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DayZ Reality Private Server

This is a private server project for DayZ which would not be possible without the work of Rocket, Guru Abdul and ayan4m1.
NOTE: No support is implied or offered for pirated copies of ArmA 2.

Users Migrating from Bliss

Users migrating from Bliss to Reality using an existing database will need to run the following against the database. --host --user CHANGEME --pass CHANGEME --name chernarus --port 3306 --schema RealityMigrate --version 0.01



IMPORTANT: When you see the following names in bold, substitute in the appropriate path as described.

  • ArmA2 - this is the root directory of your ArmA 2 installation.
  • Repository - this is the directory you have extracted (or cloned) these private server files to.
  • Config - this is a directory called dayz_<id>.<world> created during deployment. Replace <id> with the instance ID and <world> with the world you specified when running


NOTE: The importance of following each of these steps correctly and in order cannot be understated.

  1. Run setup_perl.bat. If you are prompted to provide a schema path, press enter to continue. If you are prompted Yes/No to run tests, type "n" and press Enter.

  2. Run perl --world <world> --instance <id> in Repository, replacing <world> with a valid world name and <id> with an integer representing the instance ID. If you only run one server, you may omit the --instance parameter from the command. If --world is omitted, the default is Chernarus. Use perl --list to get a list of available worlds and optional packages and run perl --help for additional information on how to use

  3. Copy all files from Repository\deploy into ArmA2\

  4. For this step, you will need to use one of several MySQL administrative utilities to execute some SQL queries. These utilities include the MySQL Command Line Interface (which is bundled with the MySQL Server install for Windows) and various free and commercial GUI utilities. We recommend HeidiSQL if you want a graphical interface ( Once you have connected to your database as the root user (you set the password for this user when you installed MySQL Server), execute the following SQL queries (be sure to change the password in the second query from CHANGEME):

     create database dayz;
     create user 'dayz'@'localhost' identified by 'CHANGEME';
     grant all privileges on dayz.* to 'dayz'@'localhost';
  5. Run perl --password CHANGEME from the Repository directory. Replace CHANGEME with the password you chose in the previous step. Use the --help flag to get more information on how to set the hostname, username, or database name to suit your needs.

  6. Ensure that the database information in Config\HiveExt.ini match the database details you used in the previous step.

  7. If you would like to customize the server time, change the pertinent options in Config\HiveExt.ini.

  8. Adjust server name/passwords as desired in Config\config_deadbeef.cfg, where deadbeef is some random value generated specifically for your installation.

  9. If you would like to customize the starting loadout, it is highly recommended that you use the Reality Inventory manager located here You may also run perl loadout <inventory> <backpack>, replacing <inventory> with a valid inventory string and <backpack> with a valid backpack string. Some examples:

10. Ensure the required client mods are present in **ArmA2**\\. Refer to the following table for specific information based on your desired world.
WorldWorld Name (Database)Mod FoldersVersionURL
Lingor Islandlingor@dayzlingor1.2ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZLingor-1.2.rar
Lingor Island (
Takistantakistan@dayztakistan1.6ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZTakistan-1.6.rar
Pantherapanthera2@dayzpanthera1.7ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZPanthera-1.7.rar
Fallujahfallujah@dayzfallujah1.4ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZFallujah-1.4.rar
Zargabadzargabad@dayzzargabad1.4ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZZargabad-1.4.rar
Namalsk Islandnamalsk@dayz;@dayz_namalsk0.60ftp://dayzcommander:[email protected]/DayZNamalsk-0.60.rar
11. If you are using a world other than Chernarus, run `perl setworld `, where `` is the name of the world you specified when running ``. 12. Run **ArmA2**\\Restarter.exe to start the server.

Adding/Removing Instances

To add an instance run the db_utility with the following commands

This will add an instance for chernarus to the dayz database. It looks at the last instance number and increments it by one.

  • perl addworld chernarus --host --user changeme --pass changeme --name dayz --port 3306

This will delete an instance number that you specify from the database, it will also delete all relevant data from the instance_vehicle, instance_deployable and instance_building. perl deleteinstance 3 --host --user changeme --pass changeme --name tavi --port 3306


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: If you are migrating from ANY previous version of Reality you will lose vehicles during the upgrade to schema 0.27.

Depending on what has changed since you deployed your server, you may need to perform one or more steps to do a clean upgrade to the latest code. Look for the following in the commit log (specifically, the files that were changed) when you update to the latest version of the repository:

If you see that SQL files or have changed, then you must run (with appropriate options, run it with --help for more information) to upgrade your database to the latest version. If SQF files (game script) has changed, then you must run and copy the **Repository**\\deploy\\@reality_<id>.<world>\\ directory into ArmA2\ (where <id> and <world> are the values you specified when running If configuration files and BattlEye anti-cheat files have changed in Repository\deploy\, you will need to backup and overwrite your existing versions of these files. Take care to change any default server names, passwords or similar back to their customized values after copying the new versions into your ArmA2 directory. If you receive an error like Cannot locate in @INC when running a Perl script after an upgrade, run setup_perl.bat and then try the Perl script again.

These are the areas you will need to inspect to ensure a smooth upgrade. If database and code changes were not made at the same time and you do not read the history thoroughly, you may miss important changes and skip vital steps. It will save you frustration in the long run if you rebuild and redeploy, run and check for any new or changed files in Repository\deploy\ whenever you would like to update.


Run perl --help to get help information on how to invoke the vehicle spawn script correctly. You will need to run the vehicle script and point it to your database to get vehicles to spawn in-game. The script can be run periodically - it will not delete all vehicles every time it runs. It will clean up user-deployed objects (wire fence, tents, tank traps, etc) in the same way that official DayZ does. If you run with the --cleanup bounds argument, it will also check for out-of-bounds objects and delete them.

NOTE: Vehicles added/updated via database manipulation are only available after a server restart.

Optional Features

When running, you may specify additional options to merge in optional features. To get a list of optional features, run perl --list.

To install new optional features, use the script. Run perl install <package-name>, replacing <package-name> with the name of a package.

A list of Reality-supported packages follows.

carepkgs--with-carepkgsDrops care packages with various loot types across the map (similar to heli crash sites)
killmsgs--with-killmsgsShows in-game messages when one player kills another (not needed for Lingor). Custom BE filters must be used (Download Pending)
messaging--with-messagingReplacement for the old scheduler feature, see Messaging/Scheduler below
buildings--with-buildingsAllow spawning of database-defined structures/buildings on the map, see Buildings
wrecks--with-wrecksSpawns various lootable vehicle wrecks across the map on server start
invcust--with-invcustAllows you to grant custom spawn loadouts to individuals or group, see Custom Inventory

Multiple Instances

You can run multiple server instances connected to the same database to provide a private cluster of servers all using the same character information.

  1. Run perl --world WORLD --instance ID from the Repository directory, replacing WORLD with a valid world name and ID with a valid instance ID (the default is 1, so 2 would be sensible for a second instance).
  2. Copy all new directories and files from Repository\deploy\ to ArmA2\.
  3. Edit Config\HiveExt.ini and set the database / time zone parameters appropriately.
  4. Insert a row into the instance table that has the instance ID you used previously and the correct world_id and starting loadout.
  5. Stop and start Restarter.exe for your new instance to start up.

Care must be taken to ensure that all paths and options have been set correctly. With this system you can run as many instances as your server can support simultaneously.

Messaging / Scheduler

You may optionally enable an in-game announcement system for Reality. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Run perl --schema RealityMessaging --version 0.01. Be sure to include any parameters needed for your specific database passwords / configuration.
  2. When building Reality, you must add --with-messaging to your arguments, for example perl --with-messaging.
  3. Use perl --help to learn how to use the messages command to manage your messages without any direct database interaction.

NOTE: Messages added/updated via database manipulation are only available after a server restart.


You may optionally enable a system that reads structure information from the database and spawns a set of static structures on the map on each server start. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Run perl --schema RealityBuildings --version 0.01. Be sure to include any parameters needed for your specific database passwords / configuration.
  2. When building Reality, you must add --with-buildings to your arguments, for example perl --with-buildings.
  3. You must manually insert any building class names you wish to use into the building table and then insert the spawn coordinates / associated building IDs into the instance_building table.

NOTE: Buildings added/updated via database manipulation are only available after a server restart.

Custom Inventory

You may optionally enable a system that allows you to define custom spawn loadouts for individuals and/or group. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Run perl --schema RealityInvCust --version 0.02. Be sure to include any parameters needed for your specific database passwords / configuration.
  2. When building Reality, you must add --with-invcust to your arguments, for example perl --with-invcust.

There are two tables which you must insert values into to use this feature. The cust_loadout table defines unique sets of inventory/backpack to give the player(s) on spawn. The cust_loadout_profile table then ties these cust_loadout rows to player profile IDs. You can associate multiple profile IDs to a single loadout with this relationship.


Here are the most common customization requests with instructions.

Request: I would like to change the available chat channels.
Solution: When running, add the --channels <channel> option, where <channel> is a comma-separated list of chat channel numbers, which will be DISABLED. Refer to for a mapping of channel names to numbers.

Request: I would like to alter difficulty options (3rd-person, crosshairs, name tags, etc).
Solution: Edit Config\Users\Reality\Reality.ArmA2OAProfile. An explanation of the options is available at You must restart the server for these changes to take effect.

Gotchas / Known Bugs

Character data can become desynchronized if the player was connected within several minutes of server shutdown. A heavily loaded server will continue processing backlogged player syncs for some time even after all players have been disconnected. We strongly recommend that you wait 5 minutes after all players have disconnected before shutting down a public server.

Any bug present in the official client or server will probably also exist in this solution. Please do not report these as issues on GitHub.

Common Issues

Problem: You get errors referring to libmysql_.dll or see errors indicating a missing DBD/ or DBD::mysql when running or
Solution: Use Strawberry Perl instead of ActivePerl. If that does not resolve the issue, try running cpan DBD::mysql in a command prompt or adding your Perl bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

Problem: You get an error like Cannot locate in @INC when running a Perl script.
Solution: Run setup_perl.bat and try to execute the Perl script again.

Problem: "Error Connecting to Service" / Stuck at Loading / Errors in arma2oaserver.rpt
Solution: Look in Config\hiveext.log for MySQL connection errors (Google these to find troubleshooting steps). If you do not have a Config\hiveext.log file, right-click on HiveExt.dll in @Reality (@RealityLingor for Lingor servers) and select Properties. If you see an Unblock button, click it and hit OK. Ensure you have a valid MySQL user created, have run successfully, have set all options correctly in Config\HiveExt.ini and that you can run the following when logged in to MySQL:

select * from survivor;

Problem: Server crashes when the first player connects
Solution: Ensure that you have HiveEXT.dll in your ArmA2\@reality_<instance>.<world> directory and that you have a valid and well-formed Config\HiveExt.ini. Also ensure that you have tried both localhost and as the hostname if you run MySQL on the same server as Reality.

Problem: Server not listed on GameSpy in-game server list or third-party server lists
Solution: Ensure the game ports (default 2302 - 2305 UDP) are forwarded properly and that the GameSpy master server is up and running.

Problem: "Bad CD Key" messages
Solution: Buy the game.

Thanks To

Each of these packages is a part of Reality and makes what we do possible.

GnuWin32 (wget)
Strawberry Perl


Please use our Teamspeak 3 server for support. You may also post a request in the forums here

Teamspeak server:


Reality DayZ - replaced Bliss for DayZ servers







No releases published


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  • SQF 49.2%
  • Perl 48.2%
  • Shell 2.6%