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Site Spoofing Configuration File

Chris King edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 1 revision

FiercePhish Wiki

Below is the template for FiercePhish's website spoofing package. The package should be a ZIP file containing all the folders and files you would like to host. In addition to the files you want to host, include the following yaml-format file in the root directory of the ZIP file:

Filename: package.fiercephish


name: PackageName                            # (string) PACKAGE NAME
author: PackageAuthor                        # (string) AUTHOR NAME
email: [email protected]                      # (string) AUTHOR EMAIL
url:         # (string) PACKAGE URL
entry: first.txt                             # (filename) ENTRY FILE TO START AT

    notify: false                            # (true/false) Default all files to notify you of access?

    first.txt: true                          # (filename): (true/false)  Set notify for this specific file
    second.txt: false                        # (filename): (true/false)  Set notify for this specific file
    folder/third.txt: true                   # (filename): (true/false)  Set notify for this specific file

    folder/third.txt: uid                    # (filename): (tracker variable)  Allow a "tracker variable" to track the user
    second.txt: uid                          # (filename): (tracker variable)  Allow a "tracker variable" to track the user

    first.txt: newname.txt                   # (zip filename): (hosted filename)  Change the name of the hosted file from the zip file contents