This plugin is no longer actively developed.
All improvements were merged to
Nagios/Icinga script to check pfsense devices
It's a combination of two pre-existing script:
which I improved with parts of
-H Hostname to query - (required)
-C SNMP read community (default=public)
-t Specify the check (required)
cpu - Checks the cpu usage
disk - Checks the cpu usage
diskusage [-d disnbr] - Checks the cpu usage
load - Checks the cpu usage
memory - Checks the cpu usage
procs - Checks the cpu usage
states - Checks the cpu usage
users - Checks the cpu usage
-w Warning threshold
Default depends of query
-c Critical threshold
Default depends of query
-h Usage help
Check Memory/Swap Usage
./ -H -C public -t memory -w 80,30 -c 90,50
OK Memory usage: 63% - Total: 7.973M, used: 4.1022M, free: 2.974M
Check CPU Usage
./ -H -C public -t cpu
OK 3% cpu used - 50/75
Check Load Average
./ -H -C public -t load -w 2 -c 4
OK load = 0.15, 0.41, 0.86