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Radoslav Georgiev edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 8 revisions

Quick start

Explore the basic principles of Ultimate Fields and familiarize yourself with the core concepts.

Go all the way from zero to hero: Install Ultimate Fields, create your first container, associate it with a location and add fields to it.

Ultimate Fields can be installed both as a regular plugin through your dashboard and as a Composer package.

Learn all about the administration interface (UI) of Ultimate FIelds, which allows you to create fields and containers without having code them.

If you prefer not to use the administration interface for creating fields and containers, the PHP API allows you to code them in an even more flexible way.

Containers have various settings like their titles, descriptions layouts and more. Explore both their meaning through the UI and their usage through PHP.


Locations allow you to display fields in various locations throughout and outside the WordPress administration area.

This chapter explains how locations work and the available options and methods for each of them.

Learn how to create locations, add them to containers and manipulate them, as well as the internal mechanics behind locations.

Associate fields with Posts, Pages and all Custom Post Types in WordPress through the Post Type location

Options Pages allow you to add pages to your administration area for global website settings.

Add fields to your categories, tags and custom taxonomies

Add fields to comments - they are even filterable by status!

Now you can add additional fields to user profiles and even show those fields in the registration form.

Associate a container with one or more of your widgets for additional settings. Works even in the Customzer!

Add UI to your shorcodes: this location turns containers into custom shortcodes, available through the media popup.

Bring your menus back to life with colorful navigations, icons and even make them Mega Menus with custom content.

All uploaded files in WordPress (including images) are called attachments and now you can add custom fields to them.

The Customizer is one of the highlights of WordPress in the last years and Ultimate Fields brings it to the next level.


Fields are the core of Ultimate Fields and in this chapter you will learn how to create them, the available types and how to use them.


Ultimate Fields comes with a lot of features, which are common across various locations or globally available.

Learn how to add fields to the customizer for options, post types, taxonomies and users! The new version of Ultimate Fields makes it a piece of cake.

Using conditional logic allows you to show and hide fields based on the values of other fields in the same context. It even works with fields on different levels!

You can get your fields and containers out of the limits of the administration area with front-end forms.

By using a couple of functions, you can display the same fields that you already have in the back-end in the front-end and allow users to edit content without needing to have access to the back-end.

Do you need to add columns to the listing of a post type, taxonomy or users? The Administration Columns feature lets you do it quickly and easily.

Importing and exporting containers allows you to back them up, migrate them between different servers or move them to your PHP files.

The REST API lets WordPress act as a REST server. With Ultimate Fields you can add additional fields to the API with just a few clicks/arguments.

The JSON Synchronization feature allows Ultimate Fields to cache your containers as JSON files in your theme in order to make them portable and speed your website up.

Ultimate Fields plays nicely with the WordPress SEO plugin in order to include custom content in the SEO score.

Ultimate Post Types

Ultimate Post Types lets you create custom post types and custom taxonomies from the dashboard without wiriting a line of code.

Read about the nature of Ultimate Post Types and what it does.

Learn how to create a new custom post type with UPT.

Learn how to create a new custom taxonomy with UPT.

Post types and taxonomies can be exported and imported, just like containers.

Functions and API


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