This is Vagrant workflow for you Ruby on Rails development
##Prerequisities: Install latest versions of Vagrant, VirtualBox, ChefDK (
Create your project folder:
Then clone this project into folder:
Create second folder called site in the same directory:
mkdir site
Clone your repository inside your site folder:
cd site && git clone
Then cd to maquinista
cd maquinista
Here open your config.yml with your prefered text editor and change change ruby_version accordingly to version in your Gemfile.
###Database setup for MySQL: In your config/database.yml change user to root and leave password empty. Also change (or add) socket: /var/run/mysql-default/mysqld.sock
###Database setup for PostgreSQL In config/database.yml change user to postgres and password to maquinista.
And then last thing is to run command:
vagrant up
This command should install and run the whole environment on Ubuntu 16.04 server. It's going to take while (easily 1 hour).
Maquinista will install all your environment and setup the database. Then you simply login to your new virtual machine with command:
vagrant ssh
Enter to your project directory under /maquinista/ and run this command:
bundle exec rails s -b
From your host computer you can access URL in your browser
and you should see the welcome screen of your Rails app.
Everytime you generate something on your new Vagrant server and you want it back, simply type vagrant rsync-back
and if you change some file in your repo and want to send it to your server type vagrant rsync