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Let's play ground with Go



var foo int // declaration without initialization
var foo int = 42 // declaration with initialization
var foo, bar int = 42, 1302 // declare and init multiple vars at once
var foo = 42 // type omitted, will be inferred
foo := 42 // shorthand, only in func bodies, omit var keyword, type is always implicit
const constant = "This is a constant"


// a simple function
func functionName() {}

// function with parameters (again, types go after identifiers)
func functionName(param1 string, param2 int) {}

// multiple parameters of the same type
func functionName(param1, param2 int) {}

// return type declaration
func functionName() int {
     return 42

// Can return multiple values at once
func returnMulti() (int, string) {
     return 42, "foobar"
var x, str = returnMulti()

// Return multiple named results simply by return
func returnMulti2() (n int, s string) {
     n = 42
     s = "foobar"
     // n and s will be returned
var x, str = returnMulti2()

Functions As Values And Closures

func main() {
     // assign a function to a name
     add := func(a, b int) int {
          return a + b
     // use the name to call the function
     fmt.Println(add(3, 4))

// Closures: Functions can access values that were in scope when defining the
// function

// adder returns an anonymous function with a closure containing the variable sum
func adder() func(int) int {
     sum := 0
     return func(x int) int {
          sum += x // sum is declared outside, but still visible
          return sum


// There's only `for`, no `while`, no `until`
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {

for ; i < 10; { // while - loop

for i < 10 { // you can omit semicolons if there is only a condition

for { // you can omit the condition ~ while (true)


// for 에서처럼 if 에서 := 를 사용하는것은 y에 먼저 값을 대입하고,
// 그리고 y > x를 검사한다는 의미.
if y := expensiveComputation(); y > x {
     x = y

defer, panic, recover

func CopyFile(dstName, srcName string) (written int64, err error) {
     src, err := os.Open(srcName)
     if err != nil {
     defer src.Close()

     dst, err := os.Create(dstName)
     if err != nil {
     defer dst.Close()

     return io.Copy(dst, src)
  1. A deferred function's arguments are evaluated when the defer statement is evaluated.
  2. Deferred function calls are executed in Last In First Out order after_the surrounding function returns.
  3. Deferred functions may read and assign to the returning function's named return values.


Go doesn’t support inheritance. Instead, it has embedding. You can embed an existing data type into a struct type. The struct type then inherits (ha!) all the methods of the embedded type.

type Foo int

func (f *Foo) Bla() {
     fmt.Println("called Bla()")

type Bar struct {

func (b *Bar) Whoop() {
     fmt.Println("called Whoop()")

더 볼것

  • struct, empty struct, interface, inheritance
  • defer, panic, recover. excetpion 핸들링은 ???
  • concurrency. go routine은 뭐야
  • channel. another smalltalk ?

good parts

if _, err := strconv.Atoi("non-int"); err != nil {

이것도 알아야 할까?

to be continued


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