Plugin has been removed from APM. Please feel free to copy/fork and publish your own version on APM.
Reason i think this plugin is stupid is for all the clutter on APM. All Elixir plugins have their own process and it just becomes a mess. This could so easily be consolidated into one plugin and i think someone with more time and investment in Elixir could take up the baton on this. :)
Finds source code docs for a namespaces and outputs the parsed markdown docs in a tool panel.
- Hightlight you namespace you want the docs for
- Run command (or add keymap to) 'elixir-docs:finddoc'
If you have a mix file in your project root folder the plugin loads up iex -S mix e.g. includes all your project dependencies when searching for docs. Otherwise falls back to just showing docs for Elixirs base libs.
'ctrl-alt-o': 'elixir-docs:toggle'
'ctrl-i': 'elixir-docs:finddoc'
- Does not resolve binding. E.g. you cant select a bound value and ask for docs. It needs the entire namespace.
- Recompilation
- The project needs to recompile to show latest docs this is not taken care of by this plugin.
- on todo list: Smarter namespace selection from "carret" etc.
- on todo list: Make sure it runs on Mac -x (totally not tested)
- Probably needs absolute path resolving to elixir iex commands