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General info

Cloud Functions for the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application.

List of Cloud Functions:

  • generateCode - generating pin codes
  • getAccessToken - exchanging pin codes for access tokens
  • uploadDiagnosisKeys - uploading temporary exposure keys
  • clearExpiredData - clearing expired pin codes and hashed access tokens
  • faqParser - parsing the government FAQ page
  • advicesParser - parsing the government advices page
  • hospitalsParser - parsing the government hospitals page
  • backupTranslations - backup translation's files
  • sendUploadedKeysOpenCensusMetricSubscriber - sending OpenCensus metric after uploading keys to GENS


Copy the configuration class:
cp functions/src/config.example.ts functions/src/config.ts
Configure The Google Secret Manager:

You have to configure the Google Secret Manager of your project with a new object and put there filled json:

  "apiToken": "",
  "secret": "",
  "allowedIPs": [],
  "exposureServerConfig": {}
  • apiToken is the token which has to be included in the header of the generateCode requests
  • secret is the JWT secret
  • allowedIps is the array of (health authority) ips which allow access to the generateCode requests
  • exposureServerConfig Auth configuration to the Exposure Notification Reference Server
Bucket preparation

The bucket is public CDN which is used to keep public STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe assets. You can use below rules configuration to make sure that only cloud functions will be able to write there:

rules_version = '2';
service {
  // Anyone can read from the bucket.
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read;
  // Only CF can write to the bucket.
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow write: if false;
Set values of your config.ts file:
    secretManagerPath: "/path/to/your/secret/object/versions/latest",
    exposureEndpoint: '',
    buckets: {
        cdn: 'gs://',
        archive: 'gs://somegcs'
  • secretManagerPath - path to the created secret manager object
  • exposureEndpoint - url to the "exposure" cloud run of the Exposure Notification Reference Server
  • buckets.cdn - url to your bucket
  • buckets.archive - url to your archive bucket

Cloud Functions deployment

You have to configure the Firebase CLI and run this command:

firebase deploy


Please check the changelog:

Running function locally

  • at the end on the function add execute them, for example:
const someFunction = async () => {
 // body
export default someFunction;

  • run docker container from ./docker/docker-compose.yml
  • exec with bash
  • to authorization first generate service account key at, store it in root of project, next execute export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/app/path/to/file.json"
  • execute npx ts-node /app/functions/src/functions/someFunction.ts

Running http function with firebase emulator

Generating certification's files

Please check the following:

Testing single function by deploy to Google Cloud Platform

  1. To deploy function we must enter to docker and go to app directory.
  2. It's possibility you must login. To do this you must run firebase login
  3. Last step is deploy single function by command: firebase deploy --only functions:functionName


  • Function name you can get from src/index.ts file. For example: exports.generateCode = cloudFunctions.https(generateCode); generateCode is function name.
  • You can deploy many functions at once time. You must separate function names with ,. Example: firebase deploy --only functions:functionName1,functionName2

Running tests locally

  1. set env CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG: '{"config":{"region":"europe-west1"}}', for example in the ~/.profile add CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG="{\"config\":{\"region\":\"europe-west1\"}}"; export CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG