This is a modified ORB_SLAM2 (from, thanks for Raul's great work!) with a online point cloud map module running in RGB-D mode. You can visualize your point cloud map during the SLAM process.
Unzip the file you will find two directories. First compile the modified g2o:
cd g2o_with_orbslam2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Following the instructions from the original g2o library: [] if you have dependency problems. I just add the extra vertecies and edges provided in ORB_SLAM2 into g2o.
Then compile the ORB_SLAM2. You need firstly to compile the DBoW2 in ORB_SLAM2_modified/Thirdpary, and then the Pangolin module ( Finally, build ORB_SLAM2:
cd ORB_SLAM2_modified
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To run the program you also need to download the ORB vocabulary (which is a large file so I don't upload it) in the original ORB_SLAM2 repository.
Prepare a RGBD camera or dataset, give the correct parameters and you can get a ORB SLAM with point cloud maps like the example.jpg in this repo.
please see this README