This is the account for all the Phaser Editor 2D projects.
These are some of the most important public repositories:
- PhaserEditor2D-v3: contains the code of the IDE (the client side). This is the biggest piece of the editor.
- PhaserEditor2D-v3-allInOne: contains the code for the All-in-One edition of Phaser Editor 2D.
- PhaserEditor2D-v3-docs: the source files and images of the Phaser Editor 2D Help.
- phasereditor2d-launcher: the code of the NPM package for launching Phaser Editor 2D Core.
- helpcenter-phaser3: contains the code of the Unofficial Phaser Help Center. It is a powerful tool for browsing the Phaser code and examples.
- PhaserEditor2D-marketplace: a site about the Phaser & Phaser Editor 2D community. For listing project templates, examples, plugins, libraries, blogs, books.
- phasereditor2d-roundedRectangle-plugin A Phaser Editor 2D plugin for supporting the RoundedRectangle game object.
These projects are an essential part of Phaser Editor 2D but are only available to our enterprise customers:
- PhaserEditor2D-v3-core: contains the code of the Core server.
- PhaserEditor2D-v3-build-products: the scripts for building the final products.
Other important resources are the Phaser Editor 2D Starter projects:
The starter resources are projects you can use for starting a new project, or starting learning Phaser Editor 2D.
The basic templates for starting a new project:
- starter-template-basic-javascript: the simplest project template.
- starter-template-basic-typescript: a simple TypeScript-based project template.
- starter-template-webpack: a WebpackJS project template. The one I recommend for starting a large or professional project.
- starter-template-capacitorjs: a template for building native wrappers for your games, with the CapacitorJS framework.
- starter-template-customfonts: a project template with a custom web font loader. The custom fonts are loaded into the editor with an editor's plugin.
- starter-template-spine a project template with Spine animations.
Some basic game examples you can see for learning Phaser Editor 2D features:
- starter-example-sunny-land: an example of using Tiled tilemaps and Arcade physics.
- starter-example-volcano: an example of a platformer game.
- starter-example-a-day-in-the-beach: an example of a point-and-click game.
- flappy-chicken-scripts-demo: an example of a a flappy chicken, full of script-nodes.
We provide a few of script libraries for performing basic tasks:
- scripts-core: the basic scripts, included in every project.
- scripts-arcade: physics actions and events.
- scripts-audio: scripts for playback audio.
- scripts-simple-animations: a couple of "tween" effects for game objects.
- scripts-timer: scripts for executing delayed actions.
- scripts-random: scripts for generating random values.
A huge part of Phaser Editor 2D is open source. However, it is a commercial product, and it requires a license for using it at its full potential:
Contact me by:
- Creating an issue in any of the projects in this account.
- Chatting me in the Phaser Editor 2D Discord server.
- Writing me an email to
[email protected]
Also, you can follow @PhaserEditor2D
on Twitter and Facebook.
Oh! And the Phaser Editor 2D YouTube channel!
By the way, I'm Arian Fornaris. Hi!