- Customisable controls
- New touch control layout options
- Option to change size of touch buttons
- Smaller default touch button size
- Portuguese translation
- Improved Mario sprites
- Improved menu sprites
- Improved FLUDD sprites
- Improved terrain sprites
- Improved HUD sprites
- Improved cheep cheep sprites
- Improved coin sprites
- Lots of new SFX
- Visible fuse timer for bob-ombs
- Underwater terrain no longer has grass
- Death smoke puffs for some enemies
- Options to mute music and SFX from the pause menu
- Exit menu is now functional
- Probably other untracked features
- Fixed feedback menu not working
- Fixed various issues with buttons not responding on mobile
- Fixed various issues with paratroopas
- Fixed getting stuck in the backflip animation
- Fixed FLUDD meter flickering between rooms
- Fixed koopas walking off cliffs
- Fixed Mario's feet hitbox covering his whole body
- Fixed the HUD getting offset in the pause menu on certain versions
- Fixed the FLUDD sprite getting misaligned while reading signs
- Fixed getting stuck in the sign animation
- Fixed the game not always muting properly
- Fixed sounds replaying when entering water
- Many other untracked fixes