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Note: this is a heavily modified fork, the original can be found here


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Android-only WheelPicker (based on and DatePicker components that mimic their standard iOS counterparts (PickerIOS and DatePickerIOS, correspondingly).

DatePicker interface is mostly compatible with DatePickerIOS.


yarn add @delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android

Auto linking

Note: Doesn't work with RN v0.55, not tested with v0.56

react-native link @delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android

Manual linking

Open android/settings.gradle and add the following two lines right above include ':app':

include ':react-native-wheel-picker-android'
project(':react-native-wheel-picker-android').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android/android')

Open android/app/build.gradle and add the following line to dependencies section:

compile project(':react-native-wheel-picker-android')

Open android/app/java/com/{your package name}/ and add the following line right below package com.{your package name}

import com.delightfulstudio.wheelpicker.WheelPickerPackage;

In the same file find method getPackages() and add new WheelPickerPackage() at the end of the returned array, like this:

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new MainReactPackage(),
          new WheelPickerPackage() // << add this line


import { WheelPicker, DatePicker } from '@delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android'
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

const wheelPickerData = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday','Saturday'];
const now = new Date()

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        alignItems: 'center',
    wheelPicker: {
        width: 200,
        height: 150

export default class MyPickers extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={ styles.container }>
                    onItemSelected={ this.onItemSelected }
                    data={ wheelPickerData }
                    style={ styles.wheelPicker }/>
                    date={ now }
                    onDateChange={ this.onDateSelected }/>
                    date={ now }
                    onDateChange={ this.onTimeSelected }/>

    onItemSelected = event => {
        // do something

    onDateSelected = date => {
        // do something

    onTimeSelected = date =>{
        // do something

To check out working example:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install root packages: yarn or npm install
  3. Install example packages: in the example folder, do yarn or npm install
  4. Start metro server: in the example folder, do yarn start or npm start
  5. Compile/start Android app: in the example folder, do yarn run-android or npm run-android

Wheel Picker

import { WheelPicker } from '@delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android'

    render() {
        const arr = [1,2,3];
        return (
            onItemSelected={ event => {/* do something */} }
            style={{width:300, height: 300}}/>


Prop Default Type Description
onItemSelected null func Callback when user select item {data: 'itemData', position: 'itemPosition'}
data default string array array Data array (string or number type)
isCurved false bool Make Wheel Picker curved
isCyclic false bool Make Wheel Picker cyclic
isAtmospheric false bool Design Wheel Picker's items
selectedItemTextColor grey string Wheel Picker's selected Item Text Color
itemSpace 20 number Wheel Picker's items spacing
visibleItemCount 7 number Wheel Picker's items max visible count
renderIndicator false bool Show Wheel Picker indicator
indicatorColor transparent string Indicator color
indicatorSize 5 number Indicator stroke size
isCurtain false bool Wheel Picker curtain
curtainColor transparent string Wheel Picker curtain color
itemTextColor grey string Wheel Picker's items color
itemTextSize 20 number Wheel Picker's items text size
itemTextFontFamily null string Wheel Picker's items text font name
itemTextAlign 'center' enum('left', 'center', 'right') Wheel Picker's items text alignment
selectedItemPosition null number Select current item position
backgroundColor transparent string Wheel Picker background color
allowFontScaling false bool Font scaling based on Pixel Ratio


An array of options. This should be provided with an array of strings or array of numbers.


Callback with event in the form event = { data: 1, position: 0 }

Date Picker

import { DatePicker } from '@delightfulstudio/react-native-wheel-picker-android'

    render() {
        const now = new Date();
        return (
                date={ now }
                onDateChange={ this.onDateSelected }/>

    onDateSelected = date => {
        // do something


Prop Required Default Type DatePickerIOS Description
date [ ] now Date [x] The currently selected date
onDateChange [x] null func [x] Date change handler
minimumDate [ ] maximumDate - 1 year or date Date [x] Minimum date - restricts the range of possible date/time values
maximumDate [ ] minimumDate + 1 year Date [x] Maximum date - restricts the range of possible date/time values
minuteInterval [ ] 1 enum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30) [x] The interval at which minutes can be selected
mode* [ ] 'date' enum('date', 'time', 'datetime') [x] The date picker mode
locale** [ ] Locale ID [x] The locale for the date picker
style*** [ ] null obj [x] The control container style
styles**** [ ] { picker, date, hours, minutes, gap, AM } [ ] The control part styles - allows to adjust control internal layout, each property is an object with style properties, ex: { picker: { height: 100 } }
todayTitle [ ] 'Today' string [ ] The title for today date item

* mode: 'date' doesn't support year selection, therefor it is not suitable for large range of dates, ex: birthdays.

** locale: {locale id} support is limited to 12/24 mode and names of months and days, it also requires explicit import 'moment/locale/{locale id}' somewhere in your script for any non-english locales to work properly.

*** style can be used to change background color and surrounding margin/padding

**** styles were tested only with size, padding and margin style properties, other properties may not work

Questions or suggestions?

Feel free to open an issue


iOS-like DatePicker for Andriod







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