A simple external Minecraft logger.
Its main functionality is to store the following actions of a player with his current position:
- mineBlock.*
- useItem.*
- killEntity.*
- deaths
- leaveGame
- chestOpened
- trappedChestTriggered
- hopperInspected
- dropperInspected
- dispenserInspected
- furnaceInteraction
- brewingstandInteraction
npm install
- Create config.json
- Create DB structure (using db.sql)
- Make an Apache alias for the ui directory
- start.bat
"worldPath": "C:/Minecraft Server/world",
"database": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "root",
"pass": "",
"db": "blockhound"
- More filter options in the UI
- Improve UI design
- Stats are updated only every 45 seconds (approximately)