumnSpacing(grid, 15);
UISetGridRowSpacing(grid, 10);
// Let's add an image to our grid
UIAttach(grid, img, 0, 0, 1, 1);
// Numerical values indicate x, y, width, height
  • Creating an entry

UI entry = UICreateEntry("placeholder");
UIAppend(window, entry);
// Setting and getting values
UISetEntryValue(entry, "some value");
const char* value = UIGetEntryValue(entry);
// You can also quickly check the 
// length in characters of the values
unsigned length = UIEntryLength(entry);
  • Creating a slider

UI slider = UICreateSlider(1, 10, 1); // min, max, step
UIAppend(window, slider);
// Setting and getting values
UISetSliderValue(entry, 7);
double value = UIGetSliderValue(entry);
  • Creating a scroll view

UI scroll = UICreateScrollView(false, true); // scrollx, scrolly
UIAppend(window, scroll);

Scroll view is a widget that can take up to one element at a time. It is recommended to use a box or grid in order to store all the elements in the view.

  • Creating an event box

void onclick() {

UI image = UICreateImage("image.png");
UI eventBox = UICreateEventBox(image);
UIEvent(eventBox, "button-press-event", onclick, NULL);

You can create an event box to wrap elements that do not support all events. This way you can handle all signals that pass through GtkWigdet or in other words... any UI element.

  • Attaching event callbacks

UI window = UICreateWindow("Title", options);
UIEvent(window, "destroyed", qtk_main_quit, NULL);
  • Load CSS

    • From file

    • From string

          ".box {"
          "background: red;"
  • Set CSS ID

    UISetID(widget, "container");
  • Manipulate with CSS class names

    UIAddClass(widget, "btn");
    bool has = UIHasClass(widget, "btn");
    UIRemoveClass(widget, "btn");
  • Message box

    UIWarning("Are you sure?");
    UIPrint("Debug information");