This notebook aims to predict attrition of IBM employees using machine learning classification models.
This project aims to help predict the attrition before it happens to help the companies take early actions.
Data was first published by IBM but currently found in Kaggle through:
Feature |
Age |
Attrition |
BusinessTravel |
DailyRate |
Department |
DistanceFromHome |
Education |
EducationField |
EmployeeCount |
EmployeeNumber |
EnvironmentSatisfaction |
Gender |
HourlyRate |
JobInvolvement |
JobLevel |
JobRole |
JobSatisfaction |
MaritalStatus |
MonthlyIncome |
MonthlyRate |
NumCompaniesWorked |
Over18 |
OverTime |
PercentSalaryHike |
PerformanceRating |
RelationshipSatisfaction |
StandardHours |
StockOptionLevel |
TotalWorkingYears |
TrainingTimesLastYear |
WorkLifeBalance |
YearsAtCompany |
YearsInCurrentRole |
YearsSinceLastPromotion |
YearsWithCurrManager |