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Detailed Examples

RYFN edited this page Sep 16, 2013 · 2 revisions

Will show an edit form on click of a display element, and $.ajax data to the action of the edit form.

Invoke on a container that contains an item with class display, and a form that has class edit, or alternatively, any element with class edit containing multiple forms. display should contain elements whose data-name attributes match the name attributes of inputs in the edit form, or alternatively contain no child elements, and have the data-name attribute on itself.

edit should contain a button with class cancel.

NOTE: It will ignore hidden fields, and only works with inputs of type "text", textareas, and selects.


<div class="click-to-edit">
    <h2 class="display" data-name="Something">Something</h2>

    <form class="edit" action="/what/ever/" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="SomethingId"/>
      <input type="text" name="Something"/>

      <button type="submit">update</button>
      <button type="button" class="cancel">cancel</button>


<div class="click-to-edit">
    <div class="display">
      	<span data-name="Something">initial value</span>
      	<span data-name="SomethingElse">some other value</span>
		<span data-name="SelectField">Value 1</span>
    <form class="edit" action="/what/ever/" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="SomethingId"/>
      <input type="text" name="Something"/>
      <input type="text" name="SomethingElse"/>
	  <select name="SelectField">
		<option value=""></option>
		<option value="Value 1">Value 1</option>
		<option value="Value 2">Value 2</option>
		<option value="Value 3">Value 3</option>

      <button type="submit">update</button>
      <button type="button" class="cancel">cancel</button>

By default, select fields will be matched by value, you can change this with the matchOptionsByText option, if you want your values to be different to your displayed item.

If you provide a form with class remove inside your edit container, the element on which clickToEdit was invoked will get automatically removed upon successful post of the remove form.

<div class="click-to-edit">
    <div class="display">
      	<span data-name="Something">initial value</span>
	<div class="edit">
	    <form action="/what/ever/" method="post">
	      <input type="hidden" name="SomethingId"/>
	      <input type="text" name="Something"/>
	      <button type="submit">update</button>
	      <button type="button" class="cancel">cancel</button>
		<form class="remove" action="/remove/me/" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="SomethingId"/>
	      	<button type="submit">remove</button>

Check out the demos folder for more examples.

Optionally add a postSuccess or postFail function, which are invoked after successful or failing ajaxy call, where 'element' is the element clickToEdit was initially called on.

myPostSuccess = function(element, data){};
myPostFail = function(element, jqXHR, text, errThrown){};

You can also provide a "confirm remove" function, which should return true or false, and is called when a button of type submit is clicked in a form with class remove.

myConfirmRemove = function(element){ return true | false };

The plugin will also add a title attribute to your display element. Configure it with the displayTitle option:

displayTitle = 'Click here to edit'

If the string is empty, it will notbe applied.

Finally, you can change the behaviour of select items. By default, if you have a select item as an edit field, it will attempt to match by value. If you want to change this so it matches on the select item option's text instead, set matchOptionsByText=true.


This works well with .Net MVC4 helper classes, and unobtrusive validation, for example, given a Model containing a list of arbitrary items...

@foreach (var item in Model)
    <li class="click-to-edit">
        <div class="display" data-name="Description">@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Description)</div>
            @using (@Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Item", FormMethod.Post, new { @class="edit" }))
                @Html.Hidden("ItemId", item.ItemId)
                @Html.TextBox("Description", "");
                <button type="submit">save</button>
				<button type="button" class="cancel">cancel</button>

This will work in conjunction with client-side MVC4 unobtrusive form validation.

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